The tragic evil spirit filled the world, the ground was full of corpses after the war, and there were countless white bones floating on the flesh and blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Are you okay?" Panting, Yinkang asked Jiang Xiaobai next to him in a low voice with his hands on his knees.

At this moment, he knew just how powerful Jiang Xiaobai was, and the jealousy and envy he had before had long since disappeared. The gap between the two was so big that he had to admit that he was really inferior to Jiang Xiaobai.

This is a phantom formation, none of the people found out when they broke in, even though Old Qinglong used many magical powers, he still didn't find anything.

A group of powerful creatures suddenly appeared in the void. Compared with the dragons and phoenixes, these creatures seemed to come from legends.Some of them are huge giants with a height of hundreds of feet, some are strange monsters walking in the cracks in the void, and some creatures even have a third eye, just like the legendary three-eyed people.

These creatures are powerful, and they are not afraid of death, fighting again and again.

Every twelve hours, that is, reincarnation once a day.As soon as twelve o'clock in the morning, these creatures will take shape again, and at the same time their beheaded companions will also come back to life, and then there will be another big battle as a last resort.

They have been trapped for fifteen days, half a month.

I still remember the first time, when everyone held back for a whole day, looking at those resurrected accomplices, they were even more vigilant when they were excited, lest it was an enemy that appeared in this weird illusion, and they were constantly on guard.

But after fighting again and again and dying continuously, everyone finally understood the principle of this place.They also gradually figured out the reason why they want this illusion to continue, that is, they can't die, and at least two people must be left to survive for a day, otherwise, no one knows what will happen later.

But it is very likely that everyone is really wiped out, and it is impossible to resurrect them.

If this is the case, the difficulty is not too great, but those two people must be the two people who were selected. The selection is completely random, and no one knows the reason, so they can only bear it passively.

But with reincarnation again and again, the strength of these creatures is increasing rapidly.

And today is the No. 16 day of reincarnation, and the two selected are Jiang Xiaobai and Yinkang. They must carry it for twelve hours, until one day passes, and the dead old Qinglong, Fengji, and the others can be resurrected.

And the strength of those creatures has now reached the sixth level of detachment level, and seven of them survived, and only him and Jiang Xiaobai are left on their side.Both Fengji and Old Qinglong were beheaded by the holy spirits of those forbidden places in order to protect them.

Although they took away a large number of creatures from the forbidden land, the ones left behind were still extremely ferocious.

Just an hour ago, Lao Tianfeng finally died in battle, leaving Jiang Xiaobai and Yinkang with more than 30 forbidden creatures.Yinkang didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai, who had not been very good all the time, showed his full strength.

It took half an hour for one person to carry more than 30 creatures and protect him, beheading more than 20 creatures in the forbidden area.If it weren't for the seven forbidden land creatures from Minggui, who dodged aside in advance, these seven forbidden land creatures would undoubtedly die.

But also because of this, the seven forbidden land creatures began to form a group, no longer dared to attack Jiang Xiaobai, but kept attacking Yinkang.

Yinkang knew what he had to do and worked hard to survive, otherwise the dead seniors would have died in vain.He tried his best to protect himself, and would rather blew up all kinds of beloved treasures than let these forbidden creatures catch him.

And Jiang Xiaobai fought hard, but now it seems that both of them are at the end of their battles.

"Brother Jiang, there are not many people I admire in my life, but you are really amazing. It is my great honor to fight side by side with you. If I die, I will die. You escape, Listen to me, you escape!" Yinkang said, he was determined to die.

Now he only has a broken sword in his hand, the blade has been curled, and most of the other treasures have exploded, almost without the ability to protect.

Jiang Xiaobai was covered in blood, almost stained like a blood man. Some belonged to himself, but more belonged to the creatures of the forbidden land. He was full of evil spirits, like a killing god.

The Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar were after all Heavenly Fate Divine Weapons, almost uninjured, but they were also stained red with blood, dripping black blood continuously.

"What nonsense, I ran away, what about those seniors? What about your grandfather? I won't run away, and you can't die. We have to save everyone. I see you are about to break through, so Persevere, once this catastrophe is over, you will definitely achieve transcendence level, then there will be another round, are you afraid?"

Yinkang looked at Jiang Xiaobai enviously, and he was also aware of his own situation, but now that he was almost exhausted, there was no Jiang Xiaobai's kind of open-mindedness.

"Don't worry, I still haven't made a big move yet. Just these stinky salted fish and rotten bird eggs are still far from killing us, and we just have to stick to it for another quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour."

"Okay!" Yinkang spat out blood, and stood up straight again.

"Tell you good news, I found the key to break this formation?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

Yinkang's eyes lit up: "Really?"

The creatures from the forbidden land would not allow the two of them to stall for time, they just took a breath and attacked again.Yinkang hurriedly retreated behind Jiang Xiaobai, at this moment, he could not care about his face, the key was to survive.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to play the Eight Diagrams Pan, and now the latter is also dim, but the inside is changing, Jiang Xiaobai knows very well that once he survives this time, the Eight Diagrams Pan will definitely be promoted to Tianyuan Shenbing.

The gossip plate enveloped Yinkang, and Jiang Xiaobai kept waving his sword, but he kept making restraints one after another to protect the two of them.The time was coming, so he was too lazy to attack and kill everyone, and he had a guess that if he really wanted to kill all of them, it might lead to bad results.

The time is coming, and the creatures in the forbidden area are getting more and more crazy, attacking more and more frequently, attacking without defense at all.

What Jiang Xiaobai guards against is not revealing anything, but sometimes he deliberately shows his flaws. He would rather get hurt himself than protect Yinkang's life.

Yinkang's mind soared, he would rather blew his limbs, but also guard important places, such as the heart and head, as long as he survived for one day.

With the last minute left, Jiang Xiaobai hugged Yinkang, who had only his head left, and he himself was covered with all kinds of weapons, which looked extremely tragic.

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