Dominate the world

Chapter 1134 The Three People Stealing the Chicken

Finally, after watching several rounds, someone on the human side couldn't sit still.

He looked like a native sect's arrogance, his cheeks were a little yellow, revealing a simple and pragmatic atmosphere. He was carrying a long black wooden stick, and walked up calmly.

"Meteor Star, Diyan, please enlighten me, senior!"

There was a sudden flash of light in his eyes, and he swung the long black wooden stick and hit the soldiers.The black wood is obviously not an ordinary material. He swung it in the air, crushing the space to some extent, and his speed was so fast that the black wood turned into a fan shape, leaving only the black wood fan to the naked eye.

The humans and creatures present all nodded secretly, and a little annoyed, why didn't I think of it before?It is said that it is the three moves to resist the soldiers. If there is no regulation, you can't take the initiative to make moves?

Soldiers respond, after all, it is counted as a move!

The soldier's expression remained unchanged, like a programmed robot.Or maybe Di Yan's tricks seemed completely meaningless to the soldiers. The latter casually pointed out the spear, and precisely placed it on the tip of the black wooden stick.

There was a light ding, but Di Yan looked extremely extraordinary, Hei Mu, who had changed so many moves, was like a seven-inch snake being hit, and suddenly became limp, losing all his strength.

The soldier fired again, hovering in front of Di Yan's throat.

"Fail, retreat!"

Di Yan smiled wryly, turned around and walked away, his figure was desolate, making everyone feel sad.

At this time, Pang Bo from the exchange came out. He breathed calmly. It seemed that his strength had not improved in terms of realm compared to before, but his aura was stronger than before.

"Senior, junior Interstellar Exchange Pangbo came to give advice."

He didn't take the first shot, everyone is not a fool, someone has already verified it, and he doesn't want to anger the soldiers anymore, although the latter may not care.

But right now, the soldier's expression changed unexpectedly.

He raised his eyebrows, and for the first time there was a trace of surprise in his voice: "Your breath is wrong."

Pangbo smiled slightly: "But the junior can still make a move, right?"


"Okay, senior, please take action."

The soldier stabbed out with a spear, as fast as a shooting star, and pointed directly at Pangbo's dantian. This was the first time a soldier directly attacked a vital point.Pangbo was also taken aback. If he was hit by this attack, he would lose his skin if he didn't die.

Pangbo quickly jumped away, swung a long sword, and swung away the soldiers' attacks.

"The aura is really not yours. You have robbed other people's vitality and other things. Anyway, this is also your chance. You have passed the first move."

The soldier said that he used the second move again, which was different from the first move. This move was more aggressive, but the threat to Pangbo was greatly reduced.Pang Bo heaved a sigh of relief, while on the Human side, Jin Feng and Tao Qian were overjoyed and cheered for Pang Bo loudly.

After all, Pangbo had some strength. Facing the soldiers' attack, he responded very well.He didn't attack by force, but took the initiative to defend, and easily took the second move.

The soldier made the third move again, but saw that the vitality in Pangbo's body turned into a small planet, which looked like the earth.

"go with!"

Off the field, many people exclaimed: "The projection of the natal universe!"

"So cruel!"

"No, that's not his own natal universe!"

They were all arrogant, and quickly recognized Pangbo's third move. Although this move was cunning, it was indeed the best solution to resist the soldier's third move.

Sure enough, under the projection of the natal universe, the soldier's attack fell into a struggle for the first time, and the result was that the two phases canceled out, but this move was indeed blocked.

"Shameless!" Longying Wushuang scolded.

Pangbo's face was full of smiles, he cupped his hands and said, "Senior, did this junior pass?"

The soldier nodded: "It is true that you have passed."

Pang Bo laughed loudly, and cupped his hands towards Tao Qian and Fairy Jinfeng behind him: "I'll wait for you inside."

After he finished speaking, he heheed to Jiang Xiaobai again, and strode into the city.

Fairy Jinfeng came out: "Junior Interstellar Exchange, Jinfeng, ask senior for advice."

"Your aura is the same as that person's aura just now." The soldier nodded, "Although it's a bit speculative, it is indeed within the rules. Come on."

Everyone has already noticed that the soldier only made three moves, but the power of the three moves is also different. With the genius of everyone, the first two may not be unable to resist with all their strength, but the third move really combines detachment. The ultimate power of the super-level, the ultimate genius among non-geniuses, ordinary people can't get in.

That is to say, many people cleared the level before, but only Shenlong was recognized. The latter is superior to humans in terms of strength and talent.But it doesn't mean that human beings are no match for Shenlong, but there is indeed a huge gap in innate conditions, and it takes great effort to bridge this gap.

Fairy Jinfeng used the same method as Pangbo. When dealing with the third move, she also used the projection of her natal planet to resist the third move and successfully entered the space-time city.

Then Tao Qian also successfully entered the Time and Space City.

All of a sudden, many transformed monsters glanced at them. Human beings were the least, and there were many factions, but in the end, there were three of them.

But then, the human race stopped mobilizing. People from the three holy places were discussing in low voices. They were well-informed and had already seen that the projection of the natal planet played by the three used Jiang Xiaobai's natal universe. strength.

On the side of the monsters, they continued to step forward to challenge, but most of them failed. But after all, there are thousands of monsters, especially many legendary beasts, Tianfeng, Dapeng, etc. have come out, and the soldiers' three moves naturally cannot stop them Stop them, and the latter easily entered the space-time city.

At this time, the human side could no longer sit still, and several people came over.

"Brother Jiang, Qi Zhan under Feng Tianzong, I have heard from my clan brother Qi Chu that you have a lot of magic?" A man with a face like a crown of jade came over, with a friendly smile.

"At the beginning, when you worked together to seal Wutian's Remnant Body, my cousin said he would never forget it, and hoped to fight with you again in the future. It's a pity that no one expected that Brother Jiang, your talent is so superb, but short-term In just over ten years, you have gone from a planetary level to a cosmic level, brother Jiang's talent is so high, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

This person's cheeks are indeed somewhat similar to Qi Chu's, and should have some relationship with Qi Chu.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands: "Don't dare to do it. If you have free time later, just as the suzerain said, you must go to Chengzhou Xing to worship."

"Brother Jiang, you have also seen the current situation. The monster race is powerful, and our human race is weak. Moreover, there are so many kinds of monster race. It may not be possible to cover ten thousand races. My human race wants to fight against them. Heavy!"

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