"Hey, what a bastard!" The second sister among the seven fairies scolded angrily, and the other girls were also annoyed.

"Forget it, there is only one person in this family, and we will harm him if we drag him in." The eldest sister among the seven fairies said, comforting several younger sisters.

"Sister, are we going to die like this?"

"This is life!"


Jiang Xiaobai looked at the man before him with a funny face, but he didn't think the latter did anything wrong. The latter's strength was mediocre, and he really couldn't save everyone.He had noticed the movement here a few minutes ago, and he had also seen the man before him. Seeing the man's actions, he really wanted to rescue him, but he was frightened by the woman below, forced to expose him, and had to leave with hatred.

He didn't leave because of the courage of Yigao, he wanted to see what these fairies would do.

"Let's go!" shouted tenderly, and saw the oldest woman's body among the seven people flashed brightly, turned into an arrow, and rushed towards the side surrounded by monsters.

And behind her are six people hugging tightly together!

"This woman is about to blow herself up!" A cosmic-level transformed monster screamed, and quickly moved aside.

To be able to cultivate to the cosmic level, the journey is doomed to be extremely difficult. Naturally, they cherish their lives very much, and they will never do such things as blocking the explosion with their bodies.


"Come on!"

The woman's body shone brighter and was about to explode.

But in front, there are two monsters with high eyebrows, sharp eyes, and two wings on their backs blocking the front. One look at the two people can tell that they are bird monsters. They are very confident in their own speed, so they dare At the whole juncture, he was still blocked in front of the woman who blew herself up.

"Hmph, human, I want to see if you dare to blow yourself up!" shouted a transfigured monster with golden eyebrows. She had spread her wings and was ready to soar at any time.

The woman sighed softly, she did have the idea of ​​blaming these monsters, but at this moment she was helpless, the monsters cut off her way of life.

"You guys have to take care of yourself in the future." The woman cried out and closed her eyes, but her body burst into intense light.

Waves of arrogance surged towards the surroundings, and the turbulent vitality formed a vortex one by one.After all, it is at the cosmic level, its strength is tyrannical, and its self-destruction is so powerful that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a landslide and a sea dry up.

At this moment, a sword intent whizzed towards the girl's Jianjing acupoint at an extremely fast speed, almost piercing through the void.The woman exclaimed, the breath of self-explosion was immediately dispersed, and her body fell crookedly downward.

The six people who followed hurriedly rushed forward and helped the eldest sister up in their hands.

"Hahahaha, what are you pretending to do? Go to hell." The two monsters laughed wildly and pounced on them, beckoning other monsters to subdue these human monks together.

The next moment, there was a scream, and the wings behind the two bird monsters broke, and they fell to the ground in a daze.It didn't fly very high, and fell directly to the ground, causing clouds of dust and smoke.

A ray of light, like a red glow in the evening, quickly shone among the monsters.The speed was extremely fast, and the monsters were as if they were facing a formidable enemy, but in just a few moments, five universe-level monsters were still beheaded.

The seven fairies looked dumbfounded, and they finally saw who that figure was at this moment. It was a man, holding a long sword, as fast as light.

At this moment, the tyrannical monster before was hit by the man's sword again and again, and it kept groaning.

The person who came was naturally Jiang Xiaobai. He saw the woman's determination and admired it in his heart, so he made the move without hesitation.

He wanted to check his own strength, so he didn't use treasures such as the eight trigrams plate, but relied on the Tai Chi Star Sword, using Yin Yang swordsmanship to kill quickly.

"He is alone, don't be afraid, kill him!" The monsters were frightened and furious, but after reacting, they were completely angry.

Under the same realm, they have never been worthy of human beings.What's more, there are so many of them, and they are just one person, even if they have some supernatural powers in terms of speed, it is not a problem.

"This person, isn't the one who escaped before?" Xiaoqi, one of the seven girls, asked.

"Of course not, how can the previous one compare with this young master." At that moment, three people argued.

The eldest of the Seventh Girl moved her shoulders, and she was shocked to find that the pain at the Jianjing point had disappeared, and there was not even a trace of the sword intent left, it just broke her vitality and self-explosion, and did not even damage her body. skin.

She felt ashamed in her heart, this person's control over vitality was really too strong.

Among her peers, she has hardly seen such elites, and she couldn't help wondering, could it be that the seniors of Feiyanxing or Changhongxing, the two major sects on Chengzhouxing, Fengtianzong and Yantianzong, are definitely not as good as they are in front of them? Such a powerful character that she doesn't know.

"Oh, what are you still doing here? You really think you are a delicate lady who needs someone to save you. Let's do it together!"

Only then did the six girls come to their senses, and rushed up one by one, yelling: "Brother, we are here to help you."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned to show off his powerful moves. Seeing the seven people rushing forward, he simply withdrew some of his strength to help the seven people kill the monster.

The monsters are afraid of Jiang Xiaobai, but they are not afraid of these delicate fairies.But now, they found helplessly that, with Jiang Xiaobai's help, these female fairies who were previously useless but of average strength were threatening to increase.

The seven had a backbone and dared to fight the monsters. With the help of Jiang Xiaobai, the monsters killed by the seven women fled.

"Oh, victory!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the monsters left bitterly, and Seventh Girl cheered happily after she was a girl.

"Thank you, brother!" The seventh daughter, Yingying Yanyan, cried, laughing and laughing, or she was fat and thin, or she was beautiful and smart, looking like a group of young and beautiful landscapes.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help sighing secretly about the huge potential of the three sanctuary planets. The seven girls knew at a glance that they hadn't experienced much in the world of mortals and had been raised in the sect.

What kind of background is it to be able to raise a person to the universe level, and it is worthy of being one of the three holy places of practice.

"Brother, may I ask your surname Gao, are you from Feiyan Star, or Changhong Star?" asked the eldest of the Seventh Girl Middle School, and also reported her name, Zhu Tingfeng.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "I am not from the Three Great Sanctuaries. If I have time later, I might go to pay a visit. Today is just passing by, and I just draw my sword to help when I see injustice. I will see you someday."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai flew away quickly. He had already sensed that there were a large number of people flying towards this direction in the distance.He didn't want to get involved in some inexplicable troubles.

Especially the people who came here turned out to be all young heroes, and he just saved the seven fairies. Once these young heroes found out, he would be jealous.

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