At this moment, she has also broken through to the Transcendence level, and there are two people behind her, one is a human race, the other is a beast. It seems that the three of them have only broken through not long ago, but they rushed in without hesitation.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly rushed up to protect Longying Wushuang's surroundings, his heart was moved, and even a trace of blame in his heart disappeared. It's dangerous here, but so what?

"We took you out." Longying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart froze, Longying Wushuang had something to say!

Sure enough, Longying Wushuang said: "After we came in, we found that you were enveloped in a huge bubble. There was a figure on the bubble, so strong that we didn't dare to make any moves. But every day he would leave for a while, we just I sneaked out and tried to call you, but none of you could hear us. Just now, we took the time to rush in while that person was away."

"Then is there a way out?" Yinkang exclaimed excitedly.

Longying Wushuang smiled and said: "Of course, otherwise why would we rush in, don't talk about it, let's get out, or that figure will come in."

As Long Ying Wushuang said, he took Jiang Xiaobai's wrist and was about to pull him out.

But at the moment Longying Wushuang's palm was attached to Jiang Xiaobai's wrist, Longying Wushuang's five fingers grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's dantian all at once.

"Be careful!" Feng Ji shouted, he secretly regretted not calling out in advance.

He had always suspected that the formation that had made them extremely troubled would allow a cultivator of the first level of detachment to rush in?

But the three people rushing in all of a sudden made him puzzled, thinking that maybe the person in charge of the formation saw the three of Longying Wushuang, so they could let the three of them in.

As a result, the people behind the scenes happened to take advantage of his old age, and made him suffer a secret loss.Now, he only hoped that Jiang Xiaobai would be fine.

Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly became unreal, and disappeared in place, leaving Long Ying Wushuang caught in the air, while Jiang Xiaobai reappeared not far away.

"Senior Brother Wutian, you are being polite." Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

As soon as the sound came out, all the people around, no matter the beasts or humans, and even the creatures in the forbidden land all backed away, looked at Longying Wushuang in awe, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Wutian and Jiang Xiaobai are brothers?

Feng Ji, Yan Kun and the others exchanged glances. They knew from Jiang Xiaobai that Jiang Xiaobai had a mysterious master, but they never showed up, which even made them doubt whether that person was real or not. ?

Or, Jiang Xiaobai invented it himself!

But now, Jiang Xiaobai actually called Wutian his senior brother, which confirmed the existence of the latter.

What kind of master is that senior called Dao? He is not only Jiang Xiaobai's master, but also Wutian's master.You must know that Wutian has existed in this world for too long, who can live for so long?

Longying Wushuang giggled: "How did you tell it was mine?"

Jiang Xiaobai let out a cry of rejoicing in his heart, and said: "Although Wushuang is full of heroism, she is also very shy sometimes. She will definitely not hold my wrist in front of everyone. This shows that she is not the real her now."

"And I have been wondering before, what is there that can confuse me? It can make me suspicious, but I just realized something, and my soul is perfect again. I saw something that I had never seen before. In the end, you Appeared, hehe, this is clearly deliberately leading me astray!"

"After all, who would have thought that you would show up early instead of waiting at the end?"

Many people nodded one after another, and they all thought so, and it was a big loss.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "With that treasure, the only one who can confuse me is myself, that is, the one who confuses my soul is the..."

"Huh!" Suddenly a muffled hum sounded, but it came from Longying Wushuang, that is, Wutian who was possessed behind him.

"Junior brother, let me give you a word. The real backhand is the one who is unknown to others. It is useless to say it." Wutian sneered, "Yes, I just relied on Master's inheritance and managed to control it. Let you fall into the illusion, but I didn't expect that you grew up so fast, if you give me another day, the illusion will form on its own, without my care, you will definitely die."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "This is destiny, isn't it!"

"Yes, this is the destiny! But she is leaving with me now." After speaking, Wutian controlled Longying Wushuang's body and walked out of the formation, disappearing.

"Jiang Daoyou..."

"Senior Feng Ji don't need to say much, let's break this formation first." Jiang Xiaobai said, he looked at the surrounding formations with burning eyes, and now he has a clear understanding of what he couldn't see through before.

He directly cut off the control of the Tai Chi Disc formation, and immediately small dots appeared in the formation.

The old Qinglong reacted very quickly, and directly kicked Shenlong to swing his legs, and the formation was shattered.

And those creatures in the forbidden land who were besieged screamed a few times and ran away quickly.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, no one expected that such a dangerous formation would be broken so easily.

But fortunately, some people's eyes on Jiang Xiaobai also changed afterward.They could hear clearly that Wutian was Jiang Xiaobai's senior brother, and this formation was derived by Jiang Xiaobai, although he didn't know it himself, and the support was Jiang Xiaobai's treasure.

It can also be said that it is the treasure of Jiang Xiaobai and Wutian's sect, so even if it is passed to Jiang Xiaobai, Wutian can still barely control it.

What kind of treasure is it that can be so powerful? There are many powerful existences of the ninth level of detachment among them, but they are trapped in the formation derived from that treasure, and they have no resistance at all.

That must be an existence beyond transcendence level, an immortal level treasure!

Many people thought of Jiang Xiaobai's practice path along the way, alchemy, weapon refining, formations, all kinds of skills that can only be learned by top geniuses, or that only Qiongqi can achieve something in his lifetime.

But Jiang Xiaobai took control easily, and at such a young age.

Raising the level of Tianyuan Shenbing, and even directly connecting to Tianyuan Shenbing, this is not something that ordinary people can do, and the background behind it is so strong that it makes people sigh.

Jiang Xiaobai paid attention to everyone's reactions, saw everyone's attitudes, and naturally knew what they were thinking.

"Guys, I know you..."

"Jiang Daoyou? Your master should have passed away long ago, right?" Feng Ji asked suddenly.

Yan Kun said: "According to the news you brought back from Time and Space City, as long as our universe, the No. [-] universe can have an immortal level, then we can break the negative curse that the No. [-] universe has suffered, and walk out a broad road."

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