"Everyone, it's best to keep your eyes open. If you want to take the opportunity to rob, first make sure you have the capital." Longying Wushuang shouted, the Tianyuan battle suit on her body was shining brightly, she hugged Jiang Xiaobai and hurried down fly away.

"Don't go down, go to the universe." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said, this place is to form the inner universe, and there is a chance outside the planet.

Maybe if you return to the planet again, you won't be able to get out.

"Okay!" Long Ying Wushuang replied, Jiang Xiaobai quickly threw out a flying boat, and the two of them got on the flying boat and galloped away.

Not long after, seven or eight figures jumped over, and they were a collection of local aborigines and local sects in Meteor Planet.

These people are not very old, but they are very imposing. These people just stood here, and they scared the curious monks around and retreated again and again, lest they accidentally offend these people and they would be wiped out.

"Has the boy gone far? Chasing him or not?" A woman asked.

"Who knows if the news from the exchange is true or not?"

"That's not necessarily the case! The exchange is just a nice name. To put it bluntly, it's a refuge established by a group of expelled people. There, selling and counter-selling are all too normal."

"Stop talking, someone!"

Seven or eight people flew away quickly!

A few flashes of light flashed, and four figures emerged, but they were people from the Three Great Sacred Grounds.

"Sure enough, there is Jiang Xiaobai's aura, and the news is correct."

"People from Meteor Planet have also come, and there are quite a few of them. It seems that Jiang Xiaobai has provoked everyone's anger."

"Who told him to be the one who obeyed his orders? Let's go. Don't pay attention to those local people. Their souls have already been polluted, so it's not worth mentioning."

The streamer flashed, and the four disappeared again, rushing into the depths of the universe.

After everyone left, a group of monks who were hiding jumped out, looked at each other, and shook their heads secretly.Some people left in a hurry, not daring to stay here anymore.

Although their strength is mediocre, and their talents are a little mediocre, but they can cultivate to this level, and they are all people with keen minds.They have already foreseen a huge confrontation, which will have a huge impact. With their strength, it is better not to get involved at will.

On the flying boat, Jiang Xiaobai let go of the inner universe and connected with the heaven and the earth.On the one hand, it is to let Long Ying Wushuang see the orthodox path of cultivation, and on the other hand, it is to help her gather star souls.

Sure enough, as he expected, the display of the inner universe, along the way, powerful star souls continued to gather.In this mysterious star field, there are many star souls, and it is easy to integrate into the soul.

Longying Wushuang was originally gifted with extraordinary talent. After a while, clusters of chaotic aura formed in her body, which gradually condensed into small planets.The planets gradually merged and became a big planet. After half a day, all the shapes in the inner universe finally merged into a round and beautiful planet.

"How did you condense the earth?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

Long Ying Wushuang explained: "It's no wonder those people will come to you, it's so convenient to condense the inner universe by your side."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and he also felt that Longying Wushuang almost didn't go wrong in the process of condensing the inner universe.

"Okay, let's continue!"

There are so many stars in the universe, and each planet is like a grain of sand in the vast sea of ​​sand, let alone a person in the universe.

The two stayed in the universe for half a month, Jiang Xiaobai fully recovered his strength, and Longying Wushuang basically formed the inner universe, reaching the universe level.But after all, it is another completely different practice method, and it takes a long time to get used to it if you want to completely change it.

Looking at the inner universe of Longying Wushuang's practice, Jiang Xiaobai finally discovered the difference between himself and others, maybe that's why those people said he was different.

When the inner universe of Longying Wushuang was completely formed, he felt a little feedback from the inner universe of Longying Wushuang.

The latter strengthened his inner universe strength, although it was very weak, but under the control of Taiji Yuanpan, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly detect it.After careful observation, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that in these days, there are also a lot of feedback coming, more or less, stronger or weaker.

And the power of these feedbacks, from the Tai Chi Disc, Jiang Xiaobai understands that it is a kind of original energy of the universe. Tianyuan Shenbing is upgraded, and the broken and abandoned Tianyuan Shenbing is restored again.

All the root causes come from this energy, and it is this original energy that promotes the activation of the Tai Chi disc.

This was the first time that Jiang Xiaobai had a real understanding of Taiji Yuanpan, which greatly boosted his confidence.

"Xiaobai, do you also feel a force of attraction?" Longying Wushuang asked.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he had already felt it, and only when the inner universe was formed would he feel the force of attraction.

"Let's go!" The two of them rode the flying boat and rushed towards the place where the gravity came from.

Gradually approaching, a star river filled the air.And at the end of the galaxy, there is a huge city.

The city is extremely majestic, nearly hundreds of feet high, like a giant mountain suppressing the other side of the galaxy.Countless stars gather together, and the city is like a cornucopia, continuously gathering stars one after another.

The two set foot on the Xinghe and drove all the way, but saw that many monks and even various creatures had gathered in front of the city.

Although some creatures appear to be dressed up as human beings, they give the impression that they are wild giant beasts, suppressing the violent energy in their bodies, as if they are about to tear the world apart.

The human monks who were arrogant before, such as the sons and daughters of the Three Holy Lands, and the Tianjiao of the Exchange, are just hiding in the corner at this time.There are not many people, that is, more than 30 people.

Maybe there is an age limit for coming here, Jiang Xiaobai didn't see a single elder, they were all young people.

The three people in the exchange greeted Jiang Xiaobai Longying Wushuang enthusiastically, as if what happened before was not worth mentioning.

Jiang Xiaobai ignored those people. According to his creed, if you betray someone once, you will definitely betray him a second time.Being cheated once is someone else's fault, being cheated a second time by the same person is your fault.

He took Longying Wushuang's hand and sat down in front of an open space.

This is a very strange land. Jiang Xiaobai picked up a handful of soil, smelled it, and it was full of vitality.

"Humans, get out of there." A silly voice sounded.

The latter looks big and thick, but has a majestic voice, and it is obvious that the body is extremely strong.

Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look with his eyes, and found that the person's body was actually an elephant, but the four poles inscriptions of wind, fire, thunder and lightning were naturally branded on the four thick legs.

"Are you a quadrupole elephant?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

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