After leaving the quiet room, Longying Wushuang took the initiative to pull his wrist back.

"You go on your own, I won't get involved, and I'll talk about it after I enter the transcendence level."

Looking at Longying Wushuang's strong back, Jiang Xiaobai watched her leave, and then flew towards a place where the breath was surging.

The strength of the breath there is like a round of red sun shining all around, which cannot be concealed at all.

Regardless of the universe level, star level, and planetary level disciples, they all looked at that direction with expressions of admiration, which was their pride and their yearning.

When Jiang Xiaobai flew down, all the masters immediately looked at him.

Except for some elders, many suzerains saw Jiang Xiaobai for the first time. Thinking that only a dozen years ago, this kid was still competing with their disciples and grandchildren, but now he is on an equal footing with them. These suzerain masters There was a strange feeling in my heart.

Facing these old monsters who have lived for at least thousands of years, Jiang Xiaobai consciously corrected his mentality. He had to save some face for these old guys, otherwise they would not look good.

"At the end of his studies, Jiang Xiaobai has met all the seniors. Xiaobai has always admired the demeanor of the seniors. It is a great honor to finally meet you today."

After some words, everyone present looked much better, and they exchanged glances, who said that this kid is domineering and ungrateful, he is clearly very kind, and he is very good at life.

"Jiang Daoyou, you are being polite. Now everyone is a transcendent level. There is no senior or not. They are all fellows. However, Jiang Xiaobai, your fellow disciple, really makes us envious!" Feng Tianzong The suzerain sighed with emotion.

I used an avatar to meet Jiang Xiaobai before. At that time, the latter had just entered the universe level, and his strength was still much worse, but who knew that in just over a year, he had already advanced to the transcendence level.

His realm wasn't too high, but his domineering aura was a bit shocking even for him.

He could see clearly that Jiang Xiaobai's strength was far more than the third level of detachment reflected in his realm.In other words, in the current courtyard, there are absolutely no more than two hands who can overwhelm Jiang Xiaobai.

Many transcendent masters echoed and laughed, expressing their thoughts.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

Ji took the initiative to open up, this scene looked in the eyes of other people, but he was extremely surprised, Ji has always been arrogant, even the suzerains of the seven sects in the three holy places may not be able to fall into his eyes, but now he looks at Jiang Xiaobai differently .

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be negligent, and respectfully met the suzerains and the suzerains of other forces.Now that the realm is high, Jiang Xiaobai can also feel that these people's strength is not weak, and the worst ones are all at the fifth level of detachment level, which is a level higher than that group of elders.

And to be able to become the suzerain who controls a large sect, none of these people is not the top choice in terms of intelligence and strength, and the overall strength is definitely not the strength shown on the surface.

Among them, Yankun, the suzerain of Yantianzong who is also in Cheng Zhouxing, is especially powerful. The latter is also named with the word Kun, and adding a word Yan is a respectful name for the latter, just like other people call the suzerain of Fengtianzong extremely. , it will be called Fengji.

The realm of Fengji is at the peak level of the seventh level of detachment, and Yan Kun, the suzerain of Yantian Sect, has also reached the level of the seventh level of detachment. Although he has just entered, he is absolutely extraordinary.

The three masters of Feiyan Star, Fairy Hongfei, the master of Qinghong Sect, Fairy Luming, the master of Bailu Sect, and Mr. Yan Hui, the master of the Swift Swallow Sect, are all at the sixth level of detachment. Fairy Hongfei and Fairy Luming look beautiful Ruo Tianxian, with a peerless beauty, although he is not young, his unique style and charm are far above the disciples of the sect.

Mr. Yan Hui is not too old, and he is also the first male suzerain of the Swift Swallow Sect. Even in terms of seniority, he is the junior of Fairy Hongfei and Fairy Luming, but he is the most powerful person among the three major sects of the Feiyan Sect.His elegant appearance is kind of friendly, he has almost no airs, and he is quite talkative, maybe because he is a generation lower, he and Jiang Xiaobai feel like they hit it off.

The two masters of Changhong Star, one monk and one nun, the Dazheng monk and Qingxuan master are also powerful, and their strengths are both at the peak of the sixth level of detachment. Jiang Xiaobai is a bit insensitive to the worldly masters like monks and nuns Yes, I dare not talk much after saying hello.

The strength of the other suzerains is slightly weaker, most of them are at the third to fifth level of detachment, and they are all from planets that Jiang Xiaobai has heard of, similar to Feixian Star, Luohua Star, Shennong Star, Burial Flower Star, Dark Yexing and so on, Jiang Xiaobai had fought side by side with the arrogance of these planets back then.

A group of people were talking, and the noise outside gradually became louder. Everyone turned their heads sideways. It was a tyrannical force, obviously a group of super-level masters arrived.

"Seniors, it seems that reinforcements have arrived again, let's go out to meet them." Jiang Xiaobai said, he has already sensed who is coming.

Everyone flew out, and there was already a detached master from the sect in front of them to meet them. They were obviously nervous, and they all sensed the strength of these people. In terms of strength, they were still above them, even tyrannical few.

"Dear friends, Jiang Xiaobai is very grateful for coming from afar, please hurry up." Jiang Xiaobai shouted all the way, and his figure flashed in front of the visitor.

There is a large group of monsters here, but in front of them are some sacred beasts and holy beasts that have turned into human forms. The leaders are the Qinglong clan and the Tianfeng clan. After hearing the news here, they were sent tens of thousands of miles away. .

Jiang Xiaobai turned back and said, "The friends Qi Zhan and I made in Time and Space City, now they have called their elders over."

Yin Kangfei came out. After the two greeted each other, they each introduced their clansmen. They all came for the same purpose, and soon everyone became one.

There are also many masters here, and the high-end combat power is extremely strong. For example, the strength of the old Qinglong is as high as the ninth level of the detachment level, and the strength of the old Tianfeng is not bad. It is also the cultivation base of the ninth level. There are also many masters. Although the overall number of Transcendence Levels is not as high as that of the Human Race, in terms of individual combat power, it is still higher than that of the Human Race.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone set off. Under the leadership of Jiang Xiaobai, the transcendent class and the universe class entered the eighth floor of the Remnant Star Pendant. The star-level masters guarded the periphery of the eighth floor, and they lined up in an orderly manner. On the periphery, finally, the star-level and planetary-level formations deter and kill demons.

The group moved at a fast speed, and soon came to a black crack. According to Senior Shangyu, and those unknown seniors, this should be the only entrance to the final forbidden area.

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