Dominate the world

Chapter 1133 Time and Space City

In his cognition, the quadrupole elephant has already perished, and he didn't want to survive here.And looking at the latter's arrogant appearance, it is obvious that the ethnic group is extremely powerful.

What is this place?

"Aww—" the quadrupole elephant roared, and slapped Jiang Xiaobai's head with a slap.

"You humans call us Quadrupole Elephants, we are Four Holy Elephants!" Quadrupole Elephant said angrily.

How did Jiang Xiaobai know such secrets? He only noticed a little unofficial legend when he checked an ancient book on the exchange.

Rumor has it that the quadrupole elephant has infinite power, Jiang Xiaobai also wants to test how powerful this quadrupole elephant is.He didn't dodge either, he raised an arm and greeted the quadrupole elephant's palm.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai didn't dodge, but blocked it with one hand, the faces of many creatures around showed a trace of mockery.The reason why the four sacred images are called quadrupoles is that the four poles support the sky and the earth, which also shows the power of the four poles.

Even the mountain white ape, who has always been physically strong, did not dare to fight against the quadrupole elephant in terms of strength, but now this human dared to underestimate the quadrupole elephant, and they waited for Jiang Xiaobai's physical body to be broken.

Bang, two arms collided.

Jiang Xiaobai's body sank, and then he straightened up vigorously, his quadrupole arm turned upside down, and he staggered back again and again, his thigh stepped on the ground, making a heavy rattling sound.

All the creatures looked dumbfounded, Jiang Xiaobai not only resisted the power of the quadrupole elephant, but also collapsed the quadrupole elephant?

True or false, how is it possible?

This is still human!

On the human side, more than 30 people all turned pale. They found that they had completely underestimated Jiang Xiaobai's strength, and all other creatures regarded this seemingly thin human being as their number one enemy.

The quadrupole elephant was panting heavily, his eyes full of surprise.

He was a little suspicious, and then punched the ground violently.With a loud bang, a three-cent-thick shallow handprint was smashed on the ground.

There was a sound of suction all around. The ground was full of vitality, and it was blessed with extraordinary formations. Some of them had tried it before and found that the ground was terrifyingly solid. Even if the weapons were smashed on the ground with all their strength, they could only leave a little superficial trace , you can't see it by accident.

Now, the Quadrupole Elephant can make a handprint with just one fist, which shows how powerful it is.From this point of view, Jiang Xiaobai's power is even more terrifying to the extreme.

Jiang Xiaobai secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he was only a little belatedly aware at this moment.It was the original power of the universe that surged up before, otherwise his arm would have been broken.

At this moment, the gate of the city suddenly opened, and a soldier came out, and all the creatures changed their colors in astonishment. This man turned out to be a transcendent master.

Jiang Xiaobai was full of doubts, what was this place, and where did that senior lead them to?

Obviously, this place is definitely not refined by those detached seniors, and a random corner of this city makes people feel overwhelmed.

After the soldier walked a few steps, he grasped the palm of his hand, and suddenly a series of star souls galloped towards him, forming a spear in his hand. The soldier waved it twice, pointing the tip of the spear at all living beings.

"If you want to enter the city, give me three tricks!"

"I'm coming!" The soldier finished speaking, and a shapeshifting creature rushed forward.

The soldier's voice remained the same, and his tone was equally indifferent, with a bit of a literalist feeling: "It turned out to be a little dragon."

Long Ying Wushuang's eyes widened. She looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief, and Jiang Xiaobai shook his head again and again. According to the ancient books of the exchange, a long, long time ago, the universe at that time did have various races, but later The human race rises, and all races disappear.

These things happened before the chaotic universe, but now not only quadrupole elephants have escaped, but even the little dragons that have disappeared in ancient times have also escaped.

And judging from the soldier's tone, it seemed that he was not very curious about Xiaolong's appearance.

Xiaolong rushed forward, and even pre-emptively grabbed the soldier's spear with one paw.

With a flick of the soldier's wrist, the tip of the spear immediately changed its position, outlining more than seven or eight cold stars all at once, piercing all the vital points on Xiaolong's body.

Xiaolong's wrist suddenly drew a circle, unexpectedly covering all the soldiers' attacks in it.Xiaolong followed with a pat, letting the soldier move away.

It seems that the movements are light and simple, almost without any effort.

"Okay!" Many creatures couldn't help shouting "Okay", this move is really cool.

Some creatures also shouted out, worthy of being the dragon catcher of the dragon clan, amazing!

"The first move, you have passed, the second move." The soldier's tone remained the same, and he stabbed the second spear again.

Compared with the previous attack, both in terms of speed and power, this attack was much stronger. Even the little dragon was a little embarrassed, but the latter was also supernatural, and he easily blocked it.

The soldier's cultivation base suddenly increased, and a spear pierced out, and a long dragon also evolved, biting towards the little dragon.

"Dragon Transformation Technique!"

Xiaolong was surprised. He showed his real body without any carelessness. After roaring, he slapped the head of the dragon transformed from a spear with his paw.

With a bang, the two dragons' claws intersected, the little dragon staggered back and forth, and the dragon shape formed by the soldier's spear was also broken, but obviously the soldier was better, and the other's spear was still as stable as Mount Tai, so he obviously kept his hand.

Xiaolong stepped back seven or eight steps, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, but after spouting blood, his complexion also improved.

"Amazing. As expected of Space-Time City, a gatekeeper can be so powerful."

The soldier made way for a path: "Yinkang, you are allowed to enter."

Xiaolong bowed respectfully, and strode into the city that was only cracked.

"I'm coming!" On the side of the creatures, they obviously knew more, and they rushed forward excitedly, scrambling to be the first.

"Come one after another, chaotic ones, kill!" The soldier shouted, and everyone retreated quickly, leaving only a tall man.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about this battle anymore, but came to a monster in shape.

"My friend, what exactly is this space-time city?"

Relying on the prestige of suppressing the quadrupole elephant before, this monster was dissatisfied and its legs trembled, but it had to explain: "The city of time and space has existed since ancient times. As long as the universe is immortal, the city of time and space will be immortal. Here is the real The place where the Tianjiao exists will appear immediately, and only the real Tianjiao will be guided to find this place, and once they enter, they can live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and live forever!"

"Thank you." Jiang Xiaobai thanked him, stepped back and walked away.

The monster quickly walked away in fear, and retreated into the group of transformed monsters. Just now, he was close, and he felt a level of coercion, even higher than that little dragon.

After thinking about it, he still didn't tell others the truth that too much talk would lead to failure. As a monster, he also understood, but he was surprised in his heart, how could that kind of coercion appear in the body of a human race?

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