Dominate the world

Chapter 1119 Break Your Physical Body

Longying Wushuang was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, and the Tianyuan battle suit on his body was full of breathtaking light.

Long Ying Jingxian and Zhang Mingyue hurriedly stepped forward to stop Long Ying Wushuang, while Long Ying Jinghua and Zhang Chengwen stood in front of Long Ying Wushuang, fearing that she would kill someone in agitation.

In the garrison, it is not allowed to kill people, at least on the surface. Anyone who violates the law will be exchanged for ten enemies of the same level of cultivation, which is tantamount to seeking death.

Since Jiang Xiaobai's death, they knew that Longying Wushuang had a demon, but they understood very well, not to mention Longying Wushuang, they were all upset.Jiang Xiaobai was clearly the one who saved people, but Xingyuan and the others became heroes instead. These people abandoned Jiang Xiaobai, so to speak, betrayed Jiang Xiaobai, but they were not punished at all, and were even rewarded.

None of these people thought about avenging Jiang Xiaobai, as if Jiang Xiaobai's efforts were taken for granted.What else to say, war is doomed to sacrifice, but that can be the same!

Now, this woman actually took the initiative to mention Jiang Xiaobai, clearly to provoke Long Ying Wushuang.

"Hmph, that's all!" Liu Xiang scolded, knowing that today would be impossible.

She has successfully stimulated Longying Wushuang, but unfortunately she was stopped by the people around her, maybe it would be best to catch her alone next time!

Thinking of her pride, Liu Xiang's mouth showed a hint of pride. From her point of view, Longying Wushuang had become a softshell in her urn, and there was no other way but to obediently send the Tianyuan battle suit over.

"Oh, I wonder if I can take a gamble?" A clear voice sounded.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, none of them noticed that there was someone hiding around, and they were all horrified, if this person tried to harm them, they would definitely die.

Everyone turned their heads to look at it, and the two groups were surprised and happy.

"Xiaobai? Are you still alive? Hahahaha!" Although Zhang Mingyue is female, she is extremely bold. She laughed and rushed forward, hugging Jiang Xiaobai, "My good brother, I knew you would not die so easily .”

Zhang Chengwen and the others also rushed over, hugging Jiang Xiaobai one by one, and they didn't care about any etiquette at the moment.

Then, Longying Wushuang rushed over, Jiang Xiaobai did not avoid, and took the initiative to hug Longying Wushuang into his arms.He couldn't help combing Long Ying Wushuang's soft long hair with his fingers, and cared intimately: "I made you worry!"

Looking at Longying Wushuang's sunken eye sockets and pale skin, he knew that Longying Wushuang was afraid that life would be worse than death during this time. He blamed himself, felt guilty, and heartbroken. Perhaps he survived only by relying on a little bit of hope.

This kind of realization, he has experienced it before, and knows the pain inside.

"Wow—" Longying Wushuang cried out suddenly, the voice was heart-piercing, making people feel extremely distressed.

"Stop crying, I'm back, and I won't worry you anymore." Jiang Xiaobai said softly, kissing Longying Wushuang's forehead.

After Long Ying Wushuang cried, she immediately became shy. She tried her best to wipe away her tears, her face was full of red, she lowered her head and was alone in Jiang Xiaobai's arms, not daring to see anyone.

The previous high-cold image is ruined!

"Who told you to go!" Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly, Long Ying Wushuang raised his head only to see Liu Xiang was about to dodge.

"I'm very domineering, and I hate women who are bullying me the most. Your name is Liu Xiang, right? You belong to Fengtianzong, that's good. Fengtianzong's name works well in other places, but it doesn't work here. Wushuang apologizes, or accepts my palm, you choose yourself?"

Liu Xiang was furious: "Jiang Xiaobai, you just survived by chance, you really think who you are, and you want me to apologize, hum, you deserve it too!"

"That's a slap from me. In fact, I like your choice very much. Because your apology is also unintentional, and Wushuang will not accept it. She will naturally find this place by herself in the future, so it is good to teach you a lesson. , your parents don’t teach you, society will teach you how to behave.”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the people around Liu Xiang and said, "Stay away, or you will be affected, and I don't care!"

A few people are a little silly, they have heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name, and that is his record at the peak of the planetary level. Now that Jiang Xiaobai has broken through the universe level, his strength will inevitably increase greatly. Where are they? opponent?

But being forced to leave, it will be difficult to be a human being in the future!

"Hmph, get out of the way, I want to see what this kid is relying on?" Liu Xiang shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and Liu Xiang's answer was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that this girl really had some brains, and she was worthy of being a disciple of Feng Tianzong.

Several people around Liu Xiang hurriedly chanted the slogan that sister Xiang would beat him up, and scattered far away.

"Then take it!" Jiang Xiaobai said, slapping him down.

This is not a trick, it is a supernatural power.This move contains the physical body, the artistic conception and the formation technique, three in one, seemingly simple, but basically possesses [-]% of Jiang Xiaobai's power.

The reason why he played so many is also to force Liu Xiang's trump card.If a disciple of a great sect who practiced in the holy land said that he didn't have any trump cards, only ghosts would believe it.

Liu Xiang snorted softly, and there was already an extra fan in his hand, and the fan quickly became bigger. Liu Xiang held the fan in both hands, and slapped it hard against Jiang Xiaobai's knocked palm.

The fan sank vigorously, and Jiang Xiaobai felt a sudden increase in the resistance below him, as if the air had suddenly turned into a water flow, preventing him from continuing to press down.

"This fan is not bad." Jiang Xiaobai commented.

Long Ying Wushuang quickly said: "Don't underestimate this fan, it is extremely powerful, it should be a heavenly weapon, but its level is lower."

She is the wearer of Tianyuan Divine Weapon, so she naturally perceives the extraordinaryness of this fan.

"Oh, it turned out to be a Tianyuan Divine Soldier, hehe, in order not to be discovered by others, he actually polluted the Tianyuan Divine Soldier himself. Just like you, you still want to get other Tianyuan Divine Soldiers, just dreaming!"

Jiang Xiaobai increased his strength, accelerated his palm, and lowered it with a rumble.

Liu Xiang's complexion changed drastically. She fanned vigorously, but found that the power in the fan was getting smaller and smaller, and then she stopped exerting any force.

With a puff, Liu Xiang spat out a mouthful of blood, but Jiang Xiaobai's palm hadn't reached the top of Liu Xiang's head at this time.

"Do you dare? You dare to touch me, I..."

Jiang Xiaobai's palm fell down unceremoniously, smashing Liu Xiang's body into a meat paste.A spirit floated out, helpless and terrifying, with a face exactly like Liu Xiang's.


Liu Xiang was terrified, holding the small fan in both hands, and ran away quickly.

The others were even more frightened and fled immediately. The one who was stronger and more ruthless, how could they dare to stay?

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