Dominate the world

Chapter 1167 2 Roads

The flames hit their faces, and everyone couldn't help taking a step back, feeling the burning pain of their souls.

"One person leads one person, two teams." Feng Ji shouted without thinking, and directly made the best choice.

This road is not weak against the attack of the soul, and if you want to survive it safely, you may not be able to rely on only one person.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly, as expected of the head of a sect, the way to deal with it is simple and effective.The flames are not always gushing out, relying on the rotation of two people, it is enough to keep the safety of one's own soul, and it can also be tempered by this, and there is enough time to recover.

There are quite a few masters present, but there are not too few elders whose strength is only at the first and second levels of detachment level.Although Jiang Xiaobai's realm is only the third level of detachment level, everyone knows that Jiang Xiaobai's strength is extremely strong, and it is no problem to protect one person.

Jiang Xiaobai directly chose the Liqing Daoist from the exchange, and the latter was very grateful.Overall, the strength of the exchange is still much lower than that of the three holy places.Basically, people from the three holy places and people from the exchange teamed up.

But if the strength is too poor, people will also be disgusted. If nothing else is left behind, how embarrassing is that?

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai walked in front, and Li Qing followed behind Jiang Xiaobai.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an incomparably pure and comforting power emanating from Jiang Xiaobai's body. At first, she thought that Jiang Xiaobai was taking care of her deliberately, but soon she found out that it was Jiang Xiaobai The role of vitality itself.

There were rumors that Jiang Xiaobai practiced Taoism, and Li Qing couldn't help secretly envious of it. Taoism is the number one scripture in the human race's rumors.The rumors have long been lost in the long years, and now it seems that what Jiang Xiaobai should practice is the Taoism, so that he has such a powerful strength.

"Be careful, don't get distracted," Jiang Xiaobai said.

Li Qing's face flushed, and she answered, carefully staring at the surrounding situation.

This is a world free from fire, some places are completely self-generated flames, shining with various colors, some places are hotter, and some places are cooler, but there is something in the flames, and it is this kind of thing that is very important to the soul. There is a great threat, which makes the monks feel throbbing instinctively.

Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly, also observing the flames around him. He had a guess in his mind, could there be something like a wandering soul beast in the flames?

Moreover, their strength is at the top detachment level, even if the flame has developed a mind, it may not have the ability to hurt the soul of a detachment level master, right?On the contrary, if it is a monster, everything makes sense.

When the wandering soul beasts attacked before, both the old Qinglong and Feng Tianzong suzerain Feng Ji had a trace of suspicion in their eyes, indicating that neither of them had ever heard of such creatures as wandering soul beasts, because their inheritance and records did not The legend of the wandering beast.

What does that mean!

A very big possibility is that the wandering beasts came from other universes.After all, universe No. [-] used to be able to accommodate all the creatures in other universes, so the original life in universe No. [-] did not know about these strange monsters and races.

"Yes, you have learned to think. This is indeed a kind of creature, and it is indeed from other universes. In fact, they are a variant of the wandering beast. The latter merged into the flame and absorbed the experience of the wandering beast. Having sustenance, although the location is limited, it is also more difficult to find, the lethality is stronger, and the chance of survival is greater."

The voice of Taiji Yuanpan sounded, and it seemed that there was a hint of comfort in the words, but the voice was still cold, and it was no longer as agile as it was in the space-time city before.

Jiang Xiaobai put away his nostalgia, and said pleasantly: "Then using the real yang silkworm can kill this mutant wandering soul beast."

"You're thinking too much, the real sun silkworm will definitely die if it encounters Lihuo. The reason why I chose Lihuo back then was to restrain all kinds of heaven and earth spirits."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help complaining, but he had to be convinced, this is the power of life, the ability of self-selection and self-destruction.

"Then what can be done?"

Jiang Xiaobai directly took out the True Yang Silkworm, and Li Qing hurriedly shouted: "No, these Li Huo will damage the spirits of heaven and earth."

"I know, so the little guy will tell me the most suitable route."

Sure enough, the real yang silkworm conveyed all its feelings, and Jiang Xiaobai directly started to detour with detachment.

Liqing immediately realized that the path Jiang Xiaobai was leading might seem dangerous, and even the flames burned her body, which made her a little embarrassed, but Shenhun didn't feel much pain from being burned.

And no matter how powerful Li Huo was, he would just treat them like detached masters as nothing.

"Is there something in the flame?" Li Qing was not stupid, and quickly realized it.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Exactly!"

He asked the crowd to follow his detour, and immediately, the speed of the crowd increased greatly, and they followed Jiang Xiaobai's footsteps and walked out of the fiery road with ease.Liqing couldn't wait to tell everyone what Jiang Xiaobai did, which aroused envy.

Especially when they saw that no transformed beasts or holy beasts had come out on the Yinhan Road, everyone felt even more refreshed.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, I'll go to the Yinhan Road." Jiang Xiaobai said, without waiting for everyone to dissuade him, he turned around and rushed into the Yinhan Road.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Xiaobai felt a chill that froze his soul.There were patches of mysterious ice all around, and pillars of mysterious ice rose high on the ground, exuding a thick cold air.

The sky was gloomy and shimmering, as if the sky was also inlaid with black ice.Jiang Xiaobai felt it especially, as if a large mass of cold air was falling.

He couldn't see it, but he could feel it. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. It was the reminder sound of Zhenyang silkworm. Without thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai immediately stepped back, and then threw a ball of flame.

In an instant, the flame was frozen, and a mass of nothingness seemed to turn into substance in an instant, directly freezing the flame in it.

"It looks the same as before, but the difference is that the variant here is adapted to the ice formation."

Jiang Xiaobai already understood that whether it was the Yinhan Dao or the previous Raging Fire Dao, presumably they were the helpers called by the previous wandering soul beast.He walked forward quickly, and now it seemed that these sacred beasts were in trouble.

Relying on the true yang silkworm, Jiang Xiaobai easily avoided the attacks of the wandering spirit beasts again and again, and moved forward quickly, and finally saw the dazzling attack light and the angry roars of the beasts.

It was an old green dragon, and it had transformed into a huge body, as if it wanted to protect all the members.But the Yin Qi clouds falling from the sky gradually trapped him.

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