Dominate the world

Chapter 1155 Secret News

"Then, it will also follow the path of the previous universe, and its energy will continue to decrease and gradually die out until it is replaced by the next universe."

There is too much information in these words, Jiang Xiaobai feels like his brain is about to explode. Speaking of which, the universe they lived in once survived like that!

This simply destroyed Jiang Xiaobai's three views.

"Did you find that the first universe often has the most legends and the most species, because of the fusion after the war."

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless, this reason seemed to be really impeccable.

"But senior, do we have no other way?"


"Please say."

Jiang Xiaobai felt like his heart was going to jump into his throat. Fortunately, Taiji Yuanpan had something to say, if not, he didn't know what to do.The information was far beyond his ability, and he was a little out of breath under the heavy pressure.

"Let the first universe become stronger again, lead the entire universe, and create a new path instead of continuing internal friction." Tai Chi Yuanpan said, "This was the wish of the master back then, but it is a pity that after the master created me, he didn't I ran out of energy, so I went.”

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a deep sadness, and he was so depressed that he felt sad for a while, and couldn't help but want to cry.

"Xiaobai, let's leave now, this is the best time, many people have already left." Longying Wushuang's forehead sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, startling Long Ying Wushuang: "Why are you crying?"

Jiang Xiaobai quickly wiped away his tears, and said embarrassedly: "I will tell you this later, it is my biggest personal secret."

"Then don't say it, I believe it." Long Ying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly pulled his mind back from his indulgence, looked at the movement around him, and remembered what Tai Chi Yuanpan said before, at least three days would not produce results, and now is indeed the best time to leave.

"Okay, let's go!" The five quickly mixed into the crowd and slipped away quickly.

After sneaking away for a long time, after making sure that there was no one behind them, the five of them breathed a sigh of relief, finally escaped unharmed.

"What shall we do next?" Yinkang asked, his pressure was gone, and his tone became much more relaxed.

"You guys rest first, and take a good look at what you saw before. I have some personal matters." Jiang Xiaobai said, he found a cave, and got in, leaving behind the four people who looked at each other in dismay, inexplicably.

Qi Zhan blinked and blinked: "Does Xiaobai have another chance?"

However, that's all he said, he threw out a formation, defended the cave, and then practiced cross-legged.Longying Wushuang sat on the other side, and Tianfeng and Qinglong also knew that although they were taught the opportunity, there was still some estrangement after all.

Seeing that the two of them were on guard, they didn't bother themselves, sat on the other side, and began to practice separately.

Jiang Xiaobai entered the cave, and only then did he connect with Tai Chi Yuanpan again.

"Senior, how would you change the First Universe?" Jiang Xiaobai asked hastily.

Taiji Yuanpan finally recovered from the previous sadness, and it said in a deep voice: "Then you need to break the shackles. After all, the first universe often kills a lot and carries too much resentment. It is those resentments that suppress the first universe." The development of the first universe even gave birth to many demons, so once you can achieve immortality, you will naturally break through the suppression of those grievances and lead the way forward for the first universe again."

"And the rise of the first universe will also lead to the breaking of the killing cycle between universes. After all, the first universe is the leader. Only when the first universe begins to rise can the following universes find their way."

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief, it didn't sound difficult.

"Hehe, don't think it's easy. It's actually very difficult, especially in the first universe where there are too many demons and failed arrogances. Their reluctance will also be a huge obstacle for you to achieve immortality. It is too difficult to prove the Dao in one universe."

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a while, and had to nod repeatedly. Taiji Yuanpan's words made sense.Just like Wutian, according to Yinkang, he was also an absolute arrogance back then, but unfortunately, he became a powerful demon after failing.

How many original planets were buried in the latter's devouring, and his home planet of the earth was almost reduced to ruins.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking: "Senior, do you have any gifts?"

He was a little embarrassed, he came all the way to practice, relying on the Tai Chi disc, and now he is still seeking the Tai Chi disc.

The Tai Chi disc has no airs, it said seriously: "You don't need to be embarrassed, I was made to serve you. If you can really achieve immortality and break the fate of the first universe, I will also do it Disappear and follow the master."


Jiang Xiaobai cried out involuntarily. He had been used to the existence of Taiji Yuanpan over the years, and suddenly heard that Taiji Yuanpan was about to leave.

"This is your destiny, and it is also my destiny. In fact, I never thought that you could go so far. You have exceeded my expectations. Let's not talk about this, let's get down to business, there is not much I can do to help you , but I did discover a little secret here, your memory has indeed been sealed, I can undo it, and then you can use that memory to search for the snow mountain you have been to before."

snow mountain?

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have an impression, but he couldn't remember clearly.

"You were tricked by that old guy, but you were smart and picked up a stone. Maybe this is your luck, to achieve great things, sometimes you really need luck, and nothing else is useful, but that stone happens to be The key to suppressing the snow mountain, so with that stone you should be able to come to the snow mountain again. There is a cave at the top of the snow mountain, where you can practice exercises, where the inner universe and the outer universe will connect with each other, and achieve the real cosmic peak !"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "At that time, I can rush back, just to prevent Fairy Fei from achieving transcendence level, well, it doesn't matter if I don't stop it, I have to leave anyway."

"Yes, we must stop it." Tai Chi Yuanpan said, "Once other universes have reached an agreement and are ready to attack the first universe, the first universe will also respond. If you don’t come, but you can cast some projections, it will definitely become your immortal enemy. And you can stop everything here.”

Jiang Xiaobai quickly said: "Okay, I understand, it can be solved here, it's best not to leave it outside, I have suffered from this."

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