Dominate the world

Chapter 1149 Mirror Array 1

"You can all take a look. The Jade Slip should be divided into three layers. I just understand the first layer. It seems to be related to our universe, but I don't say much. I feel that it may mean something, so I can't let him It's lost." Yinkang shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai was also polite, picked up the jade slips and began to perceive them carefully.

The parts in the jade slips are divided into three layers, which Yinkang said is good, he quickly browsed through the first layer, and what Yinkang said is almost the same.

It tells some knowledge about the universe, some are strong and some are weak, the strong survive, the weak perish, the only truth.

The second level is much more profound, talking about the way of change and perfection.There is birth and death, and there is no birth without death. If you want to be born, you must first have death, so that you can balance it.

And there are a total of 126 universes, which have never changed since ancient times, no more, no less, and it has always been like this.

The third layer is much more profound, and it is sealed with a layer of prohibition. Even with his current strength, or even using the original energy of the universe, he can't break that seal.

He no longer insisted, and threw the jade slip to others.

In the final analysis, the things in the jade slips are still a bit gibberish, a bit cloudy, as if deliberately not explaining clearly.

"It's a bit like a heavenly secret. You can explain it as you like, but you can't say it for sure. But afterward, you find that he has already finished talking." Longying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but smiled: "Indeed, I always look back after the fact and find out that I can justify myself. Before, nothing was a definite number, and it was completely uncertain. But it was generally shrouded in a certain range. Our It can be reversed.”

Qi Chu nodded, and he said with a smile: "Don't say, our universe is going to be destroyed, right?"

This joke was not funny at all, but after it was said, everyone couldn't help but feel the younger generation shudder.

That's the universe, not cats or dogs, little gadgets.How many creatures and how many planets there are in a universe, it is as vast as sand, and it is innumerable.

How could it be destroyed?It is also impossible to be destroyed!

"But what if it's true?"

"How do we resist?"

The five of them fell silent all of a sudden, unable to say anything.

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. We don't need to worry about it. Let's go back first and see how those people are doing?"

Jiang Xiaobai said, the four of them naturally have no objection, Jiang Xiaobai's performance in the previous battle has completely won the hearts of the people.

Back in front of the rock, I saw that the formation had been broken, and a dragon paw print was deeply imprinted on the rock, which was the vent of the previous dragon.

What everyone didn't understand was that the latter vented all the anger he had received from Jiang Xiaobai's side, and it was released on these transformed monsters.

Instead, these transformed monsters became victims, and thus left the time-space city, completely losing their chance.

"Hehe, what an irony!" Tianfeng sneered, but there was something strange in his eyes.

"Then let's go, there is nothing to miss here." Jiang Xiaobai said.

The sky gradually brightened, and the bright moon finally appeared before sunrise, and then disappeared, allowing the red sun to shine and dissipate heat.

The surrounding mountains and forests also began to become lively, many birds flew up and began to look for food, flowers bloomed, even the small rivers among the trees seemed to be a little more alive, and the rivers gurgled lightly.

The wind gently moves the leaves, making a rustling sound, like a natural song, extraordinarily light and agile.

Five people, although the number is small, the efficiency has indeed been greatly improved.Along the way, the five of them fought continuously. Under Jiang Xiaobai's gesture, the five of them continued to collect the original energy of the universe.

Although they can't feel it, they can feel that the inner universe is indeed full of vitality.

"Hey, we've been waiting for you for a long time." After leaving the forest, a group of people in front stood arrogantly in front of the mountain, and directly put on a killing formation.

"Hey, why are there only five of you left, tsk tsk, this is the first day, you really deserve the title of being the number one universe!"

It was a girl who spoke, she looked young, her eyes were a little innocent, she looked no older than twenty.But the evil spirit in the body really makes people dare not relax in the slightest. The other party is like a beautiful snake. If you are not careful, the latter will pounce on you and bite you.

The girl's eyes flickered and landed on Longying Wushuang's body.

"This elder sister is the lucky one, right?" The girl giggled, "It's really lucky that one person got two Tianyuan Divine Weapons, one is the main attack and the other is the main defense, which makes my sister very envious It's over. Can my sister give these two treasures to me, my sister, and I will exchange your lives, how about it?"

"Two weapons for the lives of five people, is it worth it?"

The girl's voice was soft and charming, but the chill in her voice made people feel goosebumps uncontrollably.

"Get out!" Tianfeng has such a violent temper, seeing that the girl is only at the third level of the Universe Rank, how can she bear it.

She has always been the one who threatens others, when is it someone else's turn to threaten her.

"Oh, it turned out to be a phoenix, hehe, I like to eat chicken wings at most!"

Everyone behind the girl laughed loudly, Tianfeng's face turned red with anger, he was Tianfeng, not a pheasant, what kind of chicken wings did he eat?

"Looking for death!" Tianfeng yelled, and the wings behind her back spread out automatically, and she flapped them with force.

A ball of flame was born out of thin air and fanned towards the girl.

The girl didn't care, and still stood in front of the crowd. She sneered and said, "In my mirror image formation, if you want to hurt me, it's very simple. Hurt yourself first."

As her words fell, the five of them immediately saw a ball of flames sprouting in front of them, sweeping towards them.

"It's my natal flame." Tianfeng shouted, and she quickly retracted the flame. Although it didn't cause any damage, it was still troublesome.

The people outside the formation had already laughed together.

"Tight!" cried the girl.

The five of them suddenly felt tight around them, as if the space had been squeezed, and the unit area had shrunk.

"Feng!" Qi Zhan shouted, at this moment, it was his opportunity to contribute.

There were streaks of rhyme in his eyes, which turned into streaks of aura and shot out, bombarding the surrounding space points.And as the aura continued to shoot out, the space that was still compressed around it quickly stopped shrinking and returned to its original state.

"It's nothing more than that, let's use all your unique skills." Qi Zhan said proudly, finally feeling proud today.

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