Dominate the world

Chapter 1168 Let the Old People Come

Jiang Xiaobai somewhat understood, it should be that the old green dragon was too strong, he didn't take these clouds of cloudy energy seriously, only to realize that it was too late when he discovered the danger, and he played too big.

"Grandpa!" Yinkang roared helplessly.

Don't say that they are both divine beasts and holy beasts, they should take care of each other.Just like human beings, there is a lot of filth among each other. If the old Qinglong is buried here, some people will take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

The one who really cares is Yinkang alone.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai know that Old Qinglong was still Yinkang's real grandfather.

"Be careful, someone is coming." Lao Tianfeng shouted suddenly, and many divine beasts kept looking at them.

They have suffered so much here, because they don't understand what the real danger is in the Yin and Cold Dao. The efforts of these single-minded sacred beasts are all in vain. do fight.

If only relying on one's own strength, one can be counted as one, and it will not cause the current embarrassment.Old Qinglong and Old Tianfeng tried to outrun the human race, and they were faster than the human race. If there was no casualty, that would be considered a victory.

Therefore, at the first moment of crisis, Old Qinglong stepped forward.Who knew that this was because the wandering soul beast, which was used to the cold after mutating here, found a big fish, and directly used all the cold air, and the most powerful cold air imprisoned the old Qinglong.

And the huge body of the old Qinglong suddenly blocked everyone's way, and they could not move forward, they could only retreat, but these sacred beasts were not willing to retreat, and kept attacking, which turned into a vicious circle .

And when Old Qinglong wanted to use his strength, he found that he was really trapped...

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head amusedly, and he said loudly, "Everyone, I am Jiang Xiaobai, come and have a look. Brother Yinkang, are you safe here?"

Yinkang quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, a little ashamed and angry, but more excited, at least his grandfather was saved.

He knew in his heart why grandpa was trapped. If there were no other sacred beasts playing tricks, then there must be ghosts.

Jiang Xiaobai leaped over and released the true sun silkworm directly. The fire can harm the heaven and earth spirits, but the severe cold here is far worse.Even under the support of Jiang Xiaobai, these cold air can't hurt the Zhenyang silkworm.

Soon, several pieces of wandering spirit beasts wrapped in ice balls were forced out by the real yang silkworms. Compared with the previous real yang silkworms, their color was darker, almost nothing, and they were cold.

Jiang Xiaobai kept putting away and approaching, and then easily shattered the icicles into pieces.

Old Qinglong's body shook, pieces of ice flew up, and he finally regained his freedom.Jiang Xiaobai could see clearly that Old Qinglong had indeed been plotted against.But he didn't plan to say anything, obviously Old Qinglong himself didn't plan to care about anything here.

After that, most of them are afraid that they will die.

It's better to die, if they are not in harmony, there will still be internal strife, and it will be strange if this mission does not fail.What's more, Jiang Xiaobai never thought that this mission could be completed without injury. At the critical moment, he was ready to sacrifice himself.

"Hahahaha, I finally got out of trouble, I was careless, I was careless, I made fun of Jiang Daoyou." Old Qinglong's voice was as bright as ever.If he hadn't seen the murderous intent in Old Qinglong's eyes before, Jiang Xiaobai believed that he would have been deceived.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly cupped his hands humbly: "Senior, you are being polite, but this junior is just a little effort, those ices are about to shatter."

Yinkang came over and saluted respectfully, his eyes full of gratitude.

"Shall we go out first?" Jiang Xiaobai deliberately changed the subject.

"Hey, it looks like you've all gone out, we lost, let's go." Old Qinglong looked regretful.

A few other old guys comforted a few words, said that the older the old Qinglong, the more competitive, and then pushed each other and walked out together.

Walking out of the cold road, I saw the human race standing at the intersection with a smile, and the gods and beasts all had dark faces and said nothing.

"Okay, Xiaobai, how do you go after talking about it?" Feng Ji said with a smile. As the person who is talking about the human race, he should also show some demeanor of a master. Some contemptuous words are not in line with one's own identity, and it is too much to go too far.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the drowsy Zhenyangcan. Obviously, there was no wandering spirit beast or its variants in front of him, which made Zhenyangcannot arouse interest.

"It's good for us to walk forward. After all, we are here to destroy Wutian. If we encounter killing, we will encounter it sooner or later. And I believe that the monsters here will come to us sooner or later. Instead of us looking for it, it is better to let They come."

Jiang Xiaobai also saw the previous situation, so he decided to change his previous strategy. There was filth on the side of the gods and beasts, but there was no such thing on the human side.Not to mention the conflict between the exchange and the three holy places, but the three holy places themselves have great contradictions.

There are also several other big planets, and it is inevitable that there will be competition and even calculation among them.

It's better to be exposed now than to be exposed later.And I am both a father and a mother, once or twice others will be grateful, but if there are too many, it will be disgusting.

You know, they are all masters, the master of a sect, the existence of an elder, and he, a new junior, is in control of the situation. In the eyes of these people, it seems that they don't know how to advance or retreat.

"Alright, what Xiaobai said is not bad." Feng Ji said, he looked at Old Qinglong with raised eyes, "What do you mean?"

He had already seen that the old Qinglong was injured a little bit, and apart from a little bit of freezing cold, it was more obvious that it was the plot of others.

"Very good." Old Qinglong said.

The two sides reached an agreement for the first time and moved forward together, and their attitudes seemed to be much more harmonious.

Jiang Xiaobai retreated automatically, came to Yinkang's side, chatted with Yinkang, and felt very normal in the eyes of everyone, this is where Jiang Xiaobai should be.

There are older generations carrying it, and a young man is jumping and jumping, isn't it slapping them in the face!

Soon, crises came one by one, as if deliberately showing off, the beasts and humans did their best to kill these monsters cleanly.

How powerful is the combat power of the detached level. Although these monsters and monsters are not weak, the ones who were killed didn't even have the power to resist. They were beheaded and turned into meat sauce before they showed their supernatural powers.

In just half a day, the two sides showed their power together and directly advanced the front line by thousands of kilometers.And the world here finally has some twilight, and it seems that the vision is much brighter. Involuntarily, everyone's mood is much better.

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