Dominate the world

Chapter 1131 Strange magic weapon

When fighting, not only do you need to guard against the enemy, but you also need to guard against your own side, which is completely to make yourself unhappy.

"Do you think Fellow Daoist Jiang has discovered the mystery of this place?" Pang Bo said.

Jiang Xiaobai was noncommittal.

"Hehe, it seems that Brother Jiang is very confident, but is Miss Longying also confident? I'm afraid she might not even know what happened here?" Tao Qian said suddenly, pointing to Longying Wushuang.

Longying Wushuang really didn't know what was going on now, seeing the words were on her head, she frowned and said, "Of course Xiaobai will tell me."

"But can he help you create the inner universe?" Fairy Jinfeng seemed a little impatient, and said straight to the point.

"Inner universe?" Longying Wushuang stared round his eyes. This is a practice method that is said in ancient books. It is said that a long time ago, the method of inner universe practice spread all over the world, but because it was too difficult, human beings developed it. The current method of cultivation, the method of inner universe cultivation has been abandoned.

Pangbo smiled: "Brother Jiang, we have checked your history, and we understand that you have probably built your own inner universe, right? That third-order star heart? So, with the help of fellow Daoist Jiang, We can build inner universes better and faster."

Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to be convinced that he was indeed a powerful force with a long history. He hardly revealed anything, but he was still investigated by these people.

Pangbo explained: "Of course we don't dare to be empty-handed. We can provide necessary help. After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. After everyone else is united, our exchange also needs to unite."

"Let's be honest, the local sect, the natives and the people from the three holy places have formed a small team. We have looked for you before, but we have never found any trace of you." Fairy Jinfeng said impatiently.

"According to the information we got, that old senior only left three to five places to inherit all the inheritance. Of course, it is not ruled out that there is only one place in the end. After all, the result is to defeat the Skyless Demon. , Whether it is from the clues left by the senior or from the most secret records in the exchange, a fact has been confirmed."

"That is, when a Tianjiao born in a sealed place successfully guards his home planet and harvests the Dao Fruit, that is a sign that the seal has officially begun to break."

Tao Qian chuckled: "Brother Jiang, don't be offended. Fairy Jinfeng speaks so bluntly. She's not blaming you, it's just the fact. Of course, anyone would behave like Brother Jiang, but Others failed, but Brother Jiang succeeded."

Pang Bo said: "But Brother Jiang did take some advantage because of this. If Brother Jiang is on our side, whether it is to seize opportunities or seal Wutian, we can be better prepared."

"So, you guys want to study Xiaobai?" Long Ying Wushuang sarcastically.

Fairy Jinfeng said coldly: "It's not research, it's just observation!"

"You want to follow us to see if there is a chance?" Long Ying Wushuang was not stupid, and explained the purpose of the three of them in one sentence.

Pang Bo said: "Fairy Wushuang is really smart, but the fact is that it is either our friend or our enemy."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, the meaning of these three people was very clear.First brand Jiang Xiaobai with righteousness, and then extend a helping hand. If you agree, you will follow the three people's lead and listen to the three people obediently. If you disagree, you will be everyone's enemy.

What a conspiracy!

"Just relying on the three of you, you want to take me down? You overestimate yourselves, don't you? What's more, don't treat other people as fools. People who can become the pride of heaven are not stupid!"

"Take him down!" Fairy Jinfeng shouted.

Among the three, although she is a woman, she is the most stubborn person, and she will start a war if there is a disagreement.

With a flash of their bodies, the three of them divided into three sides and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang.Each of the three held a magic weapon in their hands, shining faintly, and seemed to have a great connection with each other, which made Jiang Xiaobai feel a great threat.

I don't know why, but Jiang Xiaobai found that the situation was extremely tight at the moment, but Jiang Xiaobai found that his mind was completely attracted by the magic weapon in the hands of the three of them.

Tao Qian held a Wuhook in his hand, and the curved part of the hook was a bit seductive.In Pangbo's hands was a pagoda-like existence, but it only had two floors, and he was holding it upside down.

The magical weapon in Fairy Jinfeng's hand is more like a crane's beak, with a little orange tip, which hits people's hearts straight.

It's not a big deal to separate the three instruments, but Jiang Xiaobai feels very uncomfortable holding them together.But why, he couldn't tell.

"Don't think that if you block Granny Ming's three palms, you will be able to disdain the universe class. Except that the two moves after the first palm are speculations. You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from us." Tao Qian smiled complacently.

Jiang Xiaobai screamed in his heart, he didn't even see the transcendent masters, but he was spotted by these three people. These three people are indeed the top talents.

"It's best to have you, it doesn't matter without you, your body is enough." Fairy Jinfeng's voice was full of murderous intent.

Jiang Xiaobai recalled the weirdness in his heart, looked at the three of them, and couldn't help but said: "What purpose do you have? I don't believe that you would do such a reckless thing with your mind, unless you have another purpose. Want to force Shall I make a move? Or probe my vitality?"

He felt more and more that these three people were deliberately provoking him, and everything before was like a show.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he punched casually, using only a little vitality.

But at the next moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt the surrounding starry sky vibrating, and many monks who had settled down were awakened, and they all looked towards the five of them.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a strange force pulling on his dantian, like a pipe erected, and his vitality gushed out like a spring water from an open cage.

"Worthy of being Jiang Xiaobai, powerful, grab as much as you can!" Pang Bo shouted, eyes full of covetousness.

The three of them opened their mouths and sucked in at the same time, like swallowing a whale, Jiang Xiaobai felt that his vitality was absorbed by the three of them.

In just such an instant, thirty percent of his vitality was lost.

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked and angry, what kind of supernatural power is this?He quickly circulated the Dao scriptures, suppressing the still gushing vitality, and the gossip disk flew up, covering him and Long Ying Wushuang, and the gushing vitality was reduced.

"It's a pity, let's go!" The three shouted, without nostalgia, they disappeared quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai stopped the gushing of vitality, and checked three times in a row to confirm that there was nothing wrong with his body, so he took back the Bagua plate.

"Maybe it has something to do with the weapons in the hands of the three of them?" Long Ying Wushuang guessed.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, it must be the three magical artifacts.

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