Jiang Xiaobai had never seen the scene of a monster challenging a group of monsters, but seeing it now, it was really shocking.

If it was said before, all the monsters would still save face, but the group of monsters also wanted face when they were bitten by the void beast, and the group rushed to more than 30 heads, all of whom were arrogant, and directly tore the void beast into pieces.

The picture is horrible and horrible!

"Who will come first?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, ready to blackmail another sum.

He discovered that as the natal universe projected more, his vitality was indeed decreasing, and at an extremely fast speed, but the original power of the universe in the natal universe was rapidly increasing.

These energies are much more advanced and mellow than vitality, and with the replacement of the two energies, whether it is the perception of the exercises themselves, the advancement of the physical body, or the perception and experience of the mysteries of the universe itself, are gradually improving.

What surprised him even more was that he felt that his natal universe seemed to be somewhat active.

For example, before, there were only some planets and some nebulae, but now he saw his natal home planet in his dantian, that is, some thunderclouds and rainstorms began to appear on the earth, as if a real planet had started to rotate.

And with the rotation of these planets, there seems to be a trace of original energy being born.Of course, the amount is extremely small, far less than the amount absorbed from the outside world, and even less powerful than the outside world, but in terms of purity, it is the most suitable for him, and it will stop nourishing his body all the time. Soul.

The first to accept his natal cosmic projection monster to resist the three moves of the soldiers.

The process was a bit difficult, but when the latter survived three tricks and entered the city, all the monsters went crazy, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if they were looking at a treasure.

"Come slowly, come one by one, there are all, don't worry, and don't squeeze." Jiang Xiaobai said.

He was overjoyed, this was simply an opportunity that came to him!

At this moment, in a quiet room in Time and Space City, an old man was silently sipping tea and listening to music, and suddenly opened his eyes.For a moment, many people in the entire city opened their eyes, and then looked outside the city gate together.

After a while, everyone laughed, and the old man shook his head wryly: "There should be a calamity, there should be a calamity!"

The soldier was panting, he was a little tired, coming out to test these geniuses was a good job for them, not to mention the generous benefits, but also to relieve the pressure in the city, teach some newcomers, the result was as good as It's completely different now?

After the monsters outside the city entered more than 30 people, Jiang Xiaobai stopped the exchange, turned around and walked towards the soldiers, and started to challenge, and passed the level in one go.

"Boy, I count you winking! My name is Bian Xiong, you can look for me later." The soldier gave Jiang Xiaobai an angry look, closed the gate of the city, and walked in with Jiang Xiaobai.

The city flickered again and again, and then disappeared into the empty universe.


"Just call me Big Brother Bian. Your future is destined to be extraordinary. I don't want you to be called Senior Jiang after you surpass me in power. At that time, I will call you Big Brother Jiang at most." Bian Xiong has changed his previous coldness at the moment and speaks humorously. .

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll call you Big Brother Bian. If your strength surpasses you in the future, I will still call you Big Brother Bian. By the way, Big Brother Bian, what exactly is Space-Time City? What does it represent? I used to Never heard of it at all?"

"Then how did you come here?" Bian Xiong was also curious.

There was no need for Jiang Xiaobai to be secretive, and he explained the reason for his arrival.Bian Xiong was stunned: "So that's it. The old man you mentioned should have entered the time-space city, so a trigger mechanism was ambushed in the secret realm. Non-top geniuses will not feel the call of the time-space city."

"Here, since the existence of this universe, it has existed in the world. It can be regarded as the most top-notch opportunity! Practice here for a year, and go to the outside to practice for ten or hundred years. After the practice, you can choose to leave, or you can I chose to stay. But I can’t come back after leaving, so except for some people who are dedicated to the Tao, almost no one will stay, after all, this place is too boring.”


Bian Xiong brought Jiang Xiaobai to a post station, and said: "They should all be inside, you go in, I will also go back to my life, and if you are free, you can come to the martial arts field to find me."

Jiang Xiaobai waved goodbye, and then looked carefully at the space-time city.

Bian Xiong said that this city was more ancient, and Jiang Xiaobai felt it, and found many old objects, which were really terrifyingly old.The population in the city is not large, and there are all kinds of races, but human beings are the least.

The station was very lively, Jiang Xiaobai walked in slowly.

"Xiaobai!" Longying Wushuang ran over happily, "People are a little worried about you, but who knows that you actually started to give the projection of the natal universe to those monster races."

There was a hint of complaint in her voice, full of worry.

She whispered quietly: "Be careful, these people feel sorry for the previous treasure."

"Don't worry, I've already figured it out." Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, looked at the others, and cupped his hands: "Everyone, come here and be safe!"

All the human beings were there, and everyone greeted with a smile.

Tao Qian and the other three also gathered in the crowd, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with fear in their eyes.

The three thought that Jiang Xiaobai was injured, but who knew that not only was he not, but his strength had improved greatly.And knowing the trajectory of these people coming in, the three finally realized what a stupid mistake they had made.

"Tao Qian, the three of you set aside [-]% of the treasures in your storage rings, so what happened before has been revealed, how about it?" Jiang Xiaobai said flatly.

"Xiaobai, are you a little too anxious?" Longying Wushuang asked worriedly. Everyone else was feeling sorry, but Jiang Xiaobai turned against Tao Qian and the others. She couldn't help but blame herself. Focus on Jiang Xiaobai, but in the end it triggered a conflict.

Long Ying Wushuang carefully stared at the human side, no one spoke, but heard that Jiang Xiaobai asked for [-]% of the treasures. To her surprise, many people even laughed.

"Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness. Before they came in, they didn't care about the treasures they gave, just for a place to come in. But now they come in, they look at the storage ring that has been thinned by a half, and they naturally feel distressed. But now Hearing that I want [-]% of Tao Qian's treasures, the regret in their hearts will naturally be replaced by deep gratitude, and they feel that the sacrifice is worthwhile and they took advantage of it."

When Jiang Xiaobai's transmission sounded, Long Ying Wushuang suddenly realized, but couldn't help asking: "But if you can get back what you paid before, wouldn't it be more beautiful?"

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