Dominate the world

Chapter 1148 The Powerful Five-Clawed Dragon

"How did you come here?" Yinkang said gratefully.

Tianfeng snorted softly: "They rushed up to save you, I just can't stand it and don't want human beings to focus on the front."

Hearing Tianfeng's hard-hearted and soft-hearted, Yinkang was still very happy.

"I thought I was going to die."

In the battlefield, Qi Zhan and Longying Wushuang are not opponents of Shenlong at all, Qi Zhan is stronger than Longying Wushuang.But at this moment, it seemed that Qi Zhan was useless at all, his attack was completely useless, and once Shenlong attacked, he had no choice but to hide behind Longying Wushuang.

Then use all kinds of secret techniques of Fengtianzong to help Longying Wushuang restrain Shenlong, so that Longying Wushuang has time to rest.Otherwise, although Longying Wushuang has two Heavenly Fate Divine Weapons, it would be extremely difficult to resist the quicksilver-like attack of the five-clawed dragon.

Moreover, the power of Tianyuan Divine Weapon is tyrannical and consumes a huge amount of vitality. Soon, Longying Wushuang can't take it anymore. His beautiful cheeks are flushed, and beads of sweat are dripping on his forehead.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't rush up immediately, he flew in mid-air, watching the power of the five-clawed dragon, and quickly deduced it.

The strength of this five-clawed dragon is not beyond transcendence, and it is not even the peak of the universe level. It should only be at the seventh or eighth level of the universe level.

But a body with mysterious powers, combined with a tyrannical body, really created an incomparable advantage.For the first time, Jiang Xiaobai felt that even if he used the combination of swords and swords, he was not the opponent of this five-clawed dragon.

I really looked at the sky from the bottom of a well, thinking that with the Tai Chi Yuan Pan, I underestimated the heroes of the world.The talent and strength of this five-clawed dragon is above his own.

"Back off." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and he rushed up quickly.

He also has his own trump card, which is the primordial energy of the universe that can be used.At least the five-clawed dragon never used the primordial energy of the universe in its continuous attacking battles.

Qi Zhan quickly used a few forbidden techniques, Yinkang and Tianfeng stood aside to protect him, the four of them worked together, and finally retreated from the oppression of the five-clawed dragon.

"Little Bai, be careful." Long Ying Wushuang called out panting.

Jiang Xiaobai punched it directly, and he was no longer sharper than the five-clawed dragon.The Tai Chi Star Sword is powerful, but when transmitting the original energy of the universe, the loss is not small, far inferior to the agility and simplicity of using the physical body directly.

"Hehe!" The five-clawed dragon sneered, he didn't take these people in his eyes at all, they were just a group of reptiles.

With a bang, the five-clawed dragon's claws collided with Jiang Xiaobai's fist, stirring up a show of brilliance, and then a heavy muffled groan sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai retreated in embarrassment, faster than before, and thanks to the quick eyes and hands of a few people, they finally caught Jiang Xiaobai in time, otherwise it is unknown where he will fly.

On the other side, the five-clawed dragon rolled back a few times, and its body rolled into a majestic and strong man.

It's just that his wrist was broken, the bones protruded, and the blood was dripping.

"Okay, you are really different. You hurt me before, but now you make me bleed. You have the right to know my name. Boy, my name is Ao Tu. What's your name?"

"Jiang Xiaobai!" Jiang Xiaobai gasped and said loudly.

"Okay, give me another punch." Ao Tu shouted, flew over quickly, and punched out.

This punch looked unpretentious, as if the simplest person could punch it.But Jiang Xiaobai's face changed. In this punch, he saw the original energy of the universe, which was a little loose, but in terms of concentration, it was already above the original energy of the universe he had collected.

This dragon should not have mastered the original energy of the universe, but the race's innate supernatural powers made them naturally able to collect this energy.

A gleam of envy flashed in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, it really is an enviable talent.

He also did not show any weakness, mobilized the inner universe, and gathered all the original energy of the universe.At this moment, it's just a matter of one punch. If they can repel this ferocious dragon, they can survive. If they can't stop it, everyone and the transformed monster will die.

Several people backed away automatically. Although they couldn't see the original energy of the universe, they already felt the power and influence. Even if they stood beside them, they couldn't bear it.

Standing there forcibly again would not be helping Jiang Xiaobai, but distracting Jiang Xiaobai.

The five-clawed dragon's fist arrived, as big as a sandbag, and Jiang Xiaobai's fist also arrived, tighter like an iron lump.

The two fists collided together, there was no sharp and brilliant brilliance, just ordinary two fists collided.

There was a muffled sound, like a little Jinglei that had been suppressed for a long time. I thought it would be huge, but it was a pity that it was over.

Jiang Xiaobai spat out a mouthful of blood, and the five-clawed dragon took a step back, his face flushed, but he swallowed the blood forcefully.

"Okay, Jiang Xiaobai, right? I'll remember." Ao Tu shouted, "That's it for today, we will meet again someday."

Ao Tu glared at Yin Kang viciously, the resentment in him was completely undisguised, and then he rolled, turned into a dragon again, and flew away quickly.

After Ao Tu had been flying far away, Jiang Xiaobai spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his body directly collapsed to the ground.

Long Ying Wushuang and Qi Zhan quickly supported Jiang Xiaobai, helping him to save his life.

"Xiaobai, are you alright?" Longying Wushuang said via voice transmission, she was terrified.

"It's okay, just put on a show and see how Yinkang and Tianfeng react." Jiang Xiaobai also said via voice transmission.

Only then did Long Ying Wushuang heave a sigh of relief, and secretly told himself that he hadn't thought carefully, and his mind became vigilant. Fortunately, the two of them had no bad intentions, and sat on the side recovering their cultivation, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to recover from his injury.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai's face returned to flushing, he opened his eyes and said, "I'm fine."

Only then did the five of them let out a sigh of relief, stood up, and looked at each other as if they had survived the catastrophe.

"Brother Jiang, thank you so much this time, I will never forget the kindness of saving my life." Yinkang shouted, bowing deeply to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "It's okay, if it wasn't for you to prevent us from being implicated, we wouldn't rush out to save you. One drink and one peck, it's destiny."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Jiang Xiaobai took out the jade slip and threw it back to Yinkang.

Yinkang sighed softly, and explained: "I found this jade slip at the scene after the fight between that dragon and another dragon. Now it seems that it must have fallen from Ao Tu. I was inside Some mysteries have been discovered, but they are also difficult to penetrate, you can try."

As he spoke, he threw the jade slip back again.

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