Dominate the world

Chapter 1159 Snow Cave Training

After coming out, Jiang Xiaobai found that he was on the white jade steps, and not far away, Qi Zhan and the other four were working hard to move forward.From here, I immediately saw the potential of several people.

With their extraordinary racial talent, Tianfeng and Qinglong Yinkang had a huge advantage at the beginning, but their stamina gradually fell short, and they were slowly overtaken by Qi Zhan and Longying Wushuang.

And Longying Wushuang still relied on the power of the two Tianyuan Divine Weapons. Now that there is no bonus from the Divine Weapons here, her speed has also slowed down. Qi Zhan took the lead. It is worthy of being outstanding in the three holy places before. characters.

But with a lot of tenacity and persistence, Long Ying Wushuang still chased very hard. Although he never got closer, he was never pulled away.On the contrary, Qinglong Yinkang and Tianfeng were gradually pulled away.

After watching for a while, Jiang Xiaobai found that Qi Zhan and Longying Wushuang were unable to go any further, so he appeared.

"Let's go."

Qi Zhan let out a sigh of emotion, and after feeling that it was getting more and more difficult to go up, he knew that he had no chance to reach the top.He also no longer resisted the pressure from the top of the white jade steps, let the white light wrap himself, and sent it down the white jade steps.

Long Ying Wushuang didn't care much, seeing Jiang Xiaobai, she was already happy enough, she let go of her worries, and followed Bai Guang to the foot of the mountain.Qinglong Yinkang and Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief. They were so arrogant, only to find out that they just took advantage of the race's benefits, and they fell far behind with their own potential.

Human race, two heavy words, were deeply imprinted in the hearts of the two of them.

"Little Bai, how's the harvest?" Longying Wushuang asked.

Jiang Xiaobai showed his cultivation, and the strength of the ninth-order peak of the universe was fully displayed. The relationship between the inner and outer universes was even more overwhelming and mighty, so that the four of them couldn't even think of challenging.

"It's amazing!" Qinglong Yinkang shouted, he suddenly felt like standing in front of a detached elder in the clan, there was no chance of winning, only deep admiration.

Qi Zhan said with a smile: "I feel that the combined power of the five people before is not as strong as you, Xiaobai."

He is completely convinced, maybe some people are born leaders, that kind of courage and mind make people surrender, and they are willing to guard and die for them.

"Xiaobai, we are running out of time." Longying Wushuang reminded.

"Don't be afraid!" Jiang Xiaobai said, he cupped his hands facing the void, "Senior, borrow some energy!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai's internal and external universes were connected, and a ball of light enveloped the five people, and moved away directly.

"You bastard, you are obviously bullying our old man!" In the void, a voice said angrily.

"It seems that he succeeded and was able to use our energy. Maybe the time-space city is really coming to an end."


The light shone, and the figures of Fei Xianzi and the other five people began to flash in the sky. They had been fighting for three days, and even though they were extremely powerful and energetic, they were extremely tired at this moment.

Fairy Fei is getting stronger as she fights, while the strength of the other four has not weakened, but compared to Fairy Fei Fei, the former has indeed gradually turned the tide of the battle. Looking at Fairy Fei's situation, it seems that they are destined to achieve transcendence. unstoppable.

"Four, thank you very much. I have already sensed the opportunity, so I will send you on your way." Fairy Fei laughed and waved four palms. body hit.

The four handprints don't look much different from the previous attack, and even weakened a little, but the purity of the vitality has been greatly enhanced, and the vitality is mixed with the original energy of the universe, which is already quite stable. Obviously, the power Chaofan, once they are bombarded, even with their strength, they need to go all out to resist.

And this was just Fairy Fei's random blow, even if he could resist this move, how would he resist it later?

The four knew that they had finally lost!

Fairy Fei quickly raised her aura, preparing to officially advance to the Transcendence level.

He was very proud of himself. Over the years and in the past and present, many arrogances have tried to achieve transcendence in the space-time city, but no one has achieved it. Now he has broken the records of the sages and achieved things that his predecessors have never done. He is truly in history. left a name.

"Break!" Fei Xianzi shouted loudly, 360 acupuncture points all over his body began to shine, the internal and external universes began to communicate, and the original energy of the surrounding universe roared rapidly, forming many colorful clouds, flying towards Fei Xianzi's body.

At this moment, no matter where in the time-space city, they can see this strange sky.Everyone exclaimed in unison, finally someone is going to succeed.

But the next moment, this shocking scene suddenly stopped, and everything returned to calm.

"what happened?"

"What the hell happened?"

Everyone put down the important things in their hands and rushed towards the Great Plains together.

Time went back to the moment when Fairy Fei was about to escape, the space had already started to vibrate, and when Guanghua slashed down, it turned out to be a thrown sword.

The big knife didn't look very powerful, but the trajectory of the attack was very strange. It hit Fairy Fei at the moment when he soared up, making him pause for a while.

But just at this moment, five figures suddenly appeared, and then one person's body flickered again and again, and even caught up with the knife before Fairy Fei.

"What's the matter with you, this is clearly someone else's treasure, how can you pick it up randomly?" Jiang Xiaobai arrived, looked at Fairy Fei, and said with a smile.

"Bastard!" Fairy Fei yelled angrily, and he slapped Jiang Xiaobai with a slap. In his eyes, except for Hao Chang and the other four, he ignored the others at all.

The appearance of this person disturbed his promotion to the transcendent level, he should die!

No one can stop him, and he is bound to win the detached level, and no one can resist.

After they left, several people discovered the difference in Jiang Xiaobai. This person looked ordinary, but he naturally had a blessing of Dao Yun, which made it hard for people to see through his true cultivation.

And the person who made them unable to see his true cultivation and dared to confront Fairy Fei was obviously extraordinary.

Fairy Fei is finally going to be unlucky!

The funny thing is that Fairy Fei doesn't know it yet.

Jiang Xiaobai slapped back with his backhand, with a soft slap, Fairy Fei covered his face in astonishment, flew upside down, and then fell heavily on the ground, he was beaten, how could it be possible?

The people around were even more dumbfounded, including Longying Wushuang. In their eyes, Jiang Xiaobai's victory was inevitable, but they never thought it would be so easy.

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