"Little Bai, aren't you being too ruthless?" Zhang Mingyue shouted, her face was full of gloating, and there was no look of fear at all.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Dare to bully Wushuang, hmph, you deserve it. Next time, dare to kill her soul directly."

"Are you really? Are you kidding me?" Zhang Mingyue asked, seeing Jiang Xiaobai's smiling face made her misunderstand.

"No joke."

Zhang Mingyue gave a thumbs up: "Okay, there is kindness, we are relieved of people like you."

Several people stepped forward and asked what happened next, full of worry.

"Let's go, let's talk when we go back, and the matter is very important." Jiang Xiaobai said.

The six returned to Zhang Zhaolong and Long Yinghao's residence, plus Long Ying Wushuang, among the seven of them there were three universe-level masters, so the treatment was not bad, and they were assigned to a small courtyard with a quiet environment.

"Father, come out quickly and see who is back?" Longying Jinghua shouted happily.

Zhang Zhaolong and Long Yinghao flew out and saw Jiang Xiaobai at a glance.

"Xiaobai, haha, you are indeed alive."

"And the skill has improved greatly, it's amazing, directly entered the second level of the universe!"

The two looked at each other, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

Long Yinghao is only at the late stage of the first order of the universe now, Zhang Zhaolong is stronger, but he is also at the late stage of the second stage, and Jiang Xiaobai has completely caught up now.

Zhang Zhaolong didn't dare to make it big at all, he really felt that Jiang Xiaobai had a hidden evil spirit, although his realm was half a step higher, but if he really wanted to fight, he would definitely not be Jiang Xiaobai's opponent.

"Meet the two uncles." Jiang Xiaobai was still polite, which made the two of them feel at ease.

"Quickly enter the room and talk." Long Yinghao welcomed Jiang Xiaobai in.

Zhang Zhaolong activated the formation, and eight people sat around.

Jiang Xiaobai narrated what happened on the eighth floor, casually sent out basic exercises to the four of Longying Jinghua, and reminded them that their realm was still a bit low.

"So that's it, Xiaobai, you really have a great source of blessing, but it's a pity that those masters were buried in the eighth floor for nothing." Zhang Zhaolong sighed with emotion, and exchanged glances with Long Yinghao, both of them felt lucky.

"It's like this. Before, the elders of Cheng Zhou Xing proposed to explore the eighth floor in the name of saving the fallen people. It was only because of the news brought back by Wushuang that they didn't make it."

Long Ying Wushuang knew what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking, she said: "It's like this, we were forced to enter the seventh floor at that time. The seventh floor was still very weird at that time. We met a person. From the current point of view, it should be It’s the remaining soul. He shot out a little bit of aura, which penetrated into our minds. Some time ago, after the arrival of the people from the three sanctuaries, more than 30 cosmic-level masters were assembled, and finally the aura was collected. , but the specific mystery is unknown.”

Long Yinghao explained: "After all, our strength is a little low. We just heard a little clue, saying that there is an opportunity at the moment, which is all aimed at the universe level, but it can't be opened yet, and we are still waiting for the arrival of Transcendence."

Zhang Zhaolong nodded and said: "It seems to be cultivating some transcendent masters, but no one knows whether it is true or not, and it feels a bit groundless."

Long Ying Wushuang said: "However, the identity of the person who gave us the aura should be certain. It seems that the person who guarded the remnant star pendant back then is dead, and only left behind an obsession."

Jiang Xiaobai understood, it should be, the remnant star pendant is much more terrifying than advancing to the forest, it makes no sense that the remnant star pendant has no guardian, it turns out that it has already passed away.

"Speaking of it this way, that Liu Xiang's fighting spirit to steal from you is for the sake of future opportunities. She comes from the three sanctuaries of cultivation, so she should know more."

Everyone nodded again and again, it must be so.

"That means that place is very dangerous?" Zhang Mingyue said.

Zhang Zhaolong said with a dark face: "Can you go in? You don't work hard if you are asked to practice kung fu. If you are like Xiaobai, Wushuang and the others, they will naturally catch up with the opportunity, and even the opportunity will take the initiative to touch you. What is the result? Go back to practice. , you three too."

Zhang Chengwen, Longying Jinghua and Longying Jingxian all left with wry smiles on their faces.

The four of them were powerless to refute, so it was really a chance to hit someone on the head by themselves!

For this, they are really envious.

But they raised their heads involuntarily, and saw a group of people flying towards them. They were about to wake up, and Jiang Xiaobai and the other four flew out of the room.

"Who came here, trespassing on my house!" Zhang Zhaolong yelled, flying up high in the air, holding a long knife in his hand, bursting out with fierce evil spirit.

This time, a total of seven people rushed here, all of whom were cosmic-level masters. They were not very old, and they unscrupulously exploded with cosmic-level aura.At this moment, being rushed by Zhang Zhaolong's breath, the seven of them restrained their momentum and stopped their figures.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and put away his sword intent. Zhang Zhaolong seemed angry, but he was alerting these seven people. Otherwise, he would take advantage of the situation and kill one or two people, and these people could only hold back.

It is expressly stipulated that if you wantonly provoke others in the city, they will fight back with all their strength. Although it is clearly stipulated not to kill others, the sword has no eyes, and if you are killed, you can only serve what you deserve.

"I am Tanglong City, Qicheng City, advocate Zhaolong in the Exchange, who are you?" Zhang Zhaolong shouted again.

The leading woman restrained the others, and she saluted casually, "I have met City Lord Zhang."

His gaze passed Zhang Zhaolong and landed on Jiang Xiaobai: "You are Jiang Xiaobai, and you killed the body of my junior sister Liu Xiang?"

Zhang Zhaolong's face turned black, he was old and prudent, and he felt clearly that Jiang Xiaobai did have the idea of ​​beheading one or two people in accordance with the rules. Although the main purpose was to prevent Jiang Xiaobai from falling into the situation of being criticized, it was indeed It really did help these people.

It's fine for these people to ignore it, the current behavior is obviously not to give face, it is really because of the good background of the great sect that they don't put others in their eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "It's me, so what about you?"

"How? Take your life to make amends." The woman shouted, drew her sword and slashed at Jiang Xiaobai's head.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped back lightly, looked at Zhang Zhaolong and said, "Uncle Zhang, someone broke into your residence and killed you on the spot despite dissuasion, what should we do?"

Zhang Zhaolong understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, and it was before he mentioned something.He said in a deep voice: "No harm to human life, dispose of it at will."

After all, he still didn't want to cause a big disaster, but his good feelings for these young people were gone.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai said, although he can't kill people, this condition is fine.

"Hmph, do whatever you want, do you dare?" the woman said proudly, holding the sword and slashing again.

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