Dominate the world

Chapter 1165 Enter

"Dear friends, the matter is very important. You are willing to come here to eliminate the threat of Wutian and find an opportunity to advance to the immortal level. But I need to remind here that opportunities are accompanied by danger. Maybe we will be boundless after entering. It may even be a certain death situation, the boy is rude, but I also hope that you can put the overall situation first, instead of harming others and benefiting yourself, and pulling others as a backstop."

Feng Ji smiled: "Xiao Bai, you don't need to worry about this. Since you came here, you are ready to die. If you are plotted against, it is because your own strength is not good enough, and you can't blame others. Of course, those who take the initiative to murder others are naturally Everyone gets it and kills it."

The others responded one after another, but their eyes unconsciously turned to the side of the sacred beast.

"Hehe, why does Brother Feng Ji think that we will put you on the back foot?" Old Qinglong shouted, his voice was not loud, his long eyes stared majesticly.

Feng Ji smiled and said: "Of course not. As Xiaobai said, everyone should take care of themselves inside. We have heard about Brother Long's strength for a long time."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly, and didn't say any more, as it was useless to say more.If there are fewer people, I am afraid that the strength is not enough, and if there are too many people, it is easy to cause internal conflicts.

It was natural in his heart that due to the difference in race, the two forces would inevitably have conflicts. As a result, he just mentioned a sentence, and the two forces had a tendency to fight, and he would provoke a dispute.

There is no solution in this regard, it depends on whether the potential enemies are strong enough to bring them enough pressure after entering the forbidden area.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Yinkang, he was the contact person of the beast side, Yinkang shook his head, obviously he had anticipated the thoughts of both parties.

"Don't persuade me, it's useless."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much anymore, he waved out the gossip disk, although the current gossip disk is not a heavenly weapon, but after being refined with the original energy of the universe by the Taiji disc, its power is not necessarily stronger than that of ordinary heavenly gods Soldiers are poor.

What's more, as an auxiliary weapon and a hands-off weapon, its attributes are already powerful enough to withstand the full blow of a top-level master of detachment, which is enough to protect him.

After protecting his body with the gossip plate, Jiang Xiaobai jumped directly into the crack.

There was a rattling sound, as if something was being chewed, and people from both parties looked towards the crack in unison.

"It's okay, everyone be careful." Jiang Xiaobai squeezed in and disappeared into the crack.

"Let's go too." Feng Ji said, leading the human race into the crack one by one.

On the side of the beasts, they entered one by one. Yinkang's strength was slightly weaker, and he was led by the old Qinglong.

Jiang Xiaobai has become accustomed to the changes of time and space. With the connection between the inner and outer universes, he can clearly feel the changes in the regions, and even a little bit of a different atmosphere has entered the universe.

He didn't stop him, and allowed the latter to enter the inner universe, but saw that the latter automatically sneaked into his home star and hid.But under Jiang Xiaobai's focus, the latter has no possibility of hiding.

However, the latter kept drilling down, and actually caught the soul that was compatible with the mother planet, and then charged towards his soul like a virus.

After just a little contact, Jiang Xiaobai found a slight fluctuation in his soul, and a wave of arrogance began to spread.A memory that he thought he had already forgotten jumped out. It was a long, long time ago, when he just got the Tai Chi disc, his strength shrank and he was bullied by everyone.

Then another memory popped up. He heard coastal monsters attacking Jiangnan Liu's family. Liu Dou'er had no choice but to go into battle, but the other families in Jiangnan ignored them completely and let Liu's family die. He wanted to kill people at that time.

Negative emotions flooded in one after another, constantly mobilizing his emotions, and even projected a personal figure on the home planet. It was the person he once hated and hated. The will of these people gradually gathered together, like a canal of clear water A mudslide suddenly rushed into the lake, and quickly began to pollute the entire Qingtan.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, he has already noticed that there are countless tiny evil thoughts invading his inner universe, and using this as a springboard, he wants to pollute his soul.

These evil thoughts are not serious, and even a slight inattention will allow the latter to invade the soul.And unless the inner and outer universes have reached a balance like him, it may not be possible to check them all.

Instead, I only feel that there is an evil spirit here, which has a bad influence on people.

Seeing that other people had come in, Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait any longer, he directly aroused the light of the inner universe, obliterating all evil thoughts.Then through the 360 ​​acupoints, one after another purification light shines, shining on the people who come in.

Feng Ji was slightly startled, but after careful inspection of the evil thoughts trying to get into his soul, he understood Jiang Xiaobai's purpose, and his heart was secretly awe-inspiring.

He didn't pay too much attention to the evil thoughts here, even if it was invaded a little, he would not pay attention to it.But after careful investigation, if these evil thoughts really invaded, they might erupt at the critical moment of the battle.

But right now, Jiang Xiaobai is helping everyone to isolate the danger at the source.

Cultivators came in one by one, nodded slightly to Jiang Xiaobai, and then entered, including Old Qinglong, Feng Ji found that only five or six people noticed what Jiang Xiaobai did.

Seeing that everyone had come in, Jiang Xiaobai put away his magical powers and came forward to lead the way after raising their vigilance.

Feng Ji and Yan Kun exchanged glances, the younger generation is formidable!

Jiang Xiaobai let go of his divine sense, sensing the surroundings, the surrounding area was dark, but they were not in a cave, or underground, the surroundings seemed to be nothingness, without boundaries, and the emptiness made one feel a sense of loss.

Instinctively, everyone gathered together, even though everyone was already at the transcendence level, but after entering this place, inexplicably, everyone's hearts were a little more frightened, and they actively huddled together, enjoying the sense of security brought by each other.

There was a clatter, but a certain expert shot out a flame.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt that his body was going to be frozen, and the inner universe seemed to be about to stop functioning, but the mother planet Earth in the inner universe made a contribution again.

A wave of warmth surged up from the depths of his soul, instantly relieving the paralysis of his body, and he played a formation plate without even thinking about it.As soon as the latter appeared, it quickly turned into a protective shield, guarding the heads of everyone.

With a bang, it was as if the sky fell down and hit the heads of everyone heavily.

With a crackle, the formation protective gear lasted only for a moment before being crushed into pieces.But this moment is enough, many masters have already reacted, and they shot one after another, holding back the threat of falling from the top of their heads, and escaped the catastrophe.

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