Dominate the world

Chapter 1146 Yinkang's Lost

Jiang Xiaobai almost didn't laugh, they thought it was the stone that attracted the army ants!

It's really ridiculous, thinking of throwing the pot away whenever a crisis occurs, how can such a person be able to form an alliance?

"Okay, you guys go separately!" Jiang Xiaobai said, pulling Longying Wushuang, calling Qi Zhan, and the three of them rushed towards a dense place without looking back.

Yinkang didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so decisive, he just wanted to take the opportunity to pave the way, so as to seize the opportunity for the next action, who knew that it would be self-defeating.

"Hmph, what are you still doing in a daze? Follow up quickly." Tianfeng shouted.

She has a quick temper, but she is not stupid, she can see it.Although Yinkang is powerful, he is definitely not a qualified leader. Compared with Jiang Xiaobai, even Qi Zhan is much worse.

If he followed this guy, he would probably be abandoned. It would be better to follow Jiang Xiaobai.There are few people there, and they need strength and support. Now is just a good opportunity to send charcoal in the snow.

Yinkang is not happy now, this day Tianfeng clearly does not want to give him face, he is the strongest person among them.

But several other monsters followed Tianfeng towards the place Jiang Xiaobai was rushing towards, and he became a loner instead.He was angry and wanted to leave by himself, but in the end he still didn't dare to walk alone, not to mention the army ants, or the creatures from other universes in the periphery, and they were looking for death if they ran into any of them.

"Xiaobai, they followed." Long Yin Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly, he had already noticed that it was Tianfeng who took the lead to rush up, it seemed that this fire phoenix could still see clearly when it comes to right and wrong.

"Bronze-footed ants, what are marching ants afraid of the most?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. Since there are monsters like copper-footed ants, they can't be let go.

"Ordinary army ants are naturally afraid of fire, but they are different. The worst strength of these army ants is at the semi-holy level, and the general strength is at the planetary level, so ordinary methods are useless."

"If you want to destroy the army ants, there is only one way, and that is formation." After a pause, the copper-footed ants said again.


The copper-footed ant said: "That's right. Because of the group nature of the army ants, it is difficult for them to agree on the formation. Once they are divided, the army ants will naturally be defeated."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and what the copper-footed ants said was right. As long as these monsters rely on their numbers, as long as they haven't formed, their power will naturally be greatly reduced.

"But be careful, they can devour everything, even vitality and geo-treasures, and the only thing that can resist it is the Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon."

As the copper-footed ant said, it glanced at Longying Wushuang.Now, even people in the entire Time and Space City know that a girl controls two Tianyuan Divine Weapons in her hands.

"No need." Jiang Xiaobai said, his tone decisive.

The copper-footed ant snorted, and he didn't mean anything else, just talking.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly searched for a place, which was on a rock. He played formations repeatedly, outlined the runes, and then fired a little primordial energy of the universe to activate the formations.

"Let's go in." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Long Ying Wushuang and Qi Zhan naturally believed in Jiang Xiaobai and rushed in.But all the transformed monsters are in a dilemma. This formation is so simple, can it really stop the army ants from devouring it?

"Go in quickly, the army ants are coming." Qinglong Yinkang said suddenly, and jumped into the formation.

Tianfeng also entered, and the others had no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If you enter the formation, you can win a game, but if you don't enter, you will really die.

After everyone entered, Jiang Xiaobai hit the array points repeatedly, input the original energy of the universe, and the array activated, completely enveloping everyone.

Immediately, everyone felt the difference in this formation, there was no energy overflowing, and they seemed to be floating in the void, light and unaffected.

The army ants came whistling, covering the sky and the sun, enveloping them all at once.But inexplicably, there was a moment of peace in everyone's hearts, as if this formation had the ability to adjust its strength.

"Is this the original energy of the universe?" Yin Kang said suddenly.

Tianfeng exclaimed, and then suddenly realized: "Yes, only the primordial energy of the universe can fool the marching ants."

Qinglong also yelled: "Those people are hunting for the original energy of the universe?"

He stared blankly at Jiang Xiaobai, feeling envious and jealous at the same time. That is the original energy of the universe, which can be encountered but not sought after. He did not expect it to appear here.

And looking at Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, it is obvious that he has been in control for a long time, so that he can get the energy out of his body.

Seeing that both Qi Chu and Longying Wushuang didn't understand, Jiang Xiaobai explained: "That's a special kind of energy, and you actually have it in your body. When the inner universe was formed, it lit up your mother's energy. After the star, there will be a slight output."

"As for the monsters you killed before, every time you kill one more, the corresponding original energy of the universe will enter your inner universe."

Yinkang nodded: "That's right, but it is so difficult to really light up a certain planet, so there is no one in a million, and the original energy of the universe is almost useless to ordinary people."

Now, all living beings understand why Jiang Xiaobai has the lowest realm, but the strongest strength. It turns out that he has controlled the original energy of the universe.

At this time, the army ants outside had almost crawled, and the outside scenery was still dark, but in the eyes of everyone, there was a lot of brilliance.

They survived this crisis.

"Be careful, another monster has arrived, and it's very powerful." Yin Kang said suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he looked back blankly.

It was a divine dragon with five claws, golden color, full of domineering aura.

Yinkang's face was full of ferocity, and it seemed difficult to make a choice.He stared at Jiang Xiaobai resentfully, clenched his fists and put them down, making everyone bewildered.

"Oops, what is that divine dragon searching for, fellow Daoist Jiang, can your protective formation block our breath?" Binghe said suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then shook his head: "In theory, it can be blocked. But some mysteries just don't make sense, and I don't dare to guarantee it."

As he spoke, he looked at Yinkang. The dragon in the sky should have come for Yinkang, which also showed that this formation was still far behind.

"Yinkang, what are you doing?" Tianfeng asked suddenly, she spent the most time with Yinkang, and it was a shame for Yinkang to behave like this.

Yinkang laughed miserably: "I'm not convinced. I'm conceited that I am unparalleled, talented, and number one in the universe. I will inherit Dragon Island in the future and lead the dragon clan to a glorious future. Only now do I know that I was just marrying someone else." clothes."

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