Dominate the world

Chapter 1154 Taiji Disc Discussion

Jiang Xiaobai was really frightened. Looking at Tang Zhen's appearance, he looked frightened even more. He definitely wouldn't lie.

There is only one reason for that, that is, someone attached to Tang Zhen just now and intentionally told him the news.

In fact, think about it, how could such a huge secret be known to everyone.Once everyone knows about it, I don't know how many people will resist or resist. After all, after the death of the first universe, other weak universes will also be destroyed.

But who was that person just now?

Jiang Xiaobai recalled the memory that kept flashing back before, and it was obviously covered up by someone, could it be the people behind the scenes.And this stone is the opportunity given to him by the latter?

Long Ying Wushuang rushed over and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai, fearing that he would be injured.

"It's okay, I'm okay, let's go over there." Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Tang Zhen, who still looked aggrieved, and even suspected that someone had taken control of his body, and kept taking out various talismans to guard his surroundings.

Jiang Xiaobai carefully transmitted what he knew to the four of them. After Qinglong and Tianfeng returned to their clan, it would surely spread the word, and then maybe everyone could sit down and talk about it in detail.

This is also the reason to inform the two of them. After all, they also belong to the creatures of the first universe and have the right to know the truth.

The hairs of the four of them almost exploded. After hearing Jiang Xiaobai say that a master possessed Tang Zhen and told him these secrets, the four of them couldn't help becoming suspicious.

"Okay, at least we have the upper hand now. After that, we need to stop Fairy Fei from achieving transcendence." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Why? Shouldn't we go back as soon as possible now and tell the elders in the clan this news?" Tianfeng asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "The question is what can they do. You must know that they are only the peak of transcendence. Has anyone in your clan achieved immortality?"

Qinglong and Tianfeng shook their heads again and again, Qinglong Yinkang said: "In fact, a long time ago, our Qinglong clan did not have an immortal class. I heard from the older generation in the clan that the world should have changed, so we can't do it again." Immortality. And as humans, you should all know about Wutian, right?"

"The elders in my family said that he once made friends with Wutian. The latter was an out-and-out genius. He tried to achieve immortality, but unfortunately he failed. Immortal, the entire universe will be under the bullying of the latter."

Qi Zhan coughed lightly. Among the main forces who suppressed Wutian back then, their Fengtianzong was an example.In fact, all the three major sects participated in it. Of course, the most powerful sect at that time was the Taoist sect. As a result, the entire sect fell apart because of the sealing of Wutian.

"I'm not talking about you, I believe there must be reasons for each of them, but from the current point of view, that senior Wutian obviously knew something, so he dared to go against the sky, but unfortunately he failed in the end."

Jiang Xiaobai took over the words: "So, it's useless for us to go back and tell them if we don't tell them, and they can't do anything, but we can make a difference here now. If my guess is right, when we stop Fairy Fei has achieved transcendence, and there may be new opportunities waiting for us. Qi Zhan, do you still remember those memories we lost? Maybe we can get them back, and maybe we can see the real power behind the time-space city. "

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the four of them were shocked and regained their fighting spirit.They could still hide before, but now they can't hide anymore, behind them is their home planet, the universe they live in, where else can they hide!

And in the center of the field, the five masters fought fiercely with many moves.It is also because the space here is stable enough, otherwise the world would be smashed, but once Fairy Fei achieves the transcendence level, this place will still be broken directly.

All the onlookers are studying, watching the battle of the five masters, comprehending their supernatural powers, and confirming them.

Many people even sat cross-legged and began to exercise.They also know that it is impossible to comprehend everything, and they can comprehend as much as they can.

After watching it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai had to be convinced. It was too difficult for them to prevent Fairy Fei from achieving the transcendence level.Among the five, Qinglong Yinkang is the one with the highest cultivation level, whose cultivation base is at the peak of the fifth cosmic level, but the gap from the five people in the starting stage is simply outrageous.

If you really want to stop Fairy Fei, you have to pin your hopes on the other four.

But the other four strongly advocated killing them, but Fairy Fei, who needed to stop them, delayed the time for them. This is simply a paradox.

"Cultivate first, the primordial energy of the universe here is still very full, let's take a look at it slowly, maybe a miracle will happen inadvertently." Jiang Xiaobai said, there is no other way for now, just wait.

The red sun rose high and slanted to the west until dusk. Finally, the five people in the field stopped probing and started killing with all their strength.

In this way, people can't see clearly.The speed of the five people was too fast, and the light was even more violent, as if five groups of light were shining, and nothing could be seen.

All the creatures couldn't help backing back again and again, otherwise, they would be affected by disaster, and they could only blame themselves for being unlucky.

"It's time to leave. There won't be a winner or loser for at least three days." A voice sounded quietly, and it turned out to be the voice of Tai Chi Yuanpan.

This sound is different from the indifferent electronic sound before, as if it has life.

"You are Taiji Yuanpan?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

"It was also in such an environment that I finally regained a little bit of consciousness. You don't have to be afraid. Once I leave, I will sleep forever. In fact, many memories have been broken. I just remember that there was a big bang, and then the universe It began to expand, and it continued to split. By the way, I am awake now, and I think I have reached the stage of cosmic disputes again?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded again and again, he really couldn't believe that Tai Chi Yuanpan started talking here.

In too many times, the Tai Chi Disc was his talisman, his last resort, and now he finally communicated for the first time.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly described the current situation of the universe, and the voice chuckled lightly: "Oh, the little brother at the beginning has now become the number one universe? Hehe, once one universe dies, the other universes will die." Will automatically forget the existence of the former, so the universe war is bound to be fought, and the one that succeeds will become the first universe."

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