Dominate the world

Chapter 1136 Exchange

These people are real rich people, who possess all kinds of natural and earthly treasures, and after entering the secret realm, they plundered a lot from other people.It can be said that the treasures on these people accounted for almost [-]% of the practitioners who came in.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth directly, but in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai was already very conscientious, and a group of more than 30 people happily exchanged.

After all, what Jiang Xiaobai asked for was only one-third of what they had, even if it was doubled, they would happily agree.

According to the method given by Tai Chi Yuanpan, Jiang Xiaobai sent out the first projection of the natal universe, and it was Qi Zhan who got the first projection. Others were somewhat skeptical, but Qi Zhan volunteered. out.

Qi Zhan strode out, came to the soldiers, and began to challenge.

After some fighting, in the third move, Qi Zhan used Jiang Xiaobai's natal cosmic projection. As expected, he supported the soldier's third move and successfully entered the space-time city.

The human race was immediately excited, one by one accepted Jiang Xiaobai's natal universe projection, stepped forward to challenge the soldiers, and all passed.

Not to mention the demon clans, even the soldiers' expressions changed. He stared at Jiang Xiaobai with burning eyes. After the introduction of so many humans, Time and Space City is destined to cause great changes, and Jiang Xiaobai is the initiator.

"Wushuang, take off your Tianyuan battle suit, and I'll upgrade it for you." Jiang Xiaobai grinned from ear to ear, this time the receipt is so big, even though he has long been obsessed with money, but There are too many treasures of heaven and earth obtained.

In particular, when Qi Zhan handed over the upper half of the Tianxuan Sword, Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Zhan looked at each other and smiled.

On the other side, the Yaozu finally started to break through. The failure rate is the same as before, ten out of ten, and non-top geniuses cannot enter.The eyes of many monster races even began to glance towards Jiang Xiaobai, there is no reason why humans can, but they can't.

Isn't it the practice method of inner universe?They too!

It's just slightly different according to their own conditions, but in general, they are all the same.

With these treasures and the blessing of the original energy of the universe, the speed of the Taiji disc was amazing. After a while, the Tianyuan battle suit flickered again and again. Longying Wushuang was pleasantly surprised to find that her Tianyuan battle suit had become a universe-level Terrace.

Jiang Xiaobai also handed the Tianyuan sword to Longying Wushuang. The Tianyuan sword has been fully integrated now, and has returned to the level of the universe-level heavenly rank.

"You gave it to me, what about you?" Long Ying Wushuang was moved in her heart, but she was never a snobbish person, so she resolutely refused to accept it.

"Don't worry, of course I have it. My weapons have been upgraded along with me." Jiang Xiaobai took out the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar. Although the two weapons are not the Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon, they are more suitable. The power of Jiang Xiaobai's use may not be inferior to that of Tianyuan Shenbing.

Longying Wushuang didn't say any more, she also knew about Jiang Xiaobai's weapon, and she knew it was also advanced at a glance, and the power it exuded was not inferior to the Tianyuan sword.

"I'm a weapon refiner, how could I not upgrade my own weapons? After that, you should take good care of these two treasures, and after you are able to handle them as you like, it's time for the two magical weapons to advance again."

Longying Wushuang nodded emphatically: "Then I'm going to break through."

She is full of self-confidence. If she can't break through with the two Heavenly Fate Divine Weapons, she will definitely be treated specially.

Sure enough, when Longying Wushuang came to the city, the soldier waved his hand directly: "You don't need to be assessed, you can enter directly."

"Senior, isn't this a bit unfair?" a monster roared, extremely dissatisfied.

As the geniuses at the beginning gradually entered the city, the success rate of the Yaozu side also dropped rapidly. Before that, more than 20 monsters had been turned away.

As a result, this human woman is just standing in front of the city gate, and she is automatically let in without even taking a written test, which immediately arouses the dissatisfaction of these monster races.

Longying Wushuang cut it casually, a sword qi howled, and the monster who spoke was terrified. He retreated quickly and threw out several guardian treasures.

But when he heard the sound of chi chi, the treasures that he thought were incomparably precious were cut into two pieces to block the attack of the sword energy, and the last red line fell on the chest and abdomen of the monster. It was almost about to disembowel the latter.

"Do you have any other opinions?" Long Yin Wushuang said proudly.

The previously arrogant monster is like a well-behaved quail at this moment, nodding repeatedly, not daring to talk nonsense anymore, retreating into the group of monsters, not daring to stand up again.

"Uh, fellow Daoist Jiang, hehe, I want to do business with you?" A monster in shape suddenly ran over, blushing and said, obviously it was the first time to engage in such a thing, the latter's words Still stuttering.

"So do we." Several other transformed monsters also came over quickly. If such a good thing happens, they don't want to be excluded.

"No!" A low growl sounded, stopping all the monsters.

Many Yaozu looked at it blankly, thinking that it was the people of Time and Space City who were rejecting them.It turned out that the one who scolded them turned out to be a monster clan, and immediately, these monster clan became popular.


"We Yaozu rely on their own talents, hard work, and the dueling skills that we have learned in battles again and again. We are not sneaky like humans, who only use despicable little tricks."

The one who spoke was a monster with a horn growing on its head. Its strength was quite good, but its words aroused public outrage.

Jiang Xiaobai can see clearly that this demon clan is very powerful, although its realm is average, but its talent is extremely high. It should be a descendant of a special monster clan. With his family background and personal strength, he wanted to take advantage of it, but he was used to it.

Now, in front of the time-space city, everyone and all the monsters are fighting for their chances, but this monster is still engaged in level suppression, so it is naturally despised by all the monsters.

"Void Beast, this is not your home, no one will spoil you, get out!"

"Presumptuous, you..."

Before he could finish his words, he was smart enough to be beaten to the ground by all the monsters. He rushed to the soldiers of Time and Space City, shouting loudly to challenge, and the monsters quickly backed away.

"I must lose, I must lose..."

Who said that monsters have no anger and no calculations, their calculations are more straightforward and simpler, dozens of monsters howled together.

After all, the Void Beast had a bad mentality. When it resisted the third move of the soldiers of Time and Space City, it was defeated by one move and lost the opportunity to enter.

The latter's own strength cannot be considered top-notch, otherwise his forehead would not be left behind, but at this moment he completely vented his anger on the demons.

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