Dominate the world

Chapter 1139 1 Days

Punish saints, kill immortals, punish gods, and level the sky!

After the four moves, Tao Qian and the three sat on the ground in a state of embarrassment, with blood on their chests, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with deep fear in their eyes.

As the last move, Jiang Xiaobai kept his hand, but only broke the fingers of the three people wearing storage rings.

"Toast and fine wine, why bother?" Jiang Xiaobai moved the palm of his hand and received the three storage rings, "I could have kept [-]% of them, since you don't want them, then take them all away. "

"As for these three magic weapons, you think you have treasures, but you have caused a catastrophe. I won't deal with you, but when you go back, there will be someone who will deal with you." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he put the magic weapon Put it away, and bowed to everyone, "I made everyone laugh."

There was silence, and after a while there was applause.

All the creatures present, whether human or demon clan, looked at Jiang Xiaobai with fear in their eyes, and the four moves just now were still in front of their eyes.They kept thinking, if it was them, would they be able to resist it?

But it turned out to be nothing but shame, and they found it almost impossible to resist.

Here, Tao Qian and the three resisted together, and Jiang Xiaobai kept his hand. If it were any ordinary person, there would be absolutely no reason for surviving.

"Brother Jiang, you said those three magic weapons are magic weapons?" Qi Zhan asked.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Actually, it is the magic weapon used by Wutian, which is contaminated with some of the latter's annihilation aura. Because this kind of magic weapon is so powerful, it can easily lead to the sinking of practitioners, and then it will affect the mind."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, what really surprised him was that among the three magic weapons just now, he found an aura that was repulsed by the primordial energy of the universe that he just came out of control.

The original energy of the universe opened up the vitality evolution of his inner universe mother star, and the energy opposite to it obviously has great harm.

The others nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Jiang Xiaobai's statement. No one cares whether it is true or not, as long as the person speaking is Jiang Xiaobai, that's enough.

The monsters retreated separately, Jiang Xiaobai chatted with everyone for a while, got to know them better, at least called each other brothers and got up, chatting until late, before going back to the room to rest.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, I have a message for you. It is best not to fall asleep tonight." Just as the door was closing, Qi Zhan suddenly came over via voice transmission.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, but he couldn't figure out why Qi Zhan had turned against him. He responded, and also informed Long Ying Wushuang via voice transmission, and went to bed to meditate.

But soon, Jiang Xiaobai found waves of drowsiness coming over him, which made him uncontrollably throw himself up, wanting to fall into a deep sleep.

There seemed to be a voice calling in the void, and the fatigue accumulated during the previous continuous projection of the natal universe roared up like a flood, which was hard to resist.

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and insisted. He checked the room, but found that there was no mechanism.It just comes from the release of the physical body, and the soul has no defense at all, because this kind of fatigue comes from itself.

It's like when ordinary people experience something with great impact, the brain will automatically close the memory.Now, Shensoul has also sensed the physical fatigue, and is actively persuading Jiang Xiaobai to rest, so as to get rid of the previous fatigue by sleeping and resting.

"Brother Pan, what do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, but unfortunately Taiji Yuanpan became a turtle again and kept silent.

"Forget it, I want to see how long I can last!" Jiang Xiaobai made up his mind and began to resist the heavy drowsiness.

He started to walk around the room, constantly changing the rhythm of his steps, and making a move from time to time, but his fatigue continued to surge, as if the tide had completely flooded his body, his whole body was hot, and he just wanted to lie down.

"Hey!" Jiang Xiaobai stabbed his sword directly into his thigh, relying on the pain to finally wake himself up.

During the long night, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were bloodshot, and his thigh was almost stabbed. Finally, a cock crowed in the distance, and it was dawn.

The wound on his thigh was healed in an instant, as if it had been refreshed. Jiang Xiaobai pushed open the door in surprise, only to find that the whole station was terribly quiet, without the slightest sound of breathing.

The light of the red sun shone in and shrouded him, Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed suddenly, he saw the sun in his inner universe burst out with intense light, shining everywhere.

With these sunlights, the mother planet Earth in the inner universe began to develop life, plants appeared, then animals appeared, and then humans began to appear.

Suddenly there was more will in his mind, and Jiang Xiaobai found that he could easily hear the voices of these people, they were so pure and kind.

As the morning light receded, Jiang Xiaobai also retreated from the previous realm, and he saw a person in front of him, it was Qi Zhan, who was looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

"Brother Jiang is really extraordinary!" Qi Zhan praised.

Jiang Xiaobai let go of his spiritual thoughts, only to realize that there were only the two of them left in the entire station.

"Brother Jiang, there is no need to look for them anymore. They have all been teleported away. There are three types of opportunities, upper, middle, and lower, but in fact, there is still a first-class opportunity above the upper-class opportunity. I have told everyone before, but unfortunately only Jiang My brother survived alone."

"They won't be in danger, right?" Jiang Xiaobai worried.

Qi Zhan shook his head: "No, they are all in a dream, so there is no danger, but the two of us, the danger is not small, and this is why I told Brother Jiang, I need you, otherwise I can fight alone Not to mention those dragons and phoenixes, in the final analysis, those species that are loved by the heavens are really not comparable to us humans."

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"To grab resources, we only have one day. After that, even the transcendent masters will be unable to resist, and will fall into a dream." Qi Zhan said, using his body skills, and quickly swept forward.

After leaving the post station, Jiang Xiaobai found that some creatures also sprang out from other stations. With the coercion of these creatures, there is no doubt that they are the so-called protoss, Qinglong Tianfeng and the like.

They glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Zhan, somewhat surprised, but didn't say much, and flew towards the due west quickly.

In Time and Space City, on a certain high tower, an old man nodded slightly: "It's not bad, at least this time the human race has two leaders. In the past, the entire army was directly wiped out."

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Zhan were very low-key, following behind a group of descendants of gods and demons, and secretly observing these people.

Some creatures came from other directions from time to time. Qi Zhan seemed to understand Jiang Xiaobai's doubts. He explained: "Multiple universes are real, and most of them came in from other city gates."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Qi Zhan understood Jiang Xiaobai's meaning, smiled and said, "It's because of your strength that I need you, otherwise I wouldn't call you."

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