Dominate the world

Chapter 1121 The identity is not simple

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes flashed, his body slammed forward, and he slammed into the woman with his whole body.

The woman let go of the sword and threw both hands at Jiang Xiaobai who was rushing towards him.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, his body stopped, and then he stretched out his hand, grabbed the woman's long sword, and grabbed it.

"That's all!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, his palm turned into a knife, and he slashed down with one hand.

With a soft bang, the long sword broke into two pieces.

With a puff, the woman spat out a mouthful of blood, and her figure collapsed to the ground.She herself is a cosmic first-level cultivation base. Not long after she first entered the cosmic level, her soul and body have not yet fully matched, let alone the natal sword.

Now that the sword has been severed, the soul has been wounded even more.

Jiang Xiaobai threw the sword back casually, and said with a sneer, "Is that what you are? Don't come out and lose face. If my Uncle Zhang didn't stop you on purpose just now, I would have killed you, and you would have nowhere to cry, get out!"

In the last roller, Jiang Xiaobai brought emotions. With his current cultivation base of the middle stage of the second stage of the universe, he has one vitality and a great momentum.It's like sound waves are constantly vibrating in the air.

"roll roll roll--"

Wave after wave of voices reverberated in the ears of the seven people who came, their aura fluctuated and their souls were a little unstable.

There were already onlookers around, and they were happy to see the excitement here.At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and everyone's expressions changed.They are not disciples who came out of these sanctuaries to practice. They have experienced extraordinary experiences and have fought countless times before.

They heard the awe-inspiring killing intent from Jiang Xiaobai's voice, and felt the purity and vastness of Jiang Xiaobai's vitality.

Such a person is really not to be trifled with!

A person quietly retracted his head, defining Jiang Xiaobai as someone not to be messed with.

In the courtyard, the faces of the seven people were flushed with embarrassment.They were not fools, they finally realized that they were not Jiang Xiaobai's opponents, but they were a little bit unwilling when the seven people on their side came in a show of power, but left in disgrace.


Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, he shouted: "With your temperament, if you can't afford to lose, then wait to die! Since you are embarrassed to leave, it's easy, each leave a treasure, and then leave. "

Zhang Mingyue couldn't help laughing, and the others also smiled a little. This idea is really too bad, but it managed to see through the mood of these people.

Sure enough, one of the seven embarrassed people dropped a treasure and left angrily.

Jiang Xiaobai took the treasures over, looked at the seven people and said with a smile: "Seven exactly, one for each of you, see if you like it?"

Long Ying Wushuang came up first, and she took a mirror casually.It's not that she likes it, but that she supports Jiang Xiaobai.

Long Yinghao smiled and said: "Don't be embarrassed, since you broke into our house, you have to make amends, so let's take one piece for each person."

He himself went up to take one, and all seven of them took one. Speaking of the strength of Fengtianzong's disciples, they were all amused.

But after laughing, Long Yinghao said worriedly: "Xiaobai, the three holy places of practice are extraordinary after all. The reason why their disciples are so arrogant, arrogant and unreasonable is because they have the capital. I'm not worried What will they do to us, regardless of Brother Zhaolong's family or Wushuang who caused the source, we are all members of the exchange, but your identity is in doubt, I am worried about the people from the three holy places of practice will trouble you."

Zhang Zhaolong nodded and said, "Xiaobai, call me uncle, and uncle will talk to you. Whether it's me or Ah Hao, we can't protect you..."

"Father?" Zhang Mingyue called out dissatisfied.

Zhang Zhaolong waved his hand to signal Zhang Mingyue not to speak. He explained: "It's not that uncle doesn't want to protect you, but that we are not capable enough. Once the exchange puts pressure on us, we have nothing to do. Of course, I am not shirking responsibility. I really want to kill you. Ah Hao and I will die for your life, but you need to understand this, that is, we can't help you, you must make up your mind, and don't be careless. Only when you understand everything can you make the most perfect Prepare."

Jiang Xiaobai said sincerely: "Thank you uncle, I understand that you are all thinking of me and preparing for the worst situation. Xiaobai knows it well, the three holy places of practice are indeed powerful, but I also have ways to deal with them, and they It may not necessarily be a group, I have a lot of ways to deal with it."

"That's good!" Long Yinghao said with a smile, "You've always been an idea."

Long Ying Wushuang held Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly and said, "I will never leave you."

"I know."

Zhang Zhaolong said: "Okay, you guys have a good rest, Ahao, you guard here, I will report to the elders of the exchange, and confirm Xiaobai's identity, he is from our exchange."

After speaking, Zhang Zhaolong went quickly, and Long Yinghao called everyone to practice quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai just finished training, and now he needs to fight and practice, so he simply guided the five people, Long Yinghao watched from the side, nodding constantly, more and more sure that Jiang Xiaobai's strength is far from what he has shown now So little.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Zhaolong came back exhausted.

He had a bitter expression on his face, and said: "It's hard to say, it was reported, but the specific conclusion is difficult to determine. That Liu Xiang's identity is not simple, her grandfather was the previous suzerain of Fengtianzong, and his status is very detached. It’s going to be difficult.”

"Xiaobai, if it's really not possible, let's leave first?" Long Ying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai was also a little surprised, he knew that the little girl's status was not simple, but he didn't expect to be so tall, no wonder she was so arrogant.

"It's really hard to do. If Liu Xiang is the granddaughter of the lord of the Fengtian Sect, the latter may punish Liu Xiang because of the sect's status and personal virtue. But Liu Xiang is the granddaughter of the previous lord. This status is a bit embarrassing. No, you can't hit, you can't scold, otherwise you will be said that the current suzerain is cold in nature, and you can only spoil her when people go out of tea! Once someone stirs up trouble, the suzerain will have to stand up for Liu Xiang!"

Longying Jingxian analyzed it, but felt that it was extremely tricky.

Just as he was talking, a magic talisman flew from outside, and then a voice sounded: "Fellow Daoist Jiang Xiaobai invites you, and Feng Tianzong invites you. Please go and solve the confusion."

"This is an inquiry talisman, and it needs your answer, otherwise it won't leave." Long Yinghao explained.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "Okay, go back and tell your master that Jiang Xiaobai will definitely be there!"

With a flash of inspiration, the talisman passed through the wall and returned to its owner.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Since Fengtianzong invited me, I'll go and have a look. Speaking of which, I have admired Fengtianzong a lot."

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