Dominate the world

Chapter 1156 Mature True Yang Silkworm

"Others, I don't have anything to say. By the way, Wutian is very pitiful. Speaking of which, he is your senior brother. I also accompanied him to progress together, but it is a pity that he failed in the end."

After Taiji Yuanpan finished speaking, he quietly closed his mouth.

Jiang Xiaobai almost spit out a mouthful of blood, that devil Wutian is actually his senior brother?

But Tai Chi Yuanpan will not tell lies, it is obviously true!

"Okay, then I will have a good talk with him." Jiang Xiaobai said.

The Taiji disc stopped making any sound, Jiang Xiaobai felt his brain heat up, and a stream of memories flowed out all of a sudden.

Jiang Xiaobai finally realized, no wonder he got that stone, no wonder he suddenly became good brothers with Qi Zhan, it turned out that he had been in love with each other.

He came out of the cave, Qi Zhan and Long Ying Wushuang stood up together, Long Ying Wushuang's eyes were full of worry: "Are you all right?"

"I don't have time, I remember everything." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qi Zhan and smiled, "Brother Qi, we have fought side by side before, and now we will do it again."

Feeling Jiang Xiaobai's arrogance, Qi Zhan couldn't help but feel agitated, and he said loudly: "Okay, let's do it again."

"Then where are we going now?" Tianfeng asked.

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the west and said, "Over there, do you see a snow mountain there?"

The four shook their heads in unison, Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "You can't see it, but when you get to that land, you will feel it, let's go."

Long Ying Wushuang worried: "Then the decisive battle between the five Fairies Fei is not concerned?"

"No, they need at least three days, which is enough for us to go back and forth. Of course, we need to come back and stop Fairy Fei before he defeats the four of them and achieves transcendence."

Longying Wushuang was only thinking carefully, and after listening to Jiang Xiaobai's explanation, she didn't say any more, and the five of them set off directly.

The moonlight is getting more and more charming, and the surrounding fields are getting darker and darker.

From time to time, there was a strange roar in the jungle, like an inexplicable monster hunting.

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately spread out the inner universe, which is also some tricks taught by Taiji Yuanpan, which is enough to deter some small threats.Of course, he couldn't suppress the really powerful monsters.

"Someone is following up." Qinglong Yinkang said.

His perception was indeed sensitive, and Jiang Xiaobai hadn't reacted yet, yet he noticed it.

"Chichi." A voice suddenly sounded, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being overjoyed. He took out a small spiritual creature from his arms. It was not big, like a chubby villain, but it had wings. .

Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look and couldn't help laughing. This little guy actually had a face exactly like his, as if he had been shrunk many times.

"You naughty ghost." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and pointed the little guy with his finger.

This is the true yang silkworm. I didn't expect it to be successfully hatched here and fully matured.Also, the vitality here is rich, more of the original energy of the universe, in terms of vitality, it is many times stronger than the vitality.

It is indeed easy to hatch a true male silkworm and promote the growth of the latter.

The four of them also looked over, very curious, and when they found out that it was a heaven and earth spirit, the four of them stared straight.This kind of spiritual thing is too rare, especially after knowing the plight of the first universe today, the spiritual thing is becoming more and more rare.

I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to have one, and it seemed that it was fully matured.

The real yang silkworm flew up, and with a flash of light, it disappeared from everyone's sight.Jiang Xiaobai quickly let go of his spiritual thoughts, only to realize that the real yang silkworm had jumped to the rear and bit the nose of a monster in shape.

Although the latter is powerful, but the real yang silkworm is the latter's natural enemy. When bitten by the real yang silkworm, the latter was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and ran away quickly.

The light flashed again, and the true sun silkworm flew back. He proudly spun around in front of Jiang Xiaobai, showing off his achievements.

"Baby, you are so cute." Jiang Xiaobai said, putting him in the palm of Longying Wushuang, who happily accepted it.

The real yang silkworm wanted to fly, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said: "Don't move, she is your mistress, don't make her unhappy."

The real yang silkworm immediately flew up and kissed Long Ying Wushuang on the lips, and Long Ying Wushuang smiled shyly.

"Okay, with such a spiritual creature, our future journey will be much safer. The real yang silkworm will discover the existence of the enemy at the first time." Yinkang laughed, and he was greatly relieved.

Along the way, I was always on tenterhooks, it was really tiring.

Several people showed a look of understanding, and looked at Zhenyang Silkworm with more friendly eyes.Each of them took out some auras of pure yang nature and fed the real yang silkworms.

Zhenyang silkworm enjoyed eating so much that it fell asleep on Longying Wushuang's shoulder after a while.

"Don't worry, if there is any danger, the real yang silkworm will still check it at the first time. This is the nature of the heaven and earth spirits. I have to say, Brother Jiang, you are really a person of great luck. Favor."

Jiang Xiaobai said casually: "It's nothing, maybe this is fate. When it was in distress, I could help it if I could."

This open-minded state of mind attracted the praise of the four people.

In the following journey, with the help of Zhenyang Silkworm, the five-person journey was much faster, and they easily avoided many natural dangers and pursuits from behind.

They didn't know that they easily avoided many crises, but they suffered for the people behind, and fell into desperation from time to time, causing heavy injuries.

"Chichi!" In the early morning, the real yang silkworm suddenly jumped up, screamed loudly, and hid directly in Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"This is a big danger, everyone be careful." Jiang Xiaobai said.

The next moment, the faces of the five people changed, and they felt a throbbing from the soul, it was a huge flower.

"Fly!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted. He was much more sensitive to the perception of the soul than the four of them, and he discovered it immediately. It was a danger from the ground.

The five jumped up in the air, and Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Zhan formed a sealing formation together to protect the bottom.

Seeing a vine suddenly jumping up from the ground, it immediately branched out with more than a dozen leaves, sweeping towards the five people, and the formation they played had no effect on these vines.

"This is the Skyfall Vine, with extraordinary supernatural powers. Simply put, their attributes are similar to black holes. They dare to swallow anything, and there is nothing they cannot swallow." Qi Zhan cursed, exasperated.

This thing has long been extinct in the records of the sect, and once it is born, it will definitely turn upside down.

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