Dominate the world

Chapter 1147 Rescue

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is going on?

Yinkang smiled wryly, and threw out a jade slip: "Jiang Xiaobai, treat our Dragon Clan well from now on."

After he finished speaking, he jumped out of the formation and rushed towards the distance quickly.

The divine dragon in the sky, which was still a little confused before, was constantly approaching the restraint. At this moment, it roared suddenly, and rushed towards Yinkang who was running.

"How could he?" Tianfeng suddenly asked in surprise, his voice trembling a little, his eyes a little dazed.

Not to mention Tianfeng, even Jiang Xiaobai froze on the spot. He took the jade slip that Yinkang threw over in a daze, but it contained some of his conjectures and a little insight, which seemed to be of great significance.

The dragon roared in the sky, and its giant claws grabbed Yinkang.Yinkang rolled on the spot, out of the way of the attack of the dragon's giant claws, and also transformed into a dragon shape, but it was a young green dragon that had not yet matured.

Comparing it with Shenlong, it's like a cub meeting a master, there is no comparison at all.

Yinkang also dared to resist, he used his backhand to grab the huge dragon.

The five-clawed dragon just gave way easily, and Yinkang didn't even scratch the dragon's skin.And Shenlong stretched out his head nimbly, and grabbed Yinkang's body, the movement was as fast as a snake strike.

Yinkang dodged quickly, but he was inevitably bitten by the five-clawed dragon, and his blood was dripping immediately.

Suffering from the pain, Yinkang quickly dodges, escapes from Shenlong's mouth, transforms into a human form, and runs away.

"Brother Qi, let's go!" In the formation, Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and the two rushed out one after another. Longying Wushuang didn't obey Jiang Xiaobai's order, and rushed up together.

"What are they going to do?" asked a transformed monster, and the result was very clear, and the three of them rushed towards the dragon.

"Are they courting death?"

"Is that a mature dragon?"

"Even if it's not at the transcendence level, it's definitely at the high level of the universe level!"


A group of transformed monsters screamed angrily. Qinglong Yinkang was not there, so they automatically focused on Tianfeng. At this moment, hearing the contempt of other people's transformed monsters, Tianfeng's expression turned ugly.

Although she was usually dissatisfied with Qinglong, Qinglong's behavior just now really shocked him.If it were her, she knew very well that she would drag everyone into the water, and then slip away quietly in the chaos.

As the saying goes, if people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, it's good that dead friends don't die poor people.

Qinglong's actions just now, no matter what intentions he has, are beyond reproach for not dragging everyone down.And those three people, who they looked down upon and were jealous of, rushed out to save Qinglong Yinkang. On the contrary, they were natural allies. .

"Shut up!" Tianfeng yelled, she hesitated for a while, and finally rushed out of the formation and rushed towards Yinkang.

Inexplicably, she felt a little happy in her heart, even if this opportunity failed, at least she was not without gain this time.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced back at Longying Wushuang who was following up, feeling helpless and moved, knowing that Longying Wushuang would follow.But Tianfeng's following surprised her a little.

Ahead, Yinkang is still wrestling with the five-clawed dragon, maybe because of the difference in level, in Jiang Xiaobai's view, the five-clawed dragon is formidable, but Yinkang should at least have the strength to resist, but right now Yinkang is is completely suppressed.

If they don't come out, it will take a few minutes at most before he will be swallowed by this five-clawed dragon.

"Kill!" Jiang Xiaobai performed Chasing the Stars and Chasing the Sun. Although he was in a mountain forest, his speed was still extraordinary, and the distance was shortened a lot after a few ups and downs.

With the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar in hand at the same time, he made a move with a raised hand.

The five-clawed dragon showed no intention of resisting at all, and even looked back with strong sarcasm, as if watching a small bug shaking a big tree.

"Be careful, he has..."

Yinkang shouted hard, his voice choked up uncontrollably.When he saw the five-clawed dragon, he knew that his chance this time was over.It was a majesty of the soul itself, which made him feel that there was nowhere to hide in the latter.

Not to mention the formation, even on another planet, relying on Shenlong's own powerful supernatural powers, the latter can find his existence.

Before, he got something, it was the jade slip, although he didn't quite understand the true meaning contained in it.But after feeling the profound meaning of the dragon in the jade slip, and using it to explore the future a little bit, he knew that he had been targeted.

Although limited by his strength and talent, he didn't understand deeply, but he was sure that this thing was related to the mysteries of the universe, and even related to the universe he lived in.

So after discovering that Shenlong was following up tirelessly, he knew that he had no other choice and he couldn't escape, so he threw the jade slip out.

At least before leaving, do something nice, maybe...

He didn't dare to hope for anything, he just had a hope!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai and the others rushed out to save him when he thought he was going to die. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's sword strike a transparent aura, beyond Shenlong's and Yinkang's expectations, Jiang Xiaobai was not injured and was bounced away, instead, he swiped and pulled the aura out of the aura. huge hole.

For a moment, Yinkang felt that the pressure from the spirit of the five-clawed dragon was greatly reduced, and the fighting mood of the five-clawed dragon was torn apart by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Ang—" the five-clawed dragon roared, and fanned Jiang Xiaobai with a backhanded paw.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were indifferent, and he just drew a sword seemingly at random, like a parabola, without any magic, but Shenlong's claws were withdrawn in embarrassment, and a bloodstain rippled in the air.

The five-clawed dragon's claws were almost cut off by Jiang Xiaobai.

But Jiang Xiaobai also swayed, and flew backwards involuntarily. After flying at least tens of meters, Jiang Xiaobai finally stopped the tendency of his body to fly backwards.

He sensed that compared with this five-clawed dragon, his physical body was still not close.

"What kind of weapon are you? It's not the Heavenly Fate Divine Weapon? How could it cut through my dragon body?" The five-clawed dragon shouted.His claws shone brightly, and his injuries recovered quickly, but after all, there was a line of blood left behind.

Longying Wushuang and Qi Zhan rushed forward together, fearing that the five-clawed dragon would take advantage of the situation and attack.Then Tianfeng, who arrived later, flashed his wings and slipped to Qinglong Yinkang's side, carrying him and fled backwards, leaving the center of the battlefield.

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