Dominate the world

Chapter 1135 Proposals

"Yes, what Brother Qi said is true." Jiang Xiaobai said, he echoed casually, his eyes fixed on the monster clan who was attacking with the soldiers.

These monsters are very powerful, but what is even stronger is their understanding of exercises.Many things, Jiang Xiaobai thinks, can be used for reference, and many exercises were seen in that secret cave back then, and I understood it before, but now these monsters use it, let Jiang Xiaobai Suddenly realized.

It turns out that many details and levels are not because he doesn't understand well, but more in line with the body structure of the monster family or the supernatural power bonuses that come with it.What surprised Jiang Xiaobai even more was that the formation of this space-time city was constantly absorbing the star soul and automatically transforming the star soul into the original energy of the universe.

Looking at other people, or the appearance of creatures, they shouldn't feel it.Even those heavenly phoenix dragons never sensed it, even the soldier didn't notice it.

Only he felt it, and Tai Chi Yuanpan was absorbing this energy carefully, each time absorbing a small amount, but adding up to a lot, it was definitely an energy that should not be underestimated.

Therefore, it took time for Qi Zhan to chat with him, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't wait for it.

Of course he understood what Qi Zhan meant, and let the latter continue. It would be serious for him to seize the time to absorb the original energy of the universe.

The more he absorbed, the more his thoughts began to diverge. Since there is the original energy of the universe, will there be other kinds of energy? It's a pity that his strength is still too weak now, and he can't feel the others at all.

"Brother Jiang, there are many people and strength is great. Only by grouping together can our human race survive among these thousands of races and have the right to speak in control of our own lives and safety. Each of us is fighting for this and paying for it, regardless of the small self , for the sake of a big self. My master is the suzerain's younger brother. He always tells us to see the overall situation. Personal honor and disgrace are nothing more than that. Our Fengtianzong did this, the suzerain and his old man did this, we juniors They all take this as their ideal and strive for it.”


"Of course, if you let Brother Jiang pay in vain, you will lose the true meaning of giving and become a plunder. Therefore, we discussed together, and each of us will provide some treasures. I hope Brother Jiang will share some of our cosmic projections and bring us Let's go in together."

Qi Zhan's mouth was dry, and he finally finished speaking, looking at Jiang Xiaobai expectantly.

Long Ying Wushuang spoke first: "Brother Qi Zhan is worthy of being the senior brother of Feng Tianzong. His words are well-founded and there is no threat at all, but he directly covered them with righteousness. Hehe, my Xiaobai's shoulders are not wide enough. I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

The corners of her mouth were full of ridicule, mixed with a bit of disdain.

They are all cosmic level masters, and they have obtained the cultivation method of the inner universe in the previous opportunity, who would not know how important the natal planet is.What about natal projection? Is that a matter of projection?

It is clear that they are avoiding the important and taking the light.

Qi Zhan was not ashamed, but just looked at Jiang Xiaobai indifferently, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's reply.

He has a little self-confidence, and Jiang Xiaobai will agree. This comes from his innate supernatural power, the highest and most mysterious Conferred God Profound Art in the Fengtian Sect.

Since ancient times, only those who have successfully practiced the Conferred God Profound Truth can inherit the position of the suzerain of Fengtianzong.There are nine levels of Conferred God Profound Truth. Ordinary Tianjiao can cultivate to the third level, and extreme geniuses can practice to the sixth level.

But for the next three levels, those who have great perseverance and chance cannot practice, and he has now reached the sixth level of perfection, and has found a little sign of advancing to the seventh level.

Whether it is instinctive thoughts or the wisdom of the soul, they all point to Jiang Xiaobai. He believes that Jiang Xiaobai will help him enter the seventh floor, which is his destiny.This is also the reason why he took the initiative to ask for orders to talk to Jiang Xiaobai. Those people are all arrogance, and their favors are not easy to win.

"Xiaobai, you have to think about it carefully." Long Ying Wushuang comforted, it was the first time she had seen such a brazen person.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

When Qi Zhan saw Jiang Xiaobai and felt that the opportunity had arrived, Jiang Xiaobai felt the same way, and he also felt his opportunity in Qi Zhan.

"Since Brother Qi has said so, wouldn't it be too selfish for Xiaobai to cherish his own broom?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "My natal universe is indeed a bit special. Some projections are not fatal, but they are also extremely It's dangerous, and Dexian can't provide it."

Qi Zhan said happily: "It's natural, come to Brother Jiang, come here to chat."

As he spoke, he graciously led Jiang Xiaobai to the front of the crowd.

Long Ying Wushuang was dumbfounded immediately, she repeatedly signaled to Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai ignored it, but she had no choice but to follow and came to the front of the crowd.

The human beings here are also stunned, Qi Zhan really invited Jiang Xiaobai over, that is the projection of the natal universe!

Everyone has just embarked on this path of practice, and they don't know much about it, so how dare they project at will?

Before, they had specifically questioned Tao Qian and the other three, but the three just smiled and said nothing, but seeing Longying Wushuang's anger, it was obvious that those three had taken advantage.

Qi Zhan enthusiastically introduced Jiang Xiaobai and Longying Wushuang to everyone. Longying Wushuang kept his face long and didn't want to see everyone.

Qi Zhan talked about the things discussed, and everyone naturally agreed that they are the pride of all ethnic groups.Although the time-space city is extremely secretive, they have also heard that compared with treasures, the opportunities in the time-space city are much stronger.

Longying Wushuang was still a little unconvinced, Jiang Xiaobai gently pulled the former's palm, and said in a voice: "Don't worry, I know what I know, I will only take advantage of it, and I won't be taken advantage of by others. Speaking of which, this I only discovered it when Tao Qian and the other three robbed my vitality before. The three thought they had stolen the power of my natal universe, but they were the real source of my natal universe.”

As he said that, Jiang Xiaobai transmitted a little bit of the original power of the universe, and Longying Wushuang's eyes immediately changed.She felt a coercion on the level of life, which made her instinctively unwilling to resist, but surrendered and worshiped.

She only experienced that feeling when a mortal met a practitioner for the first time, the real difference in level.

"So, don't you have to worry?" Jiang Xiaobai said via voice transmission.

Longying Wushuang nodded cheerfully, no longer worried.

Taiji Yuanpan gave a series of lists, and Jiang Xiaobai was dazzled by the amount of materials.Not only are they used to improve the Taiji Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar, but also some can be used to improve the Tianyuan battle suit worn by Longying Wushuang.

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