Dominate the world

Chapter 1171 Ming Wu

"Oh?" Yinkang said in amazement, "Wutian, the devil himself made a move?"

The news was so shocking that he even forgot to question where Jiang Xiaobai's self-confidence came from. Dare to say that there is no formation that can trap him.

"So, do you think that without sacrificing some people, you can escape the formation set up by the big devil without injury?"

"No!" Yinkang said dejectedly.

How many fights, how many times of death, how many times of rebirth, people who were not familiar with him at first became familiar, and remembered who had saved his life and who had blocked his knife.

If they went out like this, they could have become life-and-death friends, but now, these people may kill each other, exterminate the last of their humanity, or even become lawless lackeys.

I have lived for such a long time, for the sake of longevity, but in the end I have to die here for nothing, who is willing?

Everyone fell silent for a while, and the old Qinglong shouted angrily: "Who said you are going to die? I didn't take the lead every time. Otherwise, with my strength, I would die again and again. Everyone has their own responsibilities, work hard to die, even if After death, I have the face to say that I am worthy of this life when I go to hell."

"The practice in this life is worthwhile, instead of being reduced to the puppet of the demon Wutian, let alone avoiding the battle in shame, regretting why you didn't attack with all your strength before dying. If you all fight to the death, then you may not die, but if you don't work hard Fight, you will die for sure. This is what I said, there are 3 minutes left, those creatures in the forbidden area will start to attack again, and I will fight the most powerful monster again, and now it has reached the ninth level of transcendence. I may die, but I am not afraid, ask yourself what are you here for?"

"Otherwise, why did you come here in the first place, and leave it to others to solve the problem!"

Old Qinglong suddenly erupted, scolded a lot of people, then sat on the side, his luck raised his fighting spirit, and began to prepare for the next fight.

After being scolded by the old Qinglong, many beasts and humans blushed, some lowered their heads, and some had more hatred in their eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head secretly, unable to wake up a person who was pretending to be asleep.The more dangerous the moment, the more you can see a person's sincerity.

Three minutes passed in a flash, and the creatures from the forbidden land, who seemed to be far away in the sky before, rushed up.

Old Qinglong was just like what he said, he didn't have the slightest timidity to fight, and rushed up immediately, meeting the forbidden land creature whose strength had reached the ninth level of transcendence, and the latter had a vertical eye in his eyebrow.

A pair of wings grew on the back, the whole body was dark, and a pair of long canine teeth protruded from the upper jaw. The whole body was flushed with evil light, and it looked extremely evil.

Lao Tianfeng, Feng Ji, Yan Kun, Ming Ye and the others all rushed up, and each of them faced off against creatures of the seventh or eighth level of detachment level, and the world was shattered.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't have much, so he also rushed forward.

Now he has made the most progress, and has reached the middle stage of the fifth level of detachment level, and he has faced a creature from the forbidden land of the sixth level of detachment level.The latter was transformed into a vine, very terrifying, much scarier than the one in the Space-Time City.

The spirits of heaven and earth have no effect on the latter, and may have a restraining effect, but the effect is much smaller.The latter turned into countless threads, and each vine was like a long whip constantly whipping in the void, even creating a little space crack.

Even with Jiang Xiaobai's current physical strength, being rushed up by vines is still painful.

What's even more frightening is that there is a different kind of attack on the vines, which can attack people's spirits.Because of this, only Jiang Xiaobai can resist, and the others can't get close at all.

Yinkang went to fight against a creature from the forbidden land who had transcended the third level. He also had his self-confidence, and he didn't want to embarrass his grandfather. He could die, but he must not be afraid of war.

There was a vigorous conquest and beating sound in the scene, without the previous noise, it was terrifyingly depressing.

Everyone was much more careful in the battle, and had to care about their own lives, otherwise they would really die here.

"Help me!" A monk was forced by the forbidden creatures, and he yelled out of habit.

With a scoff, a long sword was handed over, blocking the monk's mortal move.

"Many, thank you!"

But the owner of the long sword was forced to save people rashly, and fell into a desperate situation.

The previous monk turned around and ran away suddenly!

With the chirping sound, two monks were killed at the same time, and the eyes of the fleeing man were full of remorse, and he did not rest in peace.

Killings are happening everywhere, and the scene here is just a drop in the ocean.Transcendence-level masters are immortals and immortals on the outside, but here, they are as fragile as a piece of paper, and if they are not careful, they will die.

Jiang Xiaobai was about to fight the vines calmly, and his spiritual sense looked around coldly.He saw the scene just now, and he also saw the other side. The two mortals wanted to achieve each other, but they both survived.

His mood became calm, and he began to see everything around him calmly. This is war, destined to be full of killings.Everyone has to be responsible for themselves, and it is better to die calmly than expect others to save them.

Time passed, and screams sounded beside Jiang Xiaobai.He has killed more than a dozen creatures from the forbidden land, and he has also saved many companions within his power, forming a small circle around him.

Some weaker ones also began to gather together, and began to counterattack relying on the formation. The effect of killing the enemy may be slower, but their own safety has gradually skyrocketed.

But with the passage of time, the resentment and revenge that Jiang Xiaobai was worried about before gradually disappeared, and the killing smoothed everything out, making people no longer in the mood to calculate others, or to think about whether they made a profit or a loss.

Just like that sentence, after the catastrophe, the brothers will see each other, and when they meet, they will smile and wipe away their grievances.


Jiang Xiaobai felt that the strength and completeness of his soul were improving rapidly, as if he had realized a certain truth, and his conscious vision changed all of a sudden, the feeling was very different, and the world seemed to be much wider.

The surrounding vision is no longer as dull as before, as if a layer of green smoke had obscured his vision before, but now his vision is finally clear.

"Xiaobai, I'm here." At this moment, he saw a figure with a shining body, holding a big sword in both hands, and rushed in unstoppably.

Her long sleeves fluttered, her skin was as white as snow, her charming cheeks were full of heroism, her eyes were full of admiration and killing, her figure was flying, she walked with a sword, her aura was strong and domineering, she was Dragon Eagle Wushuang.

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