Jiang Xiaobai looked back at Long Yinghao and the others, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. It was naturally best that things could be handled this way.

"No!" Just as Jiang Xiaobai was about to go down the steps, a sullen voice suddenly sounded.

It was an old woman with thinning hair and a gray robe who came out, and when she appeared, the expressions of everyone in Fengtian Sect changed.The old woman showed off her cultivation, and a powerful aura of detachment burst out immediately.

"Prince Qiao, Mrs. Jin, this matter cannot be left alone." The old woman said slowly.

She held a small bottle in her hand, and when she wiped it with her palm, the bottle suddenly became transparent, revealing the scene inside, which contained Liu Xiang's soul.

"Back then, my wife entrusted Xiang'er to my care, but it's a pity that my old body didn't notice for a while, and her body was beheaded. It's more than a debt and just forget it."

"Grandma Ming, Xiang'er is like a biological daughter to us. We will naturally reunite her in the flesh later, no matter how much it costs."

The old woman didn't even shake her face: "I know, it's just how to make up for Xiang'er's reputation. If Jiang Xiaobai dared to behead her body today, will Li Xiaobai come to behead her body tomorrow? Jiang Xiaobai beheaded Xiang'er today. If your body is fine, will it be fine if Li Xiaobai kills Xiang'er's soul tomorrow?"

"This hole can't be opened! I won't let it open, but anyone who dares to bully Xiang'er must pay the price, so that other people will not dare to touch Xiang'er again, so that Xiang'er will no longer be in danger!"

How domineering!

Everyone present, no matter how high or low they were, all frowned.And some detached masters shook their heads again and again. Liu Xiang was raised like this, and having such an old servant who spoiled him to the extreme was the biggest reason.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Xiang's soul in the bottle. The latter could obviously see outside, and was wiping his neck facing Jiang Xiaobai, triumphantly.

"Boy, if you're smart, you can end it yourself, it will save you the pain." The old woman said quietly.

Long Ying Wushuang wanted to go forward, but Long Yinghao firmly held him back, and the situation slipped towards the most dangerous situation, and they couldn't get involved in the superhuman war.

"Uncle, even if we can't live together, I will die with him." Long Ying Wushuang said, "Can you let me go?"

Long Ying Wushuang sighed lightly, and was about to let go of Long Ying Wushuang, but saw Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand back. Others didn't understand, but Long Yinghao understood that this was to prevent Long Ying Wushuang from coming out.

"Hmph, that's right, it's that little slut." The old woman grabbed the palm of her hand, and Long Yinghao suddenly felt a pain in her wrist, and Long Ying Wushuang was sucked out of her hand.

Jiang Xiaobai saw it accurately, and quickly flew up and grabbed Longying Wushuang tightly, but he couldn't stop Longying Wushuang's trajectory at all, and the two were pulled and flew towards the old woman's palm.

"Grandma Ming, after so many years, you are still so domineering?" A clear voice sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt Longying Wushuang's body lighten, he quickly hugged Longying Wushuang, and the two of them landed on the ground together.

"Why do wise people use secret tricks, Qu Rong, come out."

A fairy Mingmei walked out of the void, and many people greeted him directly: "I have met the sixth elder."

Feng Tianzong's side, Peak Master Qiao Buyi sighed softly: "Elder Sister, long time no see."

Mrs. Jin's eye circles were also a little red: "Elder Sister, you are safe here."

Fairy Mingmei waved her hand: "I am no longer your elder sister, just call me Qu Rong."

Everyone couldn't help whispering. From the words of several people, it was obvious that the sixth elder of the exchange was the eldest disciple of Ming Jianfeng, Cheng Zhou Xingfeng Tianzong.

"Qu Rong, you want to intervene in Feng Tianzong's affairs, you made an oath when you went out, does it count now?" the old woman shouted.

Qu Rong nodded: "Naturally, but what I'm interfering in is not Fengtianzong's affairs, but the exchange's affairs. If he is a disciple of Fengtianzong, I will naturally not care about it."

"Thank you, Sixth Elder!" Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly thanked him. At that moment just now, he almost couldn't help using the Tai Chi Disc.

Longying Wushuang also followed suit, his eyes full of gratitude and admiration.

"You go back to the team, this is not something you can meddle with." Qu Rong said, with a wave of her hand, Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang flew to Long Yinghao's side.

Zhang Mingyue and the others couldn't help but hugged the two of them and kept them behind them.

"Okay, I'd like to see how much money you have left in your talent over the years." The old woman snorted, and opened her hand to grab it.

Qu Rong didn't move, just flicked her fingers, and a gust of wind popped out between her fingers, shooting towards the old woman's palm.

There was a sound like a puff, as if a plastic bag had been punctured. The old woman exclaimed, looking at her palm, there was a blood hole.

"Grandma Ming, I admit it!" Qu Rong said softly, still in a calm manner.

The entire courtyard was silent, everyone was almost dumbfounded, looking at Qu Rong with fear in their eyes.

On Feng Tianzong's side, all the masters held their breaths and all restrained their previous arrogance.The old woman's palms trembled, her lips twitched, and she finally said in a trembling voice: "Okay, it's the old servant who went the wrong way, and the grievances and grievances of the young master and wife will be wiped out."

Everyone on the exchange side was curious. Apparently, the young master and wife that the old woman spoke of should have something to do with the Sixth Elder leaving Fengtianzong.As for Feng Tianzong, many people were relieved.

"But today, I want to stand up for Xiang'er, do you still care?" The old woman suddenly spoke again.

The complexions of Fengtianzong's senior executives darkened again, and they all looked at their elder sister, the current Sixth Elder of the Exchange.

Long Yinghao's side.Everyone raised their hearts immediately, fearing that the Sixth Elder would just give up.

But Qu Rong shook her head lightly: "What happened back then is over, no matter whether it is right or wrong, I don't care about it, it's best for Granny Ming to let it go. But Jiang Xiaobai is from my exchange, As the Sixth Elder of the exchange, I should stand up for him. If he is wrong, I don’t need Grandma Ming to take action, I will naturally abolish him. If he is wrong, it is my duty to protect the younger generation.”

"What a guarding junior. Back then, you and the young master and wife were inseparable. Before they died, you swore to take care of Xiang'er. Now that Xiang'er's body is beheaded, is that what you call taking care of him?" the old woman asked loudly.

Qu Rong looked ashamed and sighed lightly.

"Hmph, that's fine. For your sake, I don't ask to kill this kid. I'll slap him three times. As long as he can take it, I'll let him go, and I won't pursue it in the future. How about it?"

Longying Wushuang couldn't hold it any longer, she shouted: "You are a transcendent senior, and Xiaobai is a cosmic one, how could it be possible to resist your three palms?"

"Hmph, I heard that he has a mysterious master, and his strength is also beyond the level. If Jiang Xiaobai is not convinced, tell his master to come out and hit me three times?" The old woman snorted.

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