Dominate the world

Chapter 1138 Black Silk Lock

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "That's right, that's the reason. They can get back what they paid, so they naturally hope that it will be better. But don't forget the fear in their hearts, fear of me, but even more fear of this time and space." City, so they dare not turn their backs, this is my bargaining chip, so they will definitely give me a chance, and the three of Tao Qian are a temptation."

Long Ying Wushuang's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai happily, feeling that his vision was really good.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help pinching Long Ying Wushuang's nose, and said with a light smile, "Aren't you worried about my defeat?"

"Hmph, they are not your opponents." Longying Wushuang shouted confidently. She has always been confident about Jiang Xiaobai.

Tao Qian and the three were communicating with each other, but they glanced at the others.After they came in, they expected that the situation would be bad, and Jiang Xiaobai would definitely settle the score later, but they didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so strong and send so many people in.

Every time one more person is sent in, Jiang Xiaobai's strength will naturally increase in their hearts no matter whether everyone approves or not.And just now, even some monsters were sent in.

Jiang Xiaobai's strength is no longer tyrannical, but weird. Without great magical powers, he definitely can't do this.

Perhaps at the beginning, some people or monsters still wanted to snatch Jiang Xiaobai, but as more and more people and monsters came in, everyone's thoughts became weaker, and they even became a little afraid.

Right now, seeing the other people's attitudes as if they have nothing to do with themselves, and happily watching their jokes, the three of them know that this matter can only be looked at by themselves.

The three of them have long been used to being praised by everyone, although they were surprised, but they put down their airs and apologized to Jiang Xiaobai without resisting, the three of them definitely couldn't do it.

With just one eye contact, the three of them understood their own thoughts, and they gave it a go!

"Hehe, brother Jiang really has a lot of courage, that's okay, we will fight you again!" Tao Qian shouted.

"Shameless, do you still want the three of us to go up together?" Longying Wushuang shouted, she pulled out the Tianxuan sword, put on the Tianyuan battle suit, she made up her mind, this time she was bound to violently Beat the three of them.

"Sky Profound Sword?" Everyone exclaimed.

Especially Qi Zhan, he knows best that he was the one who gave Jiang Xiaobai the upper half of the broken Tianxuan sword before, and it took so long for the Tianxuan sword to be forged and repaired.

Seeing that Longying Wushuang casually pulled out a sword flower, with traces of sword energy emanating from it, he knew that the Tianxuan Sword had really returned to its place.

"No, I suffered a loss last time, and this time I just got it back with interest." Jiang Xiaobai said, blinking at Longying Wushuang, and beckoning everyone.

Long Ying Wushuang understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, she drew back her sword and stepped back, but her eyes were fixed on the three of them, shocking everyone.

Tao Qian and the three were overjoyed, if Longying Wushuang joined, with her battle clothes and Tianxuan sword, there would be no need to fight.If you can't break through other people's defenses, and you can't resist their attacks, then there is nothing to fight, and there is no other way but to escape.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't need it. The three of them felt that their winning rate had greatly increased. The three of them jumped out again and took out the three magic weapons before, Wu hook, pagoda and crane's beak.

The humans and monsters automatically moved out of the way, and many eyes also focused on the three special-looking treasures.Although it is not a Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon, it still looks quite extraordinary, especially the three kinds of treasures are connected to each other, which is clearly a magical weapon for a joint attack.

The power is definitely not a simple addition like one plus one plus one equals three. The strength of the power may be four times or eight times the change.

The three of them got used to attacking together, and they shot at the same time, their figures flickered, and they reappeared at the positions of Jiang Xiaobai's three horns, forming a formation of three talents.

The three of them threw the three instruments into the air, Wu Hook quickly drew silk threads, the pagoda automatically derived, sucked the silk thread in, and spit it out again, but it got into the crane's beak, it was such a simple back and forth, the silk thread The color changes, outlining a picture of a beautiful woman.

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked, this turned out to be what Liu Douer looked like, and the three of them actually sketched Liu Douer's portrait with magic tools.

Liu Douer in the painting frowned, she was still a little lazy, as if she had just woken up.She blinked her eyes in a daze, then looked around, her red face flickered with suspicion, and then she saw Jiang Xiaobai, and finally exclaimed in surprise: "Xiaobai, is that you? Why did I appear?" it's here?"

Is this true or false?

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai didn't move rashly, and his spirit trembled a little. He found that he couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was Liu Douer or not.

Liu Douer cried: "Xiaobai, is it you? Or are you already dead, woohoo! I miss you so much..."

This voice, this demeanor, and even her coquettish appearance are all Liu Douer herself.

"Hmph, Jiang Xiaobai, do you know what the real names of these three artifacts are? Qingsi lock, also known as love thread lock, it can connect to the person you care about most in your heart, and then use the love thread to draw the soul of the latter Come here. Of course it’s true or false, hehe, you need to identify it yourself, kill!”

Fairy Jinfeng shouted, at this moment, where is the desertedness before a little bit, it is clearly like a bitter woman who has been abandoned many times, there is no mercy in her eyes, only a strong killing intent.

Tao Qian and Pang Bo rushed forward together, the three of them were very careful, even if they used ultimate moves, they were still constantly changing their positions, but they still maintained the appearance of the formation of three talents.

Long Ying Wushuang's heart ached, she naturally knew that Jiang Xiaobai had someone in his heart, she knew it when they first met, after all, how could a man like Jiang Xiaobai have no one he liked?

But knowing that it is far different from what I saw with my own eyes, I was still a little heartbroken when I saw it.But seeing that Jiang Xiaobai's mind was fully entrusted to the sketched portrait at this moment, she still tried her best to calm down, lest she would hurt Jiang Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, be careful." She could only make a calm reminder to give Jiang Xiaobai her own trust.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled at Longying Wushuang, and said softly, "I understand."

He sighed softly, he had already discerned the essence of this portrait, a fake is a fake after all.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand, deliberately brought a trace of the original energy of the universe, and easily grasped the portrait in his hand.The fluorescence on the portrait was extinguished, and the figure in the portrait disappeared, changing back to the appearance of the previous magic weapon again.

"This is a magic weapon." Jiang Xiaobai said, his palm tightened, and the sword was drawn out at the same time, four times in a row.

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