Dominate the world

Chapter 1111 Level 7

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the long sword with one hand, and immediately felt a great force to break free.

He snorted softly, poured all his strength into his arms, and held the struggling long sword with both hands at the same time.He was furious in his heart, this sneak attack was really insidious, if he hadn't already formed the inner universe, and his soul perception was amazing, even if he didn't die, he must have been seriously injured.

A cosmic-level spiritual power emerged from the long sword, and quickly turned into an arrogant face, and then a force roared out: "Get out!"

The power is extremely powerful, directly hitting the soul, and it seems to have a natural sense of suppression.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a muffled snort. As far as the degree of concentration of the soul is concerned, he is only a planetary grade after all. Even with various super-mysterious exercises, the soul follows the exercises, and kung fu is the pinnacle of a planetary grade. The degree of conciseness is the pinnacle of the planetary level.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai is different. With all kinds of opportunities, he has a strong soul. Compared with ordinary star-level monks, he is much more solid and complete, but compared with the real universe-level monks, he is still much worse.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and the connection between his soul and body was shaken by the soul attack just now.

"Get out!" Jiang Xiaobai also responded.

He exerted strength with his hands and his body, Tai Chi Yuanpan automatically sensed his anger, and a wave of emotional strength rushed forward.

There was a rattling sound, and the long sword was pinched with slight lines, and it struggled harder, but Jiang Xiaobai had enough ideas to destroy the sword.

Liwei stood on his head, so be prepared to be slapped in the face.

Finally, with a bang, the long sword shattered, exploded into pieces, and dropped to the ground one after another.

Not far away, an old man spat out a mouthful of blood and staggered back a few steps. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with hatred: "My natal sword!"

Jiang Xiaobai finally landed on the ground at this time, he looked at everyone, and everyone looked at him even more.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai noticed that all five of them were attacked, and the other four were more or less embarrassed and injured, and he was the only one who retaliated against the sneak attackers.

There is a valley in front of you, and many people have gathered.There are gorgeously dressed Zongmen Tianjiao, and there are also plain and alternative indigenous practitioners.Two groups of people surrounded the group in the middle, who was obviously a cultivator from the Outland.

But in the middle of the cheating practitioners, there is a black hole, no light can be seen, but the horror inside can be felt.

Jiang Xiaobai saw several cosmic masters among the besieged crowd, and among the trapped outlander practitioners, there was a man with bright eyes and bright teeth, and a dignified battle suit, who was Dragon Eagle Wushuang.

At this time, Zeng Yin and Fang Huai finally jumped down, flew to the Tianjiao side of the sect, and quickly introduced the five of them.

"Oh, you're Jiang Xiaobai, you're really weird." A middle-aged woman spoke out, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with suspicion.She was still wondering how this kid, who was only at the pinnacle of the planetary level, could have broken the universe-level natal weapon.

It turned out that this person was the famous Jiang Xiaobai. It was rumored that Jiang Xiaobai was an extraordinary talent. He was also a master of the three masters of weapon refining, alchemy, and formation. He was able to do extraordinary things.

"Boy, pay me for my sword." A little old man yelled angrily. He had gray hair and a Taoist robe. He looked to be in his fifties, and his triangular eyes were full of hatred.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "If you want me to pay you back for your sword, then you have to see how much you weigh?"

"You..." The little old man was so angry that Jiang Xiaobai crushed his sword with his bare hands. He thought he was no match for Jiang Xiaobai, so how dare he come forward.

"Hmph, you are here for these people, believe it or not, we forced them to enter the eighth floor, and they will never come back." The little old man threatened.

Fairy Xingyuan coughed lightly and said, "Jiang Xiaobai, don't be impulsive."

She was well prepared, but either Pan Jin or Jiang Xiaobai along the way was making her own decisions and keeping her hands tied.Now, four of the five of them are injured, and they are completely exposed. The opponent has a large number of people, and there are more than ten universe-level masters. How to fight?

She is now afraid that Jiang Xiaobai will be hot-blooded and start fighting with these cosmic-level monsters, so what will they do then?

How remorseful she was in her heart, she would have known that she would not have come earlier, and it would be nice to wait for the people from the sect to come, so she wouldn't be so passive now.

"Fairy Lao is worried, I know what to do." Jiang Xiaobai replied casually.

He looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, I should have told you before that we are here to cooperate, not to kill each other..."

"Hmph, don't think that you can rely on knowing something. The world is changing, and you are the real enemy." A universe-level master shouted, his words were full of disdain.

On the other side, some natives also shouted: "That's right, the boy wants to sow discord, hmph, is the hair all grown?"

Hahahaha, this foul language immediately made many people laugh out loud.

"Jiang Daoyou, don't be impulsive." Huang Jin couldn't help but also comforted him. There were only five of them. Even if they had the strength to fight against a universe-level master, how could they fight with more than a dozen universe-level experts?Courting death!

He intentionally leaned towards Fairy Xingyuan, and Pan Jin and Shi Ye also gradually approached, ready to get out of the way at any time.

There is nothing you can do, you should save your own life first, and fight with others for a little arrogance, isn't that courting death!

Jiang Xiaobai's expression didn't change at all, he looked around the crowd, and suddenly chuckled: "That's right, no one really cares if you don't show a little bit of strength. How about this, come out at will and be undefeated within ten moves, I will leave immediately .”

"What an arrogant kid."

"Dare to look down on us, I really think Outland is great."


Immediately, curses rang out one after another, and the masters at the universe level were completely enraged.

Huang Jin and the others were stunned. What kind of rhythm is this?They admit that Jiang Xiaobai is powerful, but he can't be so powerful, right?

"Hmph, I'm coming!" A middle-aged man with a rough face came out from among the natives.

He roared, without saying a word of etiquette, he took a big stride, rushed to Jiang Xiaobai, and grabbed him with one paw.His palms were already a little black, but at this moment it was even darker, and clumps of hair grew rapidly, as if he had transformed into a werewolf in an instant.

His five-finger nails grew sharply, became thicker, and hardened. One claw cut through the space and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

Dazzling golden light shone from Jiang Xiaobai's palm. The golden light made everyone close their eyes involuntarily. Only some cosmic masters could see clearly what happened.

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