Dominate the world

Chapter 1118 Provocation

Rescuing the seven people who became Zhou Xing was just a small episode, and Jiang Xiaobai also slowed down. Since he was able to meet the monks from the outer domain, it meant that he was not far from the station.

Sure enough, a day later, Jiang Xiaobai saw a huge city, built against the mountain, with a clear formation, and it was obvious from the traces that it was the scene of the past two months.

Someone had already seen Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, and a small formation of soldiers took the initiative to greet him.

These people are all at the planetary level, led by a star-level monk.

"I've seen seniors at the universe level, I dare to ask your name, I'll register later." The leader of the star class was a little disapproving at first, Jiang Xiaobai's age is too young.

On the other side of the Three Great Sanctuaries, there are quite a few young cosmic-levels, but most of them are in small groups, in groups of two or two, with one young cosmic-level, such a style of painting is very rare.

As a result, when he took a closer look, he was truly a master at the universe level, and he was also a second-order master at the universe level.

"Inner Seven Cities, Jiang Xiaobai of Tanglong City." Jiang Xiaobai didn't take it seriously, and calmly declared his name.

"Tang Longcheng, Jiang Xiaobai?" When talking about the previous city, the latter was still a little confused, but after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's name, the star-level master was shocked.

"With his own strength, Jiang Xiaobai, who trapped more than 30 universe-level masters and restrained [-] universe-level masters? Jiang Xiaobai, a genius who is also a craftsman, alchemist, and formation master?"

"Hey, don't you only have a planetary level? Aren't you dead?"

"Ah, Senior Jiang, please forgive me, this junior didn't do it on purpose, this junior was just too shocked."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "It's nothing, I was indeed dead according to the rumors, but it's a pity that the Hades dare not accept me, and I came back alive."

"Yes, yes, with senior's talent and supernatural powers, you will surely be able to survive from adversity. By the way, junior Chu Feng, I know everything about you in the exchange, senior. I am your loyal fan. It is really great that you are still alive." Alright." The star-level master flushed with excitement, and he didn't know if he was faking it or was really excited, and two tears bulged out of his eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you this set of exercises. I'll see you later." Jiang Xiaobai felt a little nauseous, and casually threw a body training exercise to Chu Feng, and walked away quickly.

Chu Feng was startled, then took the jade slip, and just briefly realized it, he was ecstatic.His physical condition is too poor, and he has been extremely distressed, otherwise he would not know that a dignified fifth-level star-level monk has accepted the task of leading a team to defend the city.

Now, I don't want to meet the legendary idol. He can see his contradiction at a glance, and even gave him a practice method, which perfectly solved his problem.

He was about to cry with joy, and quickly put the jade slip into the storage ring, glared at the envious team members and said, "What are you doing, it was given to me by the senior, please take care of it. Point, if there is a problem, let’s ask you.”

The members of the team were all annoyed and depressed, they didn't know what Chu Feng was doing.

Jiang Xiaobai entered the city, asked someone casually, and found where Long Ying Wushuang and the others were.He let go of his divine sense and sensed it, and couldn't help being slightly startled. He sensed Longying Wushuang, who was actually fighting at the moment.

Jiang Xiaobai flew over quickly and saw a huge plain where two people were confronting each other.

On the one hand, he is very familiar with them. They are Longying Wushuang, the two brothers and sisters of Longying Jinghua Jingxian and Zhang Chengwen and Zhang Mingyue. The master who looks at people through his nostrils can tell at a glance that he has an extraordinary background, and he should be someone from the three sanctuaries.

I haven't seen him for two months, but Longying Wushuang has become even clearer, but his aura is strong, and he has already broken through to the universe level. Considering the difficulty of breaking through the universe level on Meteor Star, one can imagine how much effort Longying Wushuang has put in during this time.

The strength of the other few people has not changed much, that is, they have improved by one or two levels, and they are still far from achieving the universe level.

"Longying Wushuang, my cousin proposes to you, it depends on whether you count or not, but I don't want you to be so ignorant, hum, if you really treat me as my brother, you have to marry me, why are you so arrogant?"

The one who spoke was a young girl, who looked pampered, arrogant and domineering.

Longying Wushuang looked at the girl with calm eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Liu Xiang, for your brother's sake, I don't mind your unreasonable troubles, but you have to be clear, this is not your Fengtianzong, this is the Falling God Xing, others don't need to listen to you. If you want to fight, I will accompany you, otherwise don't stop me from doing things, and I won't show mercy."

The girl Liu Xiang suddenly looked like a cat with its hair blown up. She screamed: "Are you looking at my brother's face? Huh, if I didn't look at my brother's face, I would have beaten you up You really think that now that you have a cosmic level of cultivation, you can compete with me, hmph, at the same realm, I am the second best in Feng Tianzong's strength, and no one dares to say that I am the first."

"Sister Xiang is mighty." Behind Liu Xiang, several young beauties cheered loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Long Ying Wushuang has such a temper, he directly pulled out his long sword, and slashed at him with a sword: "Fight, or get lost!"

"Presumptuous!" Liu Xiang was furious, drew his sword and beheaded him.

Ding jingling, the two women fought each other, showing all kinds of supernatural powers, which made everyone feel relaxed and happy.

Jiang Xiaobai saw it clearly, what the little girl said was quite reasonable, in terms of the purity of vitality, she was indeed better than Longying Wushuang.And for the comprehension and control of the moves, Longying Wushuang is even worse.

But her cultivation base was improved by Shangyu, a detached master of the Misty Heaven Sect after all. The degree of condensed soul and the degree of fit of the body are not comparable to that little girl.

Moreover, relying on the strength of Tianyuan Divine Soldier, the two fought for a while, and it was considered a draw.

The two girls made another attack, each backed away, Liu Xiang rolled his eyes and said, "If you fight like this, you won't be able to tell the winner for a day. How about this, let's compare the mood and see who is better?"

"Whatever!" Longying Wushuang said.

"Hmph, if you lose, just give me the Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon. If I lose the treasure on my body, you can choose whatever you want!" Liu Xiang shouted.

Longying Wushuang sneered and said, "So it's because of my Tianyuan battle suit. No wonder you blocked us five times and three times, and you even used your brother's name to talk about it. So it was because of it."

Liu Xiang blushed, and shouted unconvinced: "Do you dare?"

"My friend gave it to me, I will never gamble with it!" Longying Wushuang said.

The corner of Liu Xiang's mouth twitched, and he said contemptuously: "Isn't that Jiang Xiaobai? Hmph, I snatched the third-order star heart from my nephew back then. I thought he had some potential, but it's a pity that he is a short-lived ghost!"

"you wanna die!"

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