Longying Wushuang was suddenly excited.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "That's not the case, they are also different from us, Brother Qi should be very clear about this."

Qi Chu nodded and said: "We entered the time-space city, and finally obtained the inner universe practice method. Those seniors outside practiced not the inner universe method, but another practice method. Although it is more powerful, but Now it seems that it is a bit of a waste of time. They are able to realize the starry sky teleportation, they should have taken another path. But I can be sure that once we succeed in cultivation, we will only be stronger than them."

"Come on, I just learned the mirror image formation from that girl. The power of this formation is average, and it can even be said to be a bit weak, but it is very effective in opening the inner universe. Wushuang, you come and experience it."

Jiang Xiaobai said, he looked around and found that there was no danger for the time being.After all, without the support of formations, a group of girls would not dare to go deep here.

After laying out the formation, Long Yin Wushuang began to circulate the vitality and cast it outward, but she was surprised to find that after the vitality was released, it returned again.

"Don't resist, you don't have brother Qi Zhan's Feng Tianyan clairvoyance, you need to attack if you want to enter the inner vision state, a little injury is worth it." Jiang Xiaobai's voice sounded softly.

Longying Wushuang took a deep breath, and completely gave up resisting the vitality that came back from the attack, and even restrained the supernatural powers of the Tianyuan battle suit, lest it would affect the effect of inner vision.

The vitality bombarded her body, and she resisted the urge to spurt blood, urging her spirit to resist, but it happened to cause her spirit to shrink back.

Finally, her soul came to her own inner universe and saw her home planet, the earth.

It wasn't the first time she saw the inner universe, but it was the first time for her to see the inner universe. It was completely different from the previous feeling.In particular, her home planet followed Jiang Xiaobai, so she was naturally close.

A very beautiful planet, but quietly wandering in the inner universe, without any life.

"Go to enlightenment, to see, to feel." Jiang Xiaobai whispered over.

Long Ying Wushuang let go of her mind, and let her spirit lead her into the earth. Looking at it and feeling it, she finally noticed the thread-like mist, and it was these things that made it difficult for her spirit to penetrate deeply.

She couldn't help drawing it with her heart, she had already forgotten the purpose of coming in, she just wanted to make this beautiful planet no longer silent, just like herself, alive and beating, she could feel the joys and sorrows and the deepest innocence .

The mist was gradually collected and floated in the sky, the ground below gradually began to shake, and then the mountains either towered or collapsed, and a group of flames finally couldn't bear the deep depression and began to erupt flames.

And the mist in the sky condensed into clouds, and it began to rain heavily, watering the whole world.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed, and the sea has changed.Long Ying Wushuang has already forgotten everything, she is just working hard to cultivate this small world, just like embellishing her own home.

Seeing the ocean come out, she smiled gratifiedly, and seeing Gao Shan handsome, she felt a burst of excitement.Seeing the big tree spin, the grass sprout, and the life green, she shed tears happily.

"Okay, it's time to come out." A long-lost voice sounded.

In an instant, all the memories flashed, and Longying Wushuang realized everything, she smiled a little shyly, seeing that a little clay figurine was kneaded, she couldn't help blowing a breath of fairy air, watching the two clay figurines After losing her life and playing happily, she soared into the sky in relief, rushed out of the inner universe, and returned to the outer world.

"Congratulations." There was a hint of surprise in Qi Zhan's eyes, Longying Wushuang had changed so much, he had the feeling of seeing Jiang Xiaobai for the first time.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Wu Shuang does have an extraordinary talent in this area. She has already begun to create new human beings, and it was only later that I gradually came to understand this aspect."

Yinkang and Tianfeng on the side were envious. In their eyes, Longying Wushuang was still Longying Wushuang, but there seemed to be some changes.The power didn't increase at all, and even decreased a little, but the two of them understood that this should be the balance in the clan.

When the inner and outer universes are in balance, they will be completely reborn.

They glanced at each other, but in the end they still didn't have the nerve to raise it, and they also felt that the current efforts were not reciprocal, Qinglong Tianfeng, they also have their own pride.

"Okay, let's continue on the road." At this moment, the sun was already noon.

Their purpose has also changed. They used to think about getting something, but now their goal is to stay here for a longer time.

At dusk, the five of them found a quiet place to rest. This place is relatively quiet, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and full of energy, which is very refreshing.

In the afternoon, Yinkang and Tianfeng were like robots who didn't know how to get tired. They took the lead in killing and attacking. They behaved like gods of war, and they would never retreat even if they were injured.

The three of them were amused, but they couldn't help admiring that the innate conditions of the two races were really good.Especially when the two are combined, anyone whose strength is at the fifth or sixth level of the universe is not our opponent.

The disappearing creatures all left behind abundant primordial energy of the universe. After all, the creatures that can stay until the next afternoon are all geniuses of each universe.Their luck is not bad, these creatures have basically not yet controlled the original energy of the universe.

But looking at the current scale, tomorrow's fight will be even more tragic.

Jiang Xiaobai has gained the most, his inner universe is as gorgeous as a map of the Milky Way at the moment, which is extremely beautiful.Followed by Longying Wushuang, her natal planet became more and more shining, and she even had a will, which made her look forward to it, whispering a word or two from time to time.

She explained with a smile: "It was chatting with the humans she created."

Qi Chu is still close, but Cheng Zhouxing has great potential, and it will take a little time to fully light it up.But once it is fully lit, Qi Zhan's strength will inevitably increase by leaps and bounds.

Qinglong and Tianfeng didn't speak, they just practiced more attentively.They have already discovered that their realm is still high, but in comparison, even Qi Zhan can defeat them.

Until the early hours of the night, Jiang Xiaobai woke up Tianfeng and Qinglong.He was waiting for the accumulation of their dissatisfaction, and even couldn't bear to leave, but the two of them forcibly suppressed their envy.

This is enough for Jiang Xiaobai. Judging from the second-level information obtained from the Jade Slip, the more creatures survive in a certain universe, the more rewards they can get.

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