Then the stars were quickly lit up one by one, and then gathered together to form a huge galaxy.

The galaxy began to function, like a perfect design, releasing vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes, and saw himself suspended in mid-air, with a half-open ball cage under his feet.There are countless other ball cages, some of which are filled with people, and some of which are still empty.

In these ball cages, Jiang Xiaobai saw some people, some familiar faces, the same people he saw in the library in the cave before.

These are just the flesh, without the soul, it looks empty, pale, lifeless.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "It's a pity."

With a movement in his heart, the inner universe started to work, and his body went straight to the sky.A terrifying force suddenly swept up, as if a five-element thug grabbed him, trying to drag them to the ground.

But with the operation of the inner universe, a force surged out from the body, easily knocking that invisible force away.Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly, and his body soared into the sky.

He directly pierced through the dark clouds in the air, layers of thunder and lightning, all the way up without any hindrance, and then saw a huge black hole.

The terrifying power from before was just waiting for him at this moment, and he jumped out easily.

Outside the black hole, there are layers of formations arranged. Jiang Xiaobai glanced at them, but they were just warning formations, without any blocking effect.

Following Jiang Xiaobai's sweep with his sword, the formation quickly shattered.

He slowly landed on the edge of the black hole, watching dozens of figures coming through the air, and then one by one, as if they had seen a ghost, they quickly left for their lives.

Jiang Xiaobai saw a familiar figure, moved his feet, and came in front of the latter.This is an old woman, the same old woman who forced him to fall into the eighth floor, Black Earth.

"Old woman, I haven't seen you for a while, remember what I told you? I'm back."

The old woman was terrified, and she explained with a mournful face: "Young master, this old woman has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and please ask your master to have a lot, I... you go to die!"

The old woman's expression changed suddenly, and she stabbed viciously at Jiang Xiaobai's lower abdomen with a sword.

At the same time, on Jiang Xiaobai's back, a big knife gleamed, a vase was revealed above his head, and a silk ribbon swept over from underneath.

"It's really easy to calculate, but you think you can stop me with this?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

He didn't even use the gossip disc, and with a wave of his arms, a red sun rose in front of him, boundless, red as blood, bright and fiery red, and a bright moon rose behind his back, silvery white all over, exuding a light blue evil charm .

The sun and the moon came out at the same time, and immediately a gossip yin-yang fish took shape, blocking everyone's attacks.

"It's not rude to come and go, you also come to taste my power." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, the light was shining, and the four people who attacked suddenly felt a wave of power roaring towards mountains and seas, which they could not resist at all .

"Rewind!" Someone yelled, but it was too late.

Like a wave hitting the four of them, the four spewed blood and flew out backwards.

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the old woman with his palm, "As for you, let's send you on your way."

He was very upset with this old guy, he swiped his sword, and the old woman's body was separated.

Jiang Xiaobai easily landed on the ground, feeling the full vitality in his body, and looked down upon the crowd.

"Let's go!" No one dared to stop them anymore, and each of them ran away quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and checked his current attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai


Planetary level (cosmic level) second-order mid-stage

Flesh: (cosmic level) second-order mid-stage


The Eighth Volume of Taoism (9%)

The eighth level of Bajiu Xuangong (9%)


Chasing the stars (540%)

Yin Yang swordsmanship (9%)

Sword Intent (100%)

Karma Knife (9%)

Ability: Artistic Conception (100%)

Self-created trick: the combination of swords and swords

The first move: Punisher (100%)

The second trick: Slaying Immortals (100%)

The third move: Zhu Shen (100%)

The fourth trick: Pingtian (100%)

Spiritual Objects of Heaven and Earth: True Yang Silkworm (mid-term)

Sure enough, the sword and sword skills have been upgraded again, and the self-created sword and sword combination has been completely comprehended, which means that the power has greatly increased.

Jiang Xiaobai no longer missed it, and flew up quickly, breaking through layer after layer, flying out of the Remnant Star Pendant, and flying towards the monks' residence in Outland.He calculated the time, and now it has been almost two months, and the monks from the three sanctuaries should have arrived.

Speeding all the way, Jiang Xiaobai used his strength wantonly.Today's star-chasing speed bonus has reached 540%, which is more than three times faster than the previous arresting flying boat.

When Jiang Xiaobai rushed up, he instantly alarmed all the monsters on the road.

A group of frightened monsters poked their heads out cautiously, looking at the rapidly receding shadow in the sky, trembling.


"Hey, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in. I heard that people from the three sanctuaries of you have caught you, and the reward must be very high."

This is a slightly remote mountain forest with high mountains, steep walls, deep valleys and muddy water.

More than 30 monsters surrounded the seven fairies, and the seven were all cosmic-level cultivation bases, and they should not be underestimated anywhere.But on Meteor Planet, masters emerge in large numbers, God knows where in some wild place, a monster jumps out randomly, it has a cosmic level of cultivation.

They are all disciples of Fengtianzong from Chengzhou Xing, and they are quite famous in the three sanctuaries.Because they are young, beautiful, talented, powerful, and have extraordinary backgrounds, the seven of them are called the Seven Fairies.

The seven are all teachers and sisters of the same sect, they have similar personalities, and they mostly act together.This time, they also heard that there are some strange fruits on a certain mountain, which can keep youth forever after eating.

So, the seven people sneaked out and headed towards this side, but they didn't sneak out for a long time before they were discovered by this group of monsters.

The latter continued to gather accomplices, gathered more than 30 universe-levels, and trapped seven people.

"Hey, their value is not low, but if they can beat Fang Ze, hahahaha..." A group of monsters laughed wildly.

The faces of the seven daughters changed greatly. If they were reduced to the vent of these monsters, they would rather die.

"Brothers, go!" The monsters screamed and were about to charge up.

"Slow down, if you dare to offend us, you will definitely die. Our reinforcements are here, senior brother, help!" Among the seven, the eldest sister suddenly felt the jade plaque on her heart move, which was a reminder that someone was passing by.

"Everyone shout together, Senior Brother, help!"

The seven women shouted together, and the sound waves rushed far away.

A golden light flashed for a while, and then rushed towards the distance quickly, but ran away without showing up.

Hahahaha, the monsters laughed wildly again.

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