Dominate the world

Chapter 1130 Beyond the Planet

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is awe-inspiring, this may not be the restrictive move made by that master.

The purpose of that senior is to let the cosmic level practitioners who enter here improve their strength as much as possible.The higher the talent, the faster the promotion will be, and it will be able to exert stronger power in the subsequent battle with Wutian.

But now, with the addition of these small beasts, some powerful people are passively excluded, and the weaker ones will increase their strength first, so that the gap between the two will not be too large.

This seems fair, but it is a waste of a lot of resources.After all, hundreds of cosmic level masters are not worth a transcendent level.

It was also fortunate that Fairy Xingyuan had arrived, otherwise they would have been stranded outside, perhaps at the last moment, they would have a chance, but it was more likely that they would be completely crushed here.

Sure enough, one should not be careless, the crisis is always there.

"Wushuang, trust me, don't resist." Jiang Xiaobai said, he grabbed the little beast and motioned for the little beast to scratch Longying Wushuang.

Long Ying Wushuang absolutely trusted Jiang Xiaobai. After being scratched by the little beast, her body suddenly sank and fell to the ground.The previously solid ground was like a layer of phantom at this moment, and Longying Wushuang directly passed through it.

Fairy Xingyuan was surprised, but saw Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the little beast and scratched her, she also screamed and fell down, and then Jiang Xiaobai did the same, his body smashed through the ground, and he came to the place where he was still a little surprised In front of Longying Wushuang and Fairy Xingyuan.

"If my guess is correct, this is the real place of opportunity." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Compared with the bad world before, the beauty here is like a paradise.The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the water is clear and the sky is blue, the sky is full of clouds and clouds, the cranes are flying in the sky, the animals are walking on the ground, and the creatures in the sea are playing happily. There is no aura of impending doom.

"You two, since we have finally come to the real secret realm, we will part ways here, goodbye." Fairy Xingyuan said, and quickly flew away.

Longying Wushuang asked suspiciously: "Are you really letting her go? Her strength is mediocre, and she was able to hold back the little beast, but she was never caught. She must have a treasure."

Longying Wushuang has Tianyuan Divine Weapon, and Jiang Xiaobai has many treasures, so it's normal for little beasts to be afraid of him, but Fairy Xingyuan actually has something that makes little beasts afraid, which is a bit interesting.

Fairy Xingyuan was obviously worried about this, so she hurried away.

"It doesn't matter, do we both lack treasures? What we lack are time and understanding. Let's go, find Hidden Sword Mountain first, even if we can't find it, see if we can meet some people."

"Huh? Let's fly upwards!" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously, he felt that there was a trace of attraction in the sky above.

The two were flying high in the sky, rising continuously, and gradually the ground below became lower and rounder, and then the two were surprised to find that they flew out of the planet and came to outer space.

At this time, there were already some monks stationed in the space, and they didn't say anything when they saw Jiang Xiaobai, they just opened up some distance.

A star soul flew over suddenly, and in a short while, more than 30 monks rushed forward and grabbed the star soul.

The struggle was extremely fierce, but obviously everyone had an agreement, and they didn't really fight with all their strength, so a slightly stronger monk snatched it.The latter immediately flew into the distance, suspended in the starry sky and began to practice.

Long Ying Wushuang noticed what Jiang Xiaobai was paying attention to, and followed suit.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were burning, and he stared at the latter closely. There was a trace of golden light shining in his eyes. The monk's aura was changing, becoming restrained, and began to show signs of merging with the universe.

And in the field of vision that others couldn't see, Jiang Xiaobai saw a planet that was gradually taking shape.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to form a planet. At present, it is just a mess, and there is still a long way to go to truly become a planet.Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that the path left by the senior turned out to be to help the younger generations walk back to the right path.

A saber light flashed leisurely and slashed towards the monk.

The latter never thought that there would be a sneak attack, let alone notice it. He still sat in the distance and practiced quietly, letting the light of the saber cut down the latter's body, revealing the dantian. A mess.

A black hand appeared, grabbed the chaos, and disappeared quickly after controlling it.

The monk frowned, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. He shook his head, took a pill to restore his cultivation, and flew back again.

The other monks looked familiar, but there was a bit of sarcasm and worry in their expressions. They ridiculed others for failing and worried that they would not be able to succeed.

In the following time, more people flew up from the ground, probably discovering the mystery of gravity.More and more people got the star soul and began to condense the inner universe by virtue of the mysteries of this universe, but most of them were trapped in the first step, condensing their own natal planet.

But there are also people who have successfully condensed their natal planets, as if they were attracted, they crossed the void in one step and flew further into the depths of the universe.

Three figures flew over and landed not far from Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Daoyou, long-awaited!" The three said in unison.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three of them carefully, and saw that they were all members of the exchange, and they looked a little familiar.Long Ying Wushuang's voice sounded quietly: "They are Tao Qian from Wanlong City, Pang Bo from Flying Star City, Fairy Jinfeng from Zhoushan City, and they are also the three recognized geniuses in the entire exchange."

Jiang Xiaobai greeted the three of them politely. The geniuses of the three were worthy of the name. Judging from their roots, they should all be under 50 years old, but their cultivation bases have all reached the third-order level of the universe.

Jiang Xiaobai asked himself, if by chance he had been taught by Senior Shangyu, he would definitely not have the current realm of cultivation. The geniuses of these three people deserved their names.

"I don't know what the three of you want to do with me?"

"Alliance." Pang Bolang said in a loud voice. As his name suggests, he is tall, with a sonorous tone, and a majestic and majestic atmosphere.A face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a very upright look, although a bit aggressive, it gives people a feeling that this person can be handed over.

Tao Qian was dressed in white and held a paper fan. He looked like a gentleman of a noble family, with a fair complexion, and looked a bit naive.Jinfeng Fairy's eyes were deep, but they didn't contain any emotion, and she felt a little unclear.

"What kind of alliance law?" He instinctively wanted to refuse. He had cooperated with many people before, and almost none of them ended well.Especially this kind of sudden alliance is often a combination of interests, the alliance is easy, and the turnaround is faster.

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