Dominate the world

Chapter 1129 Oolong

"Thousands of monks have gathered here, and I don't know how many people can come out, and how many people can advance?"

On Meteor Star, where the local sect is located, an old man quietly appeared, sighed with emotion, and quietly retreated.

During the whole process, no one noticed it, but an old monk frowned, closed his eyes and fell silent again.

As soon as his field of vision changed, Jiang Xiaobai came to a canyon, beside him was Longying Wushuang, their hands were still clenched tightly, lest they would be separated.This secret realm is extremely dangerous, and that's why opportunities are born in danger.

Jiang Xiaobai is already very familiar with this kind of secret realm.Maybe they have already left the Meteor Planet and landed on a native planet.

Suddenly, involuntarily, both Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang looked up at the sky, and saw a red cloud quietly appearing in the blue sky, and then changed extremely quickly, turning into a line of words.

Arrive at Hidden Sword Peak within one year, find your own sword, and leave with Feixian, or die on this planet.

The red cloud dissipated, and then the earth trembled.

The rumbling sound became louder, the ground began to crack, and a thick smoke rose into the sky not far away. Countless magma fell like rain, and the dense black smoke almost covered the sky.

Then another volcanic eruption brought the two closer together.

"This planet is going to be destroyed." Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang said in unison.

The two flew up quickly, Jiang Xiaobai frowned involuntarily.

"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Longying Wushuang asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "The gravity of this planet is increasing. The higher you fly, the stronger the gravity. The words in the air before should be good, but with our strength, we should not be able to break through this planet. If we find If you don't get to the hidden sword peak, the sword that has been recognized by your identity may end up being sucked into the center of the earth as the planet collapses, and even if you can survive, it will shake the planet's interior forever."

Longying Wushuang couldn't help shivering, she had heard of such legends.A planet in a collapsed state is extremely terrifying, not to mention the universe level, even the transcendence level. If you are unlucky and fall into some severe planetary collapse state, even if you are not dead, your skin will peel off.

"But for the time being, the impact is not too big. Let's fly high to see." Jiang Xiaobai said, and Longying Wushuang nodded.

Although the magma that fell from the sky was hot, it did not pose any threat to the two of them.Jiang Xiaobai hugged Longying Wushuang, and a shield automatically appeared on his body, isolating the surrounding magma.

The continuous stream of volcanoes erupted for nearly two days before they finally calmed down.The cracks on the ground also stopped, but compared to two days ago, the scenery has changed drastically.

The black smoke in the sky dissipated, but the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and then the wind roared, and thunderstorms descended.

The two of them had to land quickly, the divine thunder in the sky was amazingly powerful!

"Xiaobai, should we hide from the rain for a while?" Long Ying Wushuang asked, the rain was too heavy, as if there were layers of rain curtains hanging outside the field of vision, and the visibility did not exceed 50 meters.

Moreover, the rainwater was strongly acidic, and when it splashed on the protective energy formation, it made a sizzling sound of corrosion.Although the harm is not great, the sound makes people feel uncomfortable for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "I'm afraid the rain won't stop, at least not in a short time. We have to find Cangjian Mountain as soon as possible. After all, Cangjian Mountain is also a mountain. What if there is a volcanic eruption?" ?”

Long Ying Wushuang's heart tightened: "That's right, once Tibetan Sword Mountain disappears, there will be no use for us if we have time."

But it took the two of them two months to search, and Jiang Xiaobai was right. The heavy rain kept falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier. From time to time, some attracted meteorites fell down.

Long Yin Wushuang also sensed very clearly that the attraction of the planet is increasing, compared to two months ago, the gravity has at least doubled.Moreover, the speed of improvement is still accelerating. If the rhythm of gravitational improvement accelerates again later, it may be less than a year. These cosmic-level practitioners, let alone flying away from the planet, are still a problem.

"Could it be that Hidden Sword Mountain has been annihilated? Or has it been covered?" Long Ying Wushuang asked.

This planet is not too big. In the past two months, they have already flown across the entire planet. If there is Hidden Sword Mountain, there is no reason why they would not find it.

"It's possible!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the increasingly huge meteorite in the sky, and nodded.

While the two were talking, the ground below suddenly trembled again, and then the ground cracked, and the volcanoes began to erupt again, as if the scene that happened two months ago was repeated again.

"Hey, there is an acquaintance." Jiang Xiaobai said, and glanced at the one who flew over in embarrassment.

This is a woman, Fairy Xingyuan of Feiyan Star Qinghongzong. After seeing Jiang Xiaobai, the latter was also surprised, but hesitated for a moment, and still flew over.

"Xingyuan has met Fellow Daoist Jiang, Fellow Daoist Longying." Fairy Xingyuan said softly, with a hint of shame hidden in her voice.

At the beginning, he watched Jiang Xiaobai die, and then saw Jiang Xiaobai's supernatural power, Xing Yuan also regretted it for a while.Later, I thought that we might not see each other again, but I didn't expect to meet Jiang Xiaobai again at the most embarrassing time now.

Although she is also at the universe level now, she knows very well in her heart that she is not Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at all.

Longying Wushuang didn't have the slightest liking for the latter, she pressed her palm on the hilt of the sword, and finally gave up the idea of ​​killing Xingyuan.

"Fairy Xingyuan, long time no see, it seems that something is chasing you?"

Fairy Xingyuan smiled coyly, but she was also surprised: "Why, there are no monsters chasing you? It is a translucent monster like brown sugar, with average strength, but it can't be killed, and once it sticks You, never give up."

Jiang Xiaobai let out a groan, and grasped the transparent mass in the void with his palm: "Are you talking about this kind of monster?"

"Yes! Jiang Daoyou is very powerful."

Fairy Xingyuan's eyes were full of awe. This kind of monster is not weak, she just belittled it on purpose, in order to raise her own status. In fact, this kind of monster caused her to suffer a lot.

But such a small beast was easily caught by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let me take a look, eh, um, so that's the case." Jiang Xiaobai tested it with his spiritual sense, and suddenly realized.

"Why, Xiaobai, did you find out?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly and said: "We almost missed the opportunity. I found the mark left by a transcendent master on this little beast, which means that we need to be triggered by the little beast before we can really enter the secret realm. The little beast should be Feeling the coercion on me, I dare not come over, so we wasted a lot of time."

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