Dominate the world

Chapter 1122 The Sturdy Battle

"We'll go with you!" Zhang Zhaolong said.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't refuse, and a group of eight people flew towards the residence where the three holy places of practice lived.

On the way, Long Yinghao and Zhang Zhaolong kept transmitting voices, and not long after, more than 20 people joined in, all of whom were masters of the universe.

Zhang Zhaolong introduced them one by one, Jiang Xiaobai was grateful in his heart, and greeted them one by one.These people dare to stand up, that is to take their own wealth and lives against the Three Holy Lands. Although the Three Holy Lands may not care about these insignificant people, to Jiang Xiaobai, these people are a heavy responsibility Kindness.

"Your name is Jiang Xiaobai?" A voice suddenly sounded from high in the sky.

Jiang Xiaobai looked towards the sky in surprise, but saw an old man quietly appearing, but he didn't feel it at all. There is no doubt that this man should be one of the twelve elders of the exchange, a legendary master of detachment.

At this moment, the masters of the universe level have already begun to salute the old man.

"Greetings to the Ninth Elder." The specific names of these old seniors, except for their juniors, are almost unknown, so they are called by numbers. This is the Ninth Elder of the Exchange.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed to meet him, and replied, "This junior is Jiang Xiaobai."

"Very good, the talent is extraordinary. It just so happens that the old man is fine today, so I will go shopping with you." Ninth Elder said.

Zhang Zhaolong and Long Yinghao were overjoyed, with the company of the Nine Elders, they would not be afraid of whatever Feng Tianzong wanted to do.

Jiang Xiaobai saluted again and thanked him. Perhaps with the company of the Ninth Elder, more universe-level players joined, even some star-level masters followed, and the group headed for the three The residence of the Holy Land of Practice.

Here, the news had obviously been received, and when Jiang Xiaobai and the others arrived, many people had already gathered.

The leader of the person has a simple appearance, a long beard and a robe, with a refined aura. He cupped his hands at the Ninth Elder, and said kindly: "It is a great honor for the Ninth Elder of the Exchange to visit. The master of Jianfeng Peak is not easy, I don't know if the Ninth Elder led the team, what's the point?"

Elder Ninth chuckled: "Where is that? Old Ninth has met Master Qiao Feng. I heard that our people bullied your people, so I was summoned by you. The child is young and energetic, and he is afraid of causing trouble, so he just came here." Be a witness."

"Oh, there's another thing, please!" Qiao Buyi said, his eyes fell on Jiang Xiaobai, "I think you're the one they summoned, my little friend is indeed very talented, do you have a teacher?"

The Ninth Elder chuckled: "Master Qiao Feng has a good eye, but little friend Jiang Xiaobai came here this time because he destroyed the body of your Miss Feng Tianzong Liu Xiang, so he was called to Xingshi to question the crime."

Only then did Qiao Buyi suddenly realize that he shook his head secretly, obviously speechless about this matter.

"Forget it, please go ahead." Qiao Buyi said, his body disappeared in a flash.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking: "Ninth Elder, is Feng Tianzong so strong? A peak master is a transcendent cultivation base. How many peaks do they have?"

Everyone was also extremely curious, surprised by Feng Tianzong's strength.

There was a bit of bitterness on the face of the Ninth Elder: "You guys, you have completely underestimated the power of practicing the Holy Land. What is a Holy Land? It is really a planet where one can practice beyond the realm. It is full of vitality, just like a fairyland. But all practitioners, If you don’t go to the Three Great Sacred Lands, you’re just watching the sky from a well.”

"Chengzhou, Feiyan, Changhong, how many transcendences are there in the three holy places? Even in the worst era, it may not be less than three digits."

The crowd suddenly changed color. Even in the worst era, there were no less than a hundred people. In the prosperous era, it is unimaginable.

"In the Three Great Sacred Lands, apart from these major sects, there are also some small sects. The cultivation base of some suzerains may not be transcendent, but they don't like to be restrained. For example, we used to be one of the Three Great Sacred Lands. The master of the peak or the master of a sect just came to the exchange because he hated the life there, or couldn’t live there any longer.”

"I am ashamed to say that although the exchange is amazing, it is still far behind the three holy places."

All of a sudden, everyone in the exchange felt depressed. It turned out that the party they had been proud of was fundamentally inferior to others.Even the elders they looked up to were expelled from other people's holy places.

"But they want to bully our people, hehe, it's not that easy." When he said this, the eyes of the Ninth Elder burst out with awe-inspiring aura.

The crowd slowly landed in the manor where the Holy Land is located. The manor is huge and there are more people, no less than a thousand people gathered here.Perhaps they had already received the news, and the people here looked at Jiang Xiaobai and his group with vigilance.

Although his perception was very vague, Jiang Xiaobai was still vaguely aware that more transcendent masters were gathering here.

"Fellow Taoists of Fengtianzong, I'm going to Jiang Xiaobai, here we are." Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said, he didn't want to waste time, the longer the time, the more masters will come, and the result may really be two parties Confrontation, at that time, he can't say that he will be a chess piece abandoned by both sides.

Jiang Xiaobai also cupped his hands to the crowd behind him and said, "Thank you seniors and fellow Taoists for your support, I am very grateful."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai took a few steps forward, and came to Fengtianzong alone, in front of the woman who was flaunting her might, cupped her hands and said, "Please!"

The latter blushed and lowered his head in extreme shame.

She just used the name of the sect to transmit the sound with the magic talisman just to vent her anger.Just now when Master Qiao asked her what was going on, she was almost scared to pee.

"Hmm--" A middle-aged woman with extraordinary cultivation, almost at the peak of the universe, said in a deep voice, "That's right, my name is Hongluan, and I invited Jiang Xiaoyou to come here, because I want to know about the old man who fell to the eighth floor of Remnant Star." Things. It’s just that I didn’t expect the little apprentice to be incapable of doing things, which led to the current situation. I’ve already punished her, and she won’t take part in the trip to the secret realm again.”


"If you don't get out, it's a shame." The middle-aged woman scolded.

Immediately, two disciples stepped forward and carried Hong Luan away.

"So that's the case, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." Many people shouted in agreement, and the people on both sides smiled and cupped their hands, and the tense emotions quickly dissipated.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally knew that this woman was making love, but it was the best way to deal with it.

He also can't really pursue other people's faults, not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai was the one who took advantage of the whole process.His disciple was punished, and the body of the sect's treasure was beheaded, and it would take a lot to recover afterwards, but he was unscathed, so it's best to accept it as soon as he sees it.

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