Dominate the world

Chapter 1142 is targeted

Soon, the three of them worked together to push away the monster beside Qi Zhan, seeing Qi Zhan's distressed appearance, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing.

"Still laughing, if it weren't for you, a perverted bastard, I would have been suppressed!" Qi Zhan roared angrily.

Long Ying Wushuang looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise, then at Qi Zhan, and asked in confusion, "When did your relationship become so good?"

"Just from..." Jiang Xiaobai smacked his lower lip, and said confusedly, "Has it always been?"

He is also a little uncertain, but inexplicably feels that he has a good relationship with Qi Zhan.

Qi Zhan also laughed and said, "Our relationship is already very good!"

It should look like this, but after he finished speaking, he shook his head slightly, unable to think of a reason.

"Maybe it's fate." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and Qi Zhan also shrugged.

Longying Wushuang couldn't help smiling.

Jiang Xiaobai flicked his palm, and suddenly found a stone. Feeling the smoothness and extraordinaryness of the stone, Jiang Xiaobai felt inexplicably that he seemed to have forgotten something, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember anything.

"Speaking of which, what exactly are we fighting for when we entered here?" Longying Wushuang asked.

Qi Zhan smiled and said: "Competing for opportunities, there are three types of opportunities in Time and Space City, high, medium, and low. Last night, everyone fell asleep, it was irresistible, and it was also the beginning of opportunities. Wake up The sooner we get there, the greater the chances we will be able to snatch the superior opportunity, when we came out of the inn, there were still people still asleep!"

Long Ying Wushuang suddenly realized that this was the case, no wonder Qi Zhan urged them to leave quickly, but this was the reason.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Fate is divided into high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade, but in fact it is above the high-grade, still, still..."

What Qi Zhan said just now suddenly sounded familiar to Jiang Xiaobai, but when he wanted to say something, he suddenly couldn't say it.Qi Zhan's expression also changed, but it was only in a trance for a moment. He scratched his head and said, "Brother Jiang, what are you talking about?"

"I can't remember." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Qi Zhan explained: "That's not surprising. After all, this is a space-time city. It's very weird and mysterious. It's not surprising that there are all kinds of extraordinary things. Maybe you thought of something a second ago, but you forgot it the next moment."

"Let's go, let's grab the opportunity, the second wave of people is about to wake up."

The three of them said nothing more, and rushed towards another place where monsters gathered.As far as the naked eye can see, there are strange-looking monsters there, and there are magical beads shining between their brows.

And other people have already started beheading and obtained beads one after another. Looking at the appearance of those people, they seem to be ecstatic.They saw them smash the beads into pieces, and the beads turned into balls of vitality, which merged into their bodies.

Jiang Xiaobai has sharp eyes, and now he is the most sensitive to the original energy of the universe, and the pure original energy is clearly mixed in those vitality.Maybe not many, but there are many monsters here, as long as you kill more, you will get more.

This is of course a chance, and it is a supreme chance.

"Kill!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and was the first to rush up.

The three of them didn't hold back any longer, and started fighting wantonly. From early morning to noon, batches of creatures rushed out from the rear again, and these creatures were excited and jealous at the same time.

Their information is more well-informed, so they naturally know what these monsters represent. What is jealous is that there are so many arrogances before them!

With the increase in slaughter, the strength of these monsters also began to increase, and gradually opened up their wisdom, learned to cooperate and dodge, instead of rushing up recklessly like before, knowing that they were invincible, they started to run away.


A group of Tianjiao are like rebellious hunters, harvesting their prey, following the monsters and rushing into the mountain forest, galloping to the depths, knowing that the moon and stars are thinning, the creatures finally stopped, Each inspected the harvest and checked the progress of the cultivation base.

Jiang Xiaobai lit a bonfire, and Long Ying Wushuang and Qi Zhan each grilled a ball of monster meat.

"Qi Zhan, there seems to be a lot less people from our universe?" In the end, Longying Wushuang was careful, and she found some clues.

Qi Zhan was still a little disapproving: "This is normal. After all, this is the time-space city. Only the top talents can stay. If the power is not enough, they will be kicked out of the time-space city. According to ancient records, we only need to stay for two days. , and set a new record.”

He pointed to those transformed monsters not far away. Although the two sides were a little bit different, they came from the same universe after all, and human monsters were different, but they still gathered together and agreed to the mutual support mode.

Compared to their universe, there are too many Tianjiao in other universes.

At the end of the day, including those transformed monsters, there were only 11 of them left. Those who came in with Jiang Xiaobai's natal projection had already been cleared out.

There are even some people who are still asleep even now, and were sent out of the city of time and space while they were asleep.

"Let's be careful, maybe it's a woman's sixth sense, I don't feel right, it seems that we are being targeted?" Long Ying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai has been secretly watching the movements of the Tianjiao in the distance. Hearing Longying Wushuang's doubts at this moment, he said in a deep voice: "Your guess seems to be correct. We were indeed targeted."

Jiang Xiaobai said, picked up a wooden stick and drew a circle on the ground, and tapped on the center of the circle.

"Originally, I didn't pay attention. After all, everyone is resting here, but now our position is in the center of the circle where the other cosmic geniuses are. This is definitely not accidental, but they did it on purpose. It should be It is to weed out."

Qi Zhan frowned slightly: "Worried about them?"

The corner of his mouth nudged the transformed monsters on the other side.

"It's funny to say, maybe those other universes are more afraid of them." Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself, "Let's go over, most likely we won't be able to invite you."

The three of them walked towards the location where the eight transformed monsters were.

At the end of the day, the fire practiced the real gold, and all the remaining ones were the real arrogance. Jiang Xiaobai looked over, and none of them were projected in by virtue of his natal universe.

"Humans, what are you doing here?" The leader was the little dragon Yinkang.

Jiang Xiaobai took into account the worries of the eight transformed monsters. Obviously, these eight people also realized that something was wrong.He smiled and said, "Saving you is also saving yourself."

As soon as these words came out, the eight transformed monsters all heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and the three with more approval from their companions.

"You found it too?"

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