Qinglong and Tianfeng might still not be of the same mind with them, but he didn't ask for more, any more would be harsh.

By early morning, both Qinglong and Tianfeng had sensed their natal planets and started the cultivation of the inner universe. They were overjoyed. Even if they were about to leave the time-space city later, they didn't feel that it was a loss.

When the red sun was born, the warm feeling shone on their bodies, but the faces of the five people all changed, and they felt the slightest coercion in the inner universe.

"Is there a living being that has balanced the inner and outer universes, and is about to break into the transcendent level?" Longying Wushuang thought for a while, and then expressed his guess.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, his feelings became more real, the world is not stable right now, and it feels like it is collapsing.

"Go, go find that person, I believe other creatures have also rushed away!"

The five nodded together, knowing the magic of this place, and the existence of this place was their greatest opportunity.Someone who wants to break this space is bound to become the enemy of everyone.

The five rushed to it quickly, and they came to a huge open space not long after.

The fields here are open, and you can easily look around, avoiding the sneak attack of the dark people.It was obviously chosen by that person, and he was going to meet everyone here for a while.

When the five people arrived, there was a person standing in the center of the open space. He looked very ordinary, but his cultivation had already reached the peak of the ninth level of detachment.Judging from the latter's steady breathing, it seems that the heaven and the earth are echoing, obviously the internal and external universe has also reached a balance.

"This person is deliberately waiting for everyone to arrive, and then prepares to use the method of a battle to enter the transcendence level." Qi Zhan looked at it for a while, and revealed the latter's purpose at a glance.

"It's very courageous, and this is indeed the best place. Winning or losing is not terrible, but it's a real experience of being promoted to a transcendent level." Jiang Xiaobai commented.

People came quickly from all around, and those who hadn't realized the original energy of the universe would not rush over. They couldn't understand the meaning of this battle at all.

But even so, more than 200 people came here.Each strength is not weak, from the realm point of view, the worst is Jiang Xiaobai Cosmic Level [-] peak.

Others, most of them are already at the fifth or sixth level of the universe level, and there are also many at the seventh or eighth level. There is a monk floating in the east, west, south, north, and four of them are all at the ninth level of the universe level.

Although it doesn't look like it has reached the peak of the ninth order, the difference is not very big.

"Everyone, we're all here, let's start. Let me introduce myself. According to the ranking, I'm the Immortal Clan of Universe 33, Fairy Fei. These four, if I guess correctly, are the Shenlongs of Universe 28." One clan, Ao Tian, ​​the Immortal Prince of the Five Elements Clan in Universe 54, the Earth Spirit Fairy of the Earth Clan in Universe 99, and Prince Haochang of the Jiuyang Clan in Universe [-], right?"

Fairy Fei slowly revealed the identities of the four, with a look of eager anticipation in her words.

"I hope that the four of you can put the greatest pressure on me so that I can help me achieve the Transcendence level. I heard that I have achieved the Transcendence level in Time and Space City, and I will not encounter any bottlenecks when I advance to Immortal in the future. I don't know if it is true or not. I want to verify it."

"Hmph, you are not afraid that we will kill you, imprinting your inner demons, and you will never be able to advance to transcendence. You must know that this is not without precedent." Undead Young Master said coldly.

Fairy Fei shook her head slightly: "I'm afraid, I won't come, I'm dedicated to the Tao, if I can't go all the way to Qingyun, I will die on this road and become a step for future generations."

He was very indifferent, and many people nodded secretly.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fairy Fei, and he couldn't help but feel a lot better about Fairy Fei. This person is admirable even as an enemy.

"But Fairy Fei, you ruined our plan." Ao Tian shouted.

Fairy Earth Spirit also lightly opened her lips and said, "The main purpose this time is to kill the pride of the first universe. Fairy Fei, you have crossed the line."

Prince Haochang also said earnestly: "That's right, once you achieve the Transcendence level, it will destroy the entire chessboard, so don't complain that the four of us are merciless to you. In the past three days, you have involved too many of us. Energy, otherwise it will not be delayed until the third day."

Here, the faces of Jiang Xiaobai and five people are extremely ugly. They thought it was just a little personal grievance before, but they didn't expect that the people of these universes had reached an agreement to destroy the creatures of their first universe.

"Hahahaha!" Fairy Fei laughed loudly, "What does the matter of the first universe have to do with me? I only ask about my own future!"

"I don't know them, but if you want to find them, defeat me first, come on!" Fairy Fei shouted, and challenged the four of them to fight.

Jiang Xiaobai restrained the four of them: "Let's go to the crowded place."


Tianfeng couldn't help asking, Yinkang also echoed: "Yes, our current situation is so dangerous, I think even we should leave instead of staying here, these creatures are too powerful."

There was a trace of sadness and loss in his voice, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky!

Jiang Xiaobai explained: "Yes, in the eyes of those four people, or in the eyes of everyone, people from the first universe are bound to do this. It can be said that this is also a kind of temptation. Anyone who dares to leave will definitely Being beheaded, this is called rather killing the wrong than letting it go."

"If you don't believe it, you can take a look, there must be someone who is paying attention to the monks around."

Tianfeng and Yinkang observed carefully, and sure enough, many people were scanning their eyes, looking unfathomable.

"But you don't need to go forward, isn't that too dangerous." Yinkang said, he was afraid, he was afraid that he would enter the group of creatures in the outer universe, and in the end he was easily wiped out without even the strength to resist.

He didn't want his departure to become like that, after all, he had his own pride.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly and said: "This is domineering. For example, is our No. [-] universe strong? It must not be strong, and those who are not strong will stand closer, or stand farther away? "

Longying Wushuang nodded and said: "Indeed, maybe people don't need to investigate at all. Whoever is weak will just be wiped out, and what is the opinion of the weak. The law of the jungle has always been the law of the universe."

Qi Zhan chuckled: "All the resentment and all the losses in my life have been experienced here. I have to say, people still need some blows. Let's go, let's move forward, we can't let the people who are hurt People can see clearly, even if they are going to die, I want those creatures to shed their skins to let them know that we are not easy to mess with."

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