Dominate the world

Chapter 1166: Wandering Soul Beast

"Sorry!" A female elder on the human side shouted angrily. At that moment just now, she felt a terrifying existence, and a surge of panic surged. comfort.

This is a newly promoted elder of an exchange, he didn't expect to lose his lord just after he came in.

"It's okay, everyone, be careful in the future. By the way, fellow Daoist Li, what happened just now?" Jiang Xiaobai comforted. Now is definitely not the time to blame others, even everyone is a little scared.

For these masters right now, he has been able to fully correspond to their lives and strength, as well as superficial supernatural powers.This friend Li Daoist is very talented, but he has always been obsessed with cultivation, and he is indeed lacking in dealing with things.

Normally, it is natural to rely on a strong cultivation to overthrow everything, but here, perhaps the one who dies the fastest is someone like her.

The sixth elder, Qu Rong, protected Elder Li, and said a few words of comfort. The latter said: "Just now I felt a powerful existence, and I don't know what method he used. For a moment, I felt that I was weak like a mortal." , I just want to illuminate the surroundings, so that I can feel at ease when I see you."

Hehe, a few chuckles sounded, coming from humans, and from the beast side.

The others also suffocated their laughter. The reason of Fellow Daoist Li is indeed a bit funny. After all, they are all super masters, so it is really unreasonable to be frightened like this.

But it also immediately aroused the scolding of some people.

Jiang Xiaobai felt the panic in Fellow Daoist Li's words, and what surprised him was that Fellow Daoist Li was not shirking responsibility, but really felt that feeling.

He also noticed that Old Qinglong Tianfeng and Feng Ji began to search the surroundings to detect danger.

"It's a kind of wandering spirit beast, its strength is very low, but it is best at catching the loopholes in the opponent's spirit, and then using the latter's own panic to destroy itself." Taiji Yuanpan's voice suddenly came to mind.

"If you want to catch the wandering soul beast, you can only use the heaven and earth spirits, and the true yang silkworm is just right."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he turned to look at Yinkang.It's not that he underestimated Yinkang, but among the masters who transcended the level, Yinkang's spirit was obviously the weakest.

Sure enough, Yin Kang lowered his head, looking like he was frightened.But Jiang Xiaobai left his palm to switch spells quickly, as if calling for something.

Jiang Xiaobai waved a formation to cover Yinkang, Yinkang was startled, a very shallow shadow shook from his body, and Yinkang waved his hands together.

Everyone saw Jiang Xiaobai's actions and was about to speak, but they saw Yinkang's strange magic moves in both hands, and each withdrew the attack in their hands.

Jiang Xiaobai directly hit the real yang silkworm, and the latter went straight into the formation and into Yinkang's body.

"Spiritual objects of heaven and earth?"

"True yang silkworm?"

Those present were all transcendent masters, well-informed, and many people directly revealed the identity of Zhenyang Silkworm.

"It's a kind of magical beast, its name is a wandering soul beast, and it can only be caught with the spirits of heaven and earth." Jiang Xiaobai explained, as if to match his words, the real sun silkworm held a shadow in its mouth Something like that flew out of Yinkang's head.

It flapped its small wings and flew to Jiang Xiaobai's palm, opened its mouth to spit out, and the black shadow fell down in embarrassment, its magical powers had already been broken by the true yang silkworm.

"Good boy." Jiang Xiaobai shot out a burst of primordial energy of the universe, and the real yang silkworm happily swallowed it in one gulp, and flew into Jiang Xiaobai's inner universe.

Yinkang had woken up at this moment, he asked in surprise: "What happened just now?"

Feng Ji has checked Yinkang's body and spirit, and it is already fine.

"It's okay, there will be no sequelae." Jiang Xiaobai comforted, and then explained to everyone, "The strength of the wandering soul beast itself is extremely poor, but it can see the flaws and weaknesses of the masters' souls, so... "

Yinkang smiled wryly, among the crowd, he is the worst!

"However, this little thing can be used to make up for the loopholes of the soul, let me practice it." A ball of light appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and he quickly refined the wandering soul beast, divided it into two parts, and glanced at each other. In front of Yinkang and Fellow Daoist Li.

Yinkang was not polite, he swallowed it in one gulp, and fellow Taoist Li squatted for a while, and then swallowed it embarrassingly.

All the masters saw Jiang Xiaobai's actions in their eyes, and they all nodded. It is not an exaggeration to say that the latter has the current status for this city.

"Let's go quickly, the hand shape just now is similar to a summoning formation, there may be other powerful masters coming!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

Everyone nodded in agreement, each set up a marching formation, and left quickly.

As a result, it immediately showed the difference between the human side and the beast side. The human side obviously belonged to more forces, but they stood together and jointly managed a formation. It was just a simple coordination, and it was neat and tidy. In order, the beasts rely more on the strength of the individual.

"Perhaps we can only change when we encounter danger."

The front is still dark, but the terrain is obviously much more complicated, with many more rocks.But it seems that they have been attacked by too much magic energy. These stones are a little soft and sticky, as if they have grown worms, and they look very strange.

And the deeper it went, the more and more these things became, and the more disgusting it looked.

Two roads lay in front of everyone, one revealed a cold air, it looked deeper than the previous atmosphere, but the first road was like a fire road, the scorching flames were blown by the wind, as if To blow into the hearts of all people and ignite people's souls.

Just standing at the intersection, you can feel the pain that makes the soul swell slightly.

"Seniors, which side do you choose to go?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at Feng Ji and Old Qinglong.

In fact, he has been paying attention to the expressions of the two of them for a long time, knowing that the two of them may have already made a decision, and separation is inevitable.

"Yin and cold way." Old Qinglong said, although they are known as divine beasts and holy beasts, they belong to the beast way after all, and they have a natural intolerance to flames, especially the burning of their souls, which is what they dislike the most.

"Raging Fire Dao." Feng Ji said naturally, the Raging Fire Dao has the meaning of roasting the soul, but this is exactly in line with the motto of practitioners who practice real gold with fire.

For any cultivator who has not experienced several times of being scorched by flames and tempered by divine thunder, in his opinion, the Dao of Raging Fire is not a tribulation, but an opportunity.

Feng Ji and Lao Qinglong both laughed, Jiang Xiaobai and Yinkang shook their heads helplessly, the two turned to each other, said goodbye, and stepped into two different paths.

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