Dominate the world

Chapter 1141 Reject, leave

"Brother Jiang, let's go!" Qi Zhan said loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and the two went up side by side.

"Follow me!" Most of the creatures below turned red with embarrassment, and countless creatures stepped forward.

Even after seeing Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Zhan, most of the creatures were teleported away after the white light swept over them, but more than 30 creatures followed.

The rest of the people did not dare to take the first step after all, and chose to keep up with other paths.

After walking a few more steps, Jiang Xiaobai completely focused on nothing else, and his whole mind was immersed in the perception of the inner universe.He found that every step upward has a little bit of the original energy of the universe blessed in the inner universe.

In the inner universe, planets began to be full of vitality, followed by stars, and then galaxies, growing little by little.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know the situation outside, but the eyes of all the creatures outside were confused.

I saw Jiang Xiaobai's speed getting faster and faster, as if a breeze was blowing and sending him to the top.Both of his legs became brighter, and one hole after another lit up, like stars shining one after another.

"Stop him!" Finally, a creature made a move.

A dragon claw appeared from the void, facing Jiang Xiaobai under the hood, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem to see it, and walked up the steps leisurely as before.

The moment the dragon claw fell, a faint light shone above Jiang Xiaobai's head, blocking the dragon claw.

The Dragon Claw looked extremely powerful, but it couldn't fall any longer.Dragon Claw persisted for a while, and suddenly turned into powder.

"Ah——" Behind, a monster in shape suddenly screamed, and the whole person was wrapped in white light and disappeared.

During the whole process, Jiang Xiaobai turned a blind eye and continued to climb the mountain without any hindrance.

"What realm is this?"

"Still in an epiphany?"

Many creatures guessed that they could block the power of that move just now, but they wanted to shatter the threat by relying on the power erupted from a single acupoint, which definitely belonged to extraordinary energy.

Jiang Xiaobai had already noticed it, but when he moved his mind, he felt that trace of the original force of the universe moved, and along his inner universe directly came to the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, and rushed out from the acupoint.

The dragon claw is extremely powerful, at least at the fifth level of the universe level, but in terms of purity, it is far inferior to the original energy of the universe, and it is easily washed away with just one charge.


Many people yelled in unison, they are all the arrogances of various universes, and being able to gather here is a rare experience in itself.Compared to Jiang Xiaobai's ignorance about this place, other creatures clearly know what this place means!

Chance is only for ordinary people, but what they get here can make them truly surpass immortality and become the masters of multiverses.Over the years, countless Tianjiao have been lucky enough to come here, but all of them have failed.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai seems to have a good chance of success.

They would rather not be successful themselves, and they definitely don't want others to succeed, especially this hopeful person is a human being, a minority group that rarely appeared here in the past, the human race.

I would rather give it to a foreign thief than a domestic slave!

The human race has always been a small race bullied by them, and they absolutely disagree with letting such a race climb over their heads.

One after another flying swords, long knives, stellar energy, and supernatural powers all rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai desperately.

But the steps are like a world away, no matter how hard the creatures work, if they are not strong enough, they will not be able to reach Jiang Xiaobai.On the contrary, it was because of their obstruction that they slowed down their pace and made the distance between them and Jiang Xiaobai wider and wider.

Jiang Xiaobai completely relaxed his mind, just silently appreciating the various changes brought to his body by the original energy of the universe.There are no other distracting thoughts, but it helps him walk more easily and faster.

Let all the creatures in the rear look in despair at Jiang Xiaobai who no longer even left his back.

A monster flew out, Jiang Xiaobai blasted out with a fist, and the monster disappeared in an instant.A cave appeared, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were shining with gold, and he strode directly into it, ignoring nothing.

The cave dissipated automatically and turned into a big river, a vast ocean, and the monstrous green waves suppressed the heavens, and beat down mightily. Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were clear, but he kept moving forward at a slow pace.

The operation of Taoism kept his mind in a state of neither surprise nor joy, nor worry nor anger.

Just walking like this, Jiang Xiaobai finally came to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was completely white, like a world of snow.A lot of flying snow fell, landed on his hands, landed on his shoulders, Jiang Xiaobai restrained his own heat, and let the snow fall, completely ice crystals, never melted.

"Little friend, I'm finally waiting for you, are you willing to become a fairy?"

An elegant but ruthless voice resounded, like the voice of heaven, taking all things as dogs, and could not hear the slightest emotion.

"Immortal?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking back: "Is it possible that I am not an immortal now?"

"Never mind. Today you are just stepping into the threshold. There will be three calamities and nine diseases, old age and decline in energy, and you will not remember the true immortal. The universe is immortal, and your body is immortal."

Jiang Xiaobai was a little curious: "Isn't that immortal?"

"Immortality has just reached the threshold of a true immortal, but it can't go down. Now you have the opportunity to directly step over the threshold and become a person on the threshold."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being a little amused; he asked casually, "What about the people around me? Didn't it say that one person ascends to immortality, and chickens and dogs attain Taoism?"

"There has never been such a legend." The voice continued.

Jiang Xiaobai bared his teeth: "Forget it, no need."

"Oh, are you sure, you must know that the purpose of all beings' cultivation is to become a true immortal?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "That's true, but unfortunately I am not a sentient being, I am just a person. Since you appear, it means that I have reached the top, and I can choose my treasure?"

After a while, the voice finally replied: "Yes, but unfortunately you refused."

Suddenly, the voice became very angry: "So, there is no more."

"Forget it, then I'll take random samples." Jiang Xiaobai took a stone casually, and his whole body was wrapped in white light and disappeared.


The light flashed, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt stunned, but he quickly reacted, chopped the monster in front of him to death with a sword, and looked at Longying Wushuang beside him: "Are you okay?"

Long Yin Wushuang hummed happily: "It's okay!"

Not far away, Qi Zhan shouted angrily: "Help!"

At this moment, he was about to be crushed to death by more than a dozen monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and rushed forward.

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