On the eighth floor, Jiang Xiaobai was still falling, so he didn't panic at all.

In fact, even if these people don't force him, he is also ready to enter the eighth floor to see what is so magical about this place.

But so far, I just feel that the space is so big, and I have fallen for so long, and I haven't landed yet.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was going to be forever, he finally saw the ground below, he slowed down and landed slowly.

There was a soft pop, and the dust and smoke on the ground filled the air, like a land where no one had been here for a long time.Without any calculations, without any formation mechanism, it is completely a wilderness where no one comes.

Randomly, Jiang Xiaobai chose a direction to fly.

Gradually, cooking smoke appeared ahead, but it was a remote small village.Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised. How could there be a human village here?

He approached carefully, and saw the old farmers working hard in the fields, the village women washing clothes by the river, and the children playing and catching small fish.

But these people seem to be unable to see him, as if he is just a spiritual body, or he is watching the lives of these people.

Time flies, that is 12 years, Jiang Xiaobai tried to leave countless times, but found that after arriving in this village, he could not leave at all. In desperation, he could only sink his heart and watch the changes in the village.

The men are too old to go to the fields, the village women are too old to be exposed to cold water, and the children grow up and begin to take on the burden of their fathers, becoming new farmers, working hard on the land, marrying wives, and having children.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes fell on a child named Goudan. Since childhood, this child has been different from others. He has ideals and wants to leave the village.

But time and time again, there are always various things that hinder him.His mother broke his leg, and he was reluctant to leave. His father was old and couldn't get off the ground. With his hard work, the family had more money, but his younger sister got married and was bullied...

There are always a bunch of things that involve him, making him reluctant to leave.Until one day, the kid named Goudan suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked if you were me, what should I do?

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was frightened into a cold sweat, but this child was able to see him?And always knew of his existence.

Jiang Xiaobai was silent, seeing Goudan's front body, he admired Goudan's dedication, and hoped that Goudan could control his life, but those responsibilities that involved him were helpless.

Then, Jiang Xiaobai saw that on a darker and windier night, Goudan finally left secretly.It's just that he never expected that the bandits would come the next day and burn the village to ashes.

Goudan, who was on the far road, rushed back frantically, and knelt down on the inch head. The flames burned for three days, and he knelt for three days.

After all, Goudan left without hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief, he found that he could move, like a shadow, following Goudan's steps.

Goudan changed his name to Youhui, joined a sect, and began to practice.

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked to find that he could actually see You Hui's exercise. This exercise is very simple, but very complete.Jiang Xiaobai confirmed it with his own skills, and it can be regarded as bringing forth the new through the old, and he has some insights.

With the advancement of Youhui's strength, Jiang Xiaobai was able to see more and more exercises.From warrior to master, and then king level, emperor level, emperor level, You Hui's talent is excellent, in just a few years, he has become a planetary level powerhouse.

He likes to read, and Jiang Xiaobai has seen a lot of books because of this.At first, Jiang Xiaobai was a little worried about whether there would be any problems with these books, but Tai Chi Yuanpan didn't have the slightest resistance.

And after simply practicing, Jiang Xiaobai found that these exercises were perfect and belonged to the standard original exercises.Especially when he saw a practice method in a book, he remembered it clearly, it should be the method Zhao Chong practiced.

But this exercise is more than ten times more perfect than what Zhao Chong learned!

"Am I coming to the past?"

You Huiben would still go back to the ruins of the village every year to pay homage to the villagers, and he finally found the bandit den and avenged the villagers.

But just when he regarded the sect as his home, the sect was destroyed again, and You Hui became an outcast again and continued to wander.

During this process, You Hui continued to learn and improve his strength. Jiang Xiaobai discovered that You Hui had acquired a large number of exercises, some of which were learned, some were snatched, and some were won by gambling.

And You Hui didn't care that these exercises were learned by him at all, he could clearly see what was in them, and even included the insights of some senior masters and so on.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaobai discovered the genius of Youhui, who has been practicing until the transcendental realm, and is even on the way up.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai was completely sure that this person Youhui should be the suppressed demon leader Wutian.

He saw some people, very powerful people, these people existed in the state of spirit, or they were thinking hard, maybe they were reading books, they were ecstatic for a little progress, maybe they were performing martial arts...

"Do you understand?" You Hui suddenly turned his head, looking at Jiang Xiaobai in the void.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "You deliberately showed these cheats to let them learn. These people have greed in their hearts, and they may have sunk into your calculations unknowingly, and they have turned into real souls without knowing it. .”

"Yes, you have a good eye. What surprised me even more is that you haven't indulged in these exercises from the beginning to the end. Could it be that you think the exercises I showed are not good?"

Jiang Xiaobai denied it: "Of course not, the skills you showed opened my eyes, but I don't need it."

"You don't need it? I don't think so, it's just that I haven't met one you really like." You Hui shouted, he turned his hands vigorously, and Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt his vision change, and he appeared in a huge cave.

The cave is bright, and there are rows of bookshelves, on which there are densely packed jade slips of a younger sister, and the shimmering light of wisdom shines on the jade slips.

Suddenly, there was a voice from behind, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, but saw a group of people walking in, one by one ecstatically rushing towards the bookshelf, many people saw Jiang Xiaobai, but ignored them.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw acquaintances, but they were the city lord of the eight outer cities, named Chang Hui, and Jiang Xiaobai had made a deal with him on the way, so he was considered an acquaintance.

"Little friend Jiang, are you here too?" Chang Hui greeted Jiang Xiaobai proactively when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you real?" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed in surprise.

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