"Little friend, it seems that there is an expert behind him, and he was able to find it here?" The white-robed old man smiled, and he stretched out his hand with a smile, "Give me the stone."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Not busy for now, this junior heard that there is a cave in the top of the snow mountain that can help improve one's cultivation to the peak of the universe, this junior wants to try it."


The two old men laughed in unison.

"Little friend, do you want to take the road of immortality?" The old man in white robe revealed Jiang Xiaobai's purpose at a glance.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and he didn't deny it: "This junior belongs to the first universe, and I can't bear to see the creatures of the universe fall apart, so I want to rush to immortality and go out another way."

The two old men looked at each other, and the black-robed old man said: "It's not impossible. The purpose of my two brothers' establishment of the space-time city was to solve this problem. Now if you want to try, of course you can, but you must know that there are many dangers."

"Naturally, the juniors naturally know that if they want to accomplish great things, there must be many obstacles." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

"Okay, then you go." The old man in white robe waved his palm directly, and Jiang Xiaobai found that he was in a cave.

The cave was extremely cold, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and saw that there were ice crystals and profound jade all around, which looked like they had been accumulated for at least tens of thousands of years.There is no biting cold air, just a little bit chilly.

I didn't feel it at first, but soon felt that the chill in my bones rushed out from the inside of my body.

Every cell seemed to be frozen, and even the vital qi had stopped functioning. The inner universe seemed to expand and contract with heat and contract with cold. The body went to the outside world.

Phantoms came one after another, and for a while, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't control the direction of his mind at all, just wandering weakly with the phantoms.

He was anxious in his heart, but the more anxious he became, the more powerless he became, as if he had no strength to dominate. Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was going crazy.

"Calm down!" In the Tai Chi disc, two words were quietly uttered.

He didn't have any power, just simply dissuaded him, but Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that he was really upset, maybe he was about to succeed, and seeing the hope of success, the pressure he had been carrying finally broke out.

It made him a little bit at a loss for a while, as if he didn't dare to bear it anymore.

Wasn't Wutian also the master of the Taiji disc? Didn't he all fail?I am an ordinary person, even if I fail, it doesn't matter...

Jiang Xiaobai calmed down his mind slowly, and no longer restrained the influx of divine thoughts, just calmed down his thoughts lightly, and he didn't care if the thoughts were still drifting, and closed the source first.

Gradually, Jiang Xiaobai found that he had finally calmed down, his thoughts were no longer too many, and he felt a little more relaxed and freehand.

He suddenly understood a truth, the grandeur is doomed to be only for a while, and the ordinary is the long-term.So I mobilize my emotions with all my strength, and want to complete a major event that no one else dares to dream about with enthusiasm. It is better to calmly analyze and prepare, and then complete it slowly step by step.

Even if you walk, as long as you persevere, you can always reach the end.On the contrary, because of impatience and anxiety, he was powerless and stopped before the finish line.

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and he opened his eyes. He found that he hadn't gone anywhere, but was in the cave, enduring the severe cold, practicing his exercises.

It's just that at his feet, there is a puddle of black water, like a series of distracting thoughts, but gradually drifting away with the flowing water.

The cave doesn't seem to be so cold anymore, and the heat in my heart doesn't seem to be so exciting anymore, but it's just a little more calm.

In the Taoist scriptures, some knowledge that was a bit confused before has finally become transparent at this moment, and some profound meanings that have not been understood are much simpler and easily integrated into the vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai saw some changes in the Bajiu Xuangong, and he also gained a little insight, understanding why there were such changes.Some places seem to be a bit complicated and not flexible enough, but they are for the follow-up development and to undertake more powerful forces.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem to be cultivating, but his cultivation base was improving rapidly, the vitality of the Taoist scriptures became more and more mellow, and the vitality of the Bajiu Xuangong became heavier and heavier.With a thought in Jiang Xiaobai's mind, his body changed freely. He turned into a stone, a bird, a piece of black ice, and even a ball of vitality.

The real yang silkworm flew out in surprise, and suddenly found that Jiang Xiaobai had disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly, recovered from that state, hugged Zhenyang Silkworm in his arms, and laughed.The vitality of the Taoist scriptures changed easily, and it became the vitality of the eighty-nine profound arts, and there was hardly any difference.

The coldness in the cave gradually became less gloomy, and Jiang Xiaobai even felt a little bit of warmth.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the cathode generating yang."

The inner universe began to appear, and he could easily see it and freely connect with the outer universe. Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that as long as he wanted, he could now easily move by virtue of the connection between the inner universe and the outer universe. to the outside.

Of course, the energy consumed comes from the Space-Time City, and that huge amount of energy is completely unsupportable with his current vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai restrained his mind, closed his eyes and practiced again.

A monster appeared quietly, without any warning, but Jiang Xiaobai completely closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't feel the latter's existence at all.

There was an anthropomorphic sarcasm at the corner of the monster's mouth, and he opened his mouth to spray, a stream of pure primordial energy of the universe spewed out, following Jiang Xiaobai's breath, it entered Jiang Xiaobai's inner universe.

"Boy, obediently give me your identity." The monster laughed and swallowed Jiang Xiaobai in one gulp.

"Hey, why didn't this kid make any movement, didn't he notice it?" The monster's body changed, and it turned into the old man in white robe.

The old man in black robe suddenly appeared beside him, and the latter laughed loudly: "That's because this kid has enlightened, you lost."

The old man in white robe opened his mouth and spat out Jiang Xiaobai, but seeing that the latter was still practicing with his eyes closed, he yelled angrily, turned around and left.

The old man in black robe looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a hint of admiration at the corner of his mouth, but his body disappeared quietly, leaving only one sentence behind.

"Perhaps the mission of Time and Space City is coming to an end, and we have waited for too long. I hope you can help us get rid of it."

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes, as if he heard something, but looked around, but found nothing.

He checked his cultivation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had reached the peak of the ninth cosmic level, the inner and outer universes were balanced, and the combat power was so strong that he himself was a little shocked.

"It's time to go out!"

Well, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and saw that it was a ball of Dao rhyme. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately understood what it was. It turned out to be the ninth and last volume of Taoism.

"Thank you senior."

Jiang Xiaobai bowed deeply, and with a thought, his whole body jumped out.

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