Dominate the world

Chapter 1113 Betrayal

"Are you threatening me?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, so what if I threaten you?" An old woman said with a sinister smile, "Boy, don't you think I can't see who your purpose is? You have looked at everyone, but you have never looked at this girl seriously."

"However, this girl has been looking at you all the time, and she is very worried, hehe, you came here to save her, what a pair of golden boy and jade girl!"

The old woman's voice was dry and harsh, and combined with her actions at this time, it made people feel disgusted.

"Grandma Heitu, isn't it a little too much to threaten people?" Ci Yin frowned.

"Hmph, no one present is that kid's opponent. What if I don't do this? Are you going to fight together? Don't forget that he collected the refining stone pages and is very proficient in formations? Although the old lady is old, her eyes But you are not blind, boy, did you play with the formation just now?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect his deception to be seen through by the old woman.

Indeed, his talent is extraordinary, and it is far from being able to suppress and kill the universe level at will.In the fight just now, he did use the formation. He drew power from the black hole and formed a suppression formation. These people fighting him here will naturally reduce their strength by [-]%.

This is the reason why he dared to put his teeth down and was undefeated within ten moves.

"The old man is amazing, but you still underestimated my accomplishments in formation." Jiang Xiaobai said, his body disappeared in place.

The old woman yelled badly, and mercilessly chopped out the ball of light in her hand, blasting towards Longying Wushuang.

The Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon on Longying Wushuang's body was shining brightly, automatically forming a film of light to block the old woman's attack.But they themselves are already standing on the edge of the black hole, and resisting the suction of the black hole has exhausted most of their strength, and they are only temporarily controlling a balance.

Now that the balance was broken, they couldn't resist any longer and passively fell towards the eighth floor.

Jiang Xiaobai's body reappeared, already in front of Longying Wushuang, he grabbed Longying Wushuang and flung it away with all his strength.

But it didn't shake all of a sudden, Longying Wushuang's transmission sounded: "The matter is of great importance, everyone needs to be saved."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai responded, and his whole body suddenly grew bigger, then four arms grew out from behind, and two heads grew out, turning into a three-headed and six-armed appearance.

"Monster!" Many people shouted.

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and now his strength increased dramatically, and the 15 trapped people flew up and fell towards Fairy Xingyuan.

Fairy Xingyuan and the other four quickly stepped forward to meet them, and with the help of the crowd, they stood in front of them.

These few times the rabbit's ups and downs were just a moment of shock, and Jiang Xiaobai had already pulled everyone to the back.

"Shoot him down." The old woman reacted very quickly, waving her hand was an attack, and she did not forget to inform others.

The others were not slow to react. Jiang Xiaobai is now at the stage where his old power is exhausted and new power is not born, and he is still standing on the edge of the black hole, just in time to knock him down to the eighth floor.

Jiang Xiaobai hastily withdrew the dharma image, he was a bit reluctant just now, after all, his realm was at the pinnacle of the planetary level, there was a lack of coordination between the movement of vitality and the integration of the physical body, and the vitality could not keep up.

The old woman's poisonous eyes stared out.

The gossip disk flew out quickly, spinning in mid-air to protect his body, blocking everyone's attacks.

But after all, he was outnumbered, even with the protection of the treasure, Jiang Xiaobai's body continued to slide into the black hole.

"Save him quickly." Long Ying Wushuang shouted, she tried her best to break through the encirclement line of Fairy Xingyuan and was about to go to rescue Jiang Xiaobai.

"Fairy Xingyuan, now is the best time for us to retreat." Huang Jin said suddenly.

Xing Yuan was startled: "What did you say?"

"You understand what I'm saying? Sacrifice one and save everyone. Anyone would make such a choice." Huang Jin said seriously.

Shi Ye nodded and said: "That's right, the scholar's words are good, we should go. The task has been successfully completed, and only one person died. Everyone will understand."

Pan Jin snorted: "Do you still want face?"

"If you don't save me, then let me go and I'll save you." Long Ying Wushuang was furious, thinking that these people were with Jiang Xiaobai, but he didn't expect that they would sacrifice Jiang Xiaobai.

"Xingyuan, it's time to make a decision. You know how to do it alone or with a group of people." Huang Jin said.

Xingyuan couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, but saw that everyone was pushing Jiang Xiaobai down, and no one paid attention to them.As Huang Jin said, this is indeed a great opportunity.

"Go!" She gritted her teeth.

"Panjin, if you want to keep it, keep it." Shi Ye snorted.

Pan Jin scolded, "I'm not a fool, why don't I leave?"

Xingyuan launched a ship, which was obviously a trading arresting ship, the spaceship automatically sucked everyone into the spaceship, and flew away through the air.

"Xiaobai!" Longying Wushuang cried, but at this moment she was already deeply injured, unable to resist at all, and could only watch Jiang Xiaobai being attacked by hundreds of people together, gradually sinking towards the eighth floor.

Long Ying Wushuang didn't yell any more, but silently closed his mouth, his eyes were clear and he couldn't see any hatred.

She just said lightly: "The 15 of us control a piece of information together, and each of us controls part of it. Both are indispensable. You can ask them."

She worried that these four people would kill her while she was powerless to resist.

Fortunately, other people were somewhat grateful, and many people spoke out one after another, verifying Longying Wushuang's words, but no one mentioned Jiang Xiaobai again.

Huang Jin smiled and said: "Fairy, it's not that we are ruthless, but that we made the best choice in the situation at that time. I have a clear conscience, and I will say the same to the elders afterwards. "

Fairy Xingyuan sighed softly: "I'm sorry, but the situation at that time was really embarrassing. It was either you or him. We had no choice."

Longying Wushuang hummed lightly, closed his eyes and practiced.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing. Huang Jin and the others actually abandoned him. He had guessed that the four of them would plot against him, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, and the timing of the choice was so vicious.

"Everyone, work harder." The old woman screamed.

She was terrified, so many of them could hardly push Jiang Xiaobai away, her coveted eyes were fixed on the gossip plate on top of Jiang Xiaobai's head, that treasure was too powerful, it deserved to be able to purify the blood silk treasures.

But the more this happened, the more panic she became. If Jiang Xiaobai didn't die, they would surely die in the future.

"I'll be back." Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, he couldn't hold his body anymore, and fell into the depths of the black hole.

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