Dominate the world

Chapter 1150 Mirror Array 2

"Well, after all, I still have some skills. It's okay to save you from failing so easily. I'm too embarrassed to go out to promote it."

The girl yelled, drawing a circle vigorously with both hands, and yelled, "Turn!"

Qi Zhan suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and the world seemed to have changed. His body floated involuntarily, and he couldn't even control his own position, swaying erratically.

And the field of vision has also completely changed. Before, all he saw was the outside world, but now he directly sees his own inner universe.He saw his parent star, Cheng Zhou Xing.

"Brother Qi, the natal star is the real priority, just like your core, as long as the natal planet is clear, all formations will not be able to confuse you."

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, waking him up from the hallucination.

He no longer thought about the solution, but carefully watched his natal planet.Cheng Zhouxing is extremely large. Long, long ago, when he became a planetary star, his master taught him that the mother star that gave birth to him is his foundation, and how much he will achieve in the future, his home star occupies a huge dominant position. .

But at this moment, Qi Zhan finally understood the deep meaning of the master.It's not the environment, it's not the people or things on the mother planet, what Master is talking about is the mother planet in the inner universe, which is the basis for me to truly settle down.

Realizing this point, Qi Zhan was pleasantly surprised to find that Cheng Zhouxing, who had always been a bit ethereal, suddenly became much clearer.And the things that were like mist before gradually gathered together to form clouds, and then the heavy rain poured down.

As the heavy rain fell, the Chengzhou star in his inner universe began to have some vitality and life.

Inexplicably, Qi Chu felt his soul shake for a moment, and a sense of understanding rose in his heart. These clouds are clearly the original energy of the universe that Jiang Xiaobai said!

It is these energies that make Jiang Xiaobai's inner universe so energetic, and the acupoints glow, bursting out an unbelievable energy.

But now, he finally realized it.

He pulled it a little bit, with a little energy, the tearing force that made him suffer so much before was no longer useful, and it was easily broken.

Qi Zhan opened his eyes, landed lightly on the ground, and spit out a word: "Forbidden!"

The girl suddenly felt that the space became a little stiff, but she saw Qi Zhan slash out with a sword, and with a click, her formation was shattered into pieces like glass, and shattered one after another.

"Brother Jiang, thank you very much." Qi Zhan said gratefully, looking back on this period of time, he found that he had benefited a lot from Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "We are friends!"

Qi Zhan nodded heavily and said, "Yes, we are friends."

Outside of the formation, the girl and her accomplices were stupid, they were not strong enough, so they didn't dare to go deep into the mountains, but with the strength of the formation, they were able to snatch food from tiger's mouth and get some benefits.

But they never expected that the formation they relied on the most at this moment would be easily cracked.

"You guys, run!" The girl reacted very sensitively, seeing that the situation was not right, she called everyone and ran away.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, "I only want to run now, isn't it too late?"

Yinkang and Tianfeng were about to pursue them, but they saw these people running back after a few steps, and appeared in front of them again.

"Yin'er, what's going on, isn't this your mirror image formation?" A man exclaimed, "Why did you trap us?"

"I don't know, how did this happen?" the girl Yin'er exclaimed.

She turned her head suddenly and glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily: "Is that you?"

Although it was Qi Zhan who broke her formation just now, she knew that without Jiang Xiaobai's guidance, Qi Zhan couldn't break it at all.But what surprised her was how Jiang Xiaobai could use this radial matrix method.

This is something that she has only studied intensively not long ago. It is the only one in this family, and there is no other semicolon.

Longying Wushuang sneered and said: "Little sister, this place has gathered many peerless geniuses of the universe. You are a bit too arrogant. Your formation is certainly good, but someone can crack your formation after seeing it. And after improving and improving, display it, but you don't even have the ability to detect it."

"Goodbye everyone, if there is fate in the future, we will meet again!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

He snapped his fingers, the formation was shattered, and everyone trapped inside was wiped out.

In the post station, a scream sounded, and a girl climbed up from the bed unwillingly, and she was teleported out with a white light.

Where the girl Yin'er was, there were some shimmering treasures left behind.

Qi Zhan now has a little understanding of the original energy of the universe, and can already see that this is a treasure gathered by the original energy of the universe.It dawned on him, no wonder Jiang Xiaobai was collecting something on the ground before, but they couldn't see anything, it turned out to be this kind of thing.

Jiang Xiaobai sucked in his palm, put away these things, and divided half of Qi Zhan.

"Absorb quickly and dissipate quickly."

Qi Zhan thanked him and said with a smile, "I won't be polite to you anymore."

After the two absorbed the energy, Jiang Xiaobai explained to the suspicious eyes of the three of Yinkang: "Fortunately, now that we have Qi Zhan, I can explain it to you. The opportunity we are here is not just obtained Some natural treasures or experience, but the original energy of the universe. Every Tianjiao will be entangled by a trace of energy when they come in, and when they leave, they will take most of them, but also drop a small part. This is our prize."

"Of course, the original energy of these universes is consumed extremely quickly. Unless you understand it and can feel the latter, you can't absorb it at all, and you can only waste it in vain. Now that Qi Zhanxing has comprehended it, he can also absorb it. "

Qi Zhan nodded again and again: "Yes, these original energies of the universe are extremely pure, which can bless your natal planets in the inner universe and enhance your invisible strength. Xiaobai, I saw that your acupoints can burst out with power. The inner universe should be very powerful. Is it strong?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Everyone is like-minded, and we have lived and died together. I will not hide it from you. When you absorb enough original energy of the universe, those energy will light up your natal planet in the inner universe, and then light up the stars. , the galaxy, then the entire galaxy and even the nebula, and then even the entire universe. Everyone should know that a super-level master can perform star teleportation in the universe, and it can be done without a spaceship, right?"

"Could it be that they rely on the inner universe, and the inner universe is lit up there, so they can move there?"

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