Jiang Xiaobai hit the native's claw with his fist, with a bang, the golden light shone, and then there was a click, and the claw broke.

The aboriginal exclaimed, and hurriedly backed away, Jiang Xiaobai took advantage of the situation and threw his fists at the aborigines indiscriminately.

Bang, bang, bang, bang bang, finally the latter spouted blood and flew back upside down.

Someone counted them, and the last move happened to be Jiang Xiaobai's tenth hit.

Everyone was horrified and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief. Although this native was average in strength, he was also a universe-level master. He was defeated within ten moves?

"Substitution." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

After a short period of silence, a man in gorgeous clothes flew up: "Okay, I, Chen Hai, will show you how powerful Daoyou Jiang is."

"Still ten moves." Jiang Xiaobai called out bluntly.

Chen Hai's face turned dark, someone from below had already called out, it should be Chen Hai's junior.

"Shut up." Chen Hai yelled, lest Jiang Xiaobai would poison the younger generation of the sect.

His apprentice is at the pinnacle of the star rank, and he can be regarded as a generation of masters, but in the eyes of everyone, the latter is just a junior.

A star-level junior, a planetary-level senior?

It sounds a bit weird, but everyone still believes it in their hearts.

The apprentice went away, but he couldn't help but feel chills in his chest. Just now Jiang Xiaobai gave him a sideways glance. He felt as if he was being targeted by a murderer, and his spirit trembled involuntarily.

"Look at the trick." Fearing that Jiang Xiaobai would be unforgiving of his disciple, Chen Hai took the lead.

Jiang Xiaobai took out the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar, and mercilessly combined the swords, punishing the saints, and beheading the immortals, and blasted out two consecutive moves.

Just feeling a little bit of aura, Chen Hai hastily tried his best, not daring to hold back the slightest bit, he felt the killing intent.

With two loud clangs, Chen Hai retreated in embarrassment, and fell to the ground directly under the force of the sword.Then he staggered back several steps, and only then did he dissipate the remaining power of the sword and sword.

He was short of breath, his chest was rising and falling, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with fear in his eyes.

"Yes, your basic skills are very solid." Jiang Xiaobai commented, he raised the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar again, and the two magic soldiers drew a curved line together, and came to kill again.


This move, because of the state, he has not fully controlled, but he has already comprehended 99% of the essence. When the sword is released, everyone feels that the world is silent for no reason, and their lives slow down.

It's just a pair of swords that seem to be slashing towards Chen Hai who is on the ground slowly and quickly.

Before the sword could attack, the aura was overwhelming, suppressing Chen Hai's body in unison.For a moment, only despair and fear remained in Chen Hai's heart, and he suddenly found that he couldn't find any way to save himself.

At this moment, a long sword next to him stabbed obliquely, stirring up the scene in front of him.

There was a light ding, which suddenly destroyed the balance of this move. It was only for a moment, but it was enough for a master to fight.Chen Hai hastily retreated and drew his sword, and held on to this move with all his strength, then blew up his long sword, retreated hastily, and finally escaped the supreme killing intent of this move.

A cross of swords appeared on the ground, spreading far away.

And at the top of the intersection, Chen Hai stood in shock. He had already overestimated the power of this move, and was almost swept into the killing by the sword.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly. After all, this is the ending of not fully grasping the mystery of this trick. Otherwise, if outsiders want to break it, it will be too late.

Here, Jiang Xiaobai was sighing, and the others were all stunned, reminiscing about the sword just now.

They took the initiative to take Chen Hai's position one by one, and then their faces were pale and cold sweat flowed out. They thought to themselves, if it was them, the probability would be the same as Chen Hai, and if no one rescued them, they would surely die.

Chen Hai finally regained his composure, and he thanked the middle-aged woman in palace costume who rescued him.

"Thank you Elder Ciyin."

The woman in the palace costume glanced at the long sword in her hand, but saw that the tip of the sword was slightly bent and had lost its previous sharpness.The aura of the whole long sword was a bit lighter, obviously the sword just now was far less relaxed and simple than what everyone saw.

"Senior is good at swordsmanship." Jiang Xiaobai sighed in admiration. Although there was still a flaw in the move just now, but to the extent that he can bless the sword, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can catch.

Fairy Ciyin's comprehension of swordsmanship is obviously extremely strong.

"Young Master Jiang, you really have extraordinary talent, but you are too hostile." Ci Yin shook her head slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly: "Arrogance? Believe me, the hostility in me is far worse than that in you. The hostility in your body has already been rooted in your soul, but you can't help yourself. Just know."

"For example, with such a huge reserve of vitality, rich products, and various species of creatures on this planet, your cultivation is getting lower and lower, and the difficulty of breaking through is getting more and more difficult. Especially when you enter the universe level, there is a bottleneck. However, after narrowly dying to achieve the Cosmic Rank, he found that the future was hopeless, and it was as difficult as ascending to the sky if he wanted to advance to the first rank."

"Hehe, haven't you thought about why?"

All the people present, whether they were sect disciples or native practitioners, were startled, and some people showed panic on their faces.

Jiang Xiaobai was completely right, pointing to the core.

"You, know what?" an old man at the peak of the star rank asked.

He is already very old, and he is said to be of the same generation as the few people at the universe level.But he was trapped in the bottleneck, and he was trapped for hundreds of years. Now that he is getting old, he gave up the retreat, just wanting to rush into these strange forbidden places and seek a chance.

If you are not successful, you will be benevolent.

"Of course I know!" Jiang Xiaobai said with certainty, "That's why I said to cooperate with you, but it's a pity that you don't want to listen."

"That's right, you have met senior Shangyu of the Misty Heavenly Sect. Senior is a master of Liberation Level, he should know what's going on." Finally, someone explained in a self-righteous manner without being slow to react.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't argue, he didn't care what these people thought.

"You told us, and we let them go." An old man shouted, he waved a ball of light, as if to blast Longying Wushuang and others into the eighth floor.

Back then, they discovered this secret place and penetrated all the way down to the eighth floor.

As a result, those masters have not been heard from since then, and it was not until a long time later that one of them ran out.But they are already useless, and they are just warned that they cannot enter the eighth floor.

You know, that person is a high-level senior at the universe level, and among those who have fallen into the eighth level, many of them are even great masters at the liberation level.

After that battle, both the Zongmen faction and the natives were severely injured, and Remnant Starfall became the second most dangerous place after the terrifying forbidden place.

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