Ming Ye said: "There is only one possibility, your master has already passed away."

Facing the doubts of the three experts, Jiang Xiaobai did not hide it: "Yes, he is already gone."

"Then what about that treasure?" Yan Kun asked.

Yan Kun smiled, and said again: "With the name of the old man, it is not enough to fight for your things, but it is obvious that your brother Wutian can control it. Of course you will say that you will pay attention, and the previous things have proved that Liao Wutian does not have much sense of control. But what if Wutian deliberately made this scene?"

Feng Ji nodded: "Brother Yankun said that on this point, any of us really need to be careful."

Although Ming Ye didn't say anything, it also represented the attitude of everyone. One sentence of senior brother made them have too many doubts.

"I believe Xiaobai, he wouldn't harm us, if it wasn't for him, everyone would have died a long time ago. Do you know how I survived before?" Yin Kang couldn't help shouting, his face was red with anger, and his neck was thick, " At that time, I only had one head left, Brother Xiaobai has been encouraging me, if you really want to harm you, just kill me, and they will walk out at will, as for it!"

"This is Wutian's plan to divide us. Because Wutian saw the potential of Brother Xiaobai, he came to separate us. And I want to believe that a large part of Jiang Xiaobai's purpose here is to clean up the family."

"Hehe!" A mocking voice sounded, "It sounds good to clean up the house, but it doesn't sound good. It's not an exaggeration to be complicit, right?"

The person who spoke was the suzerain of another planet, his strength was not weak, and the corners of his mouth were full of sarcasm.

"I was wondering why I had never heard of Dao, who turned out to be Wutian's master. The professor has made such an apprentice, so I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to show his face again?" Another person shouted.

"Jiang Daoyou practiced Taoism, although Wutian didn't know what it was, but he didn't think it was worse than Taoism?"

"What is that treasure?"

There was a sound of questioning, and maybe the three big bosses were discussing cautiously at the beginning, but after everyone joined in, their coveting heart was clearly revealed.

What kind of treasure is that treasure?What a benefit it would be if it were obtained!

You must know that this time it sounds good to kill the big devil, but the real reason why everyone rushed in without risking their lives is that there are rumors that there is a chance here, which can help the masters of the transcendence level to break through the immortal level.

As for whether the immortal level can support the No. [-] universe, it is all about reputation and title, and improving strength is the key.

"Hehe, this is you humans. Just because of such a little suspicion, you started to fall apart. What a joke. Brother Xiaobai, come to our beasts, we trust you, whether you have saved us, we will see with our naked eyes Be clear, this is a life-and-death friendship, and we trust you."

Old Tianfeng also said: "Isn't it? No matter how good the treasure is, it belongs to someone else in the sect. Why are you arguing about it? Is it used? Even if Brother Xiaobai gave it to you, it is still in vain. It is better to put the fate of Wutian on Brother Xiaobai."

These words left everyone speechless for a moment.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly thanked him, his mind was calm, he had already seen through these ways of the world.

Whether it is Feng Ji or Yan Kun and others, as superiors, they certainly have their own plans.Their starting point is not wrong, they just have their own little calculations.

It is so difficult to achieve the immortal level, but now that there is an opportunity, how can we not fight?And after going through all kinds of things before, these experts have already seen that the biggest opportunity may land on Jiang Xiaobai, so there is the current dialogue, they randomly point it out, and then just let the debate ferment .

Jiang Xiaobai bowed his hands to everyone. He never thought of relying on these people. It is best for everyone to cooperate together. If not, they will go their own ways and search for their own opportunities.

Now that his strength has reached the fifth level of detachment level, as long as he does not encounter some powerful projections from the outer universe, he may not be weaker than others, and he has enough self-protection power.

It's not too early to separate at this time, the time is just right.

Separation can reduce conflicts, and they can help each other when they meet later. Otherwise, the more you explain, the more conflicts will be squeezed. In the end, if you become jealous and become enemies, it will not be worth the loss. Now you can still be allies if you leave.

"Seniors, from the looks of it now, it's better for us to go separately. I'm going to save my girlfriend. After that, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Goodbye, I hope you will take care of it."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he saluted again and left directly.

Feng Ji smiled slightly: "He is a smart man, but also a formidable enemy!"

Yan Kun nodded: "The little guy can achieve today's achievements, no matter whether it is talent or intelligence. Speaking of it, I don't want to blush like this, but the chance of immortality is rare, so I have to give it a go."

Mingye and the others nodded, everyone was competing with each other, but now they watched Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation leap from the third level of the detachment level to the fifth level, all kinds of spiritual comprehension, treasure advancement, and even more. A lot of popular support.

If this goes on like this, Jiang Xiaobai will already be defeated without a fight, so there is no chance for them.That's why the people below vented their anger, and they remained indifferent.

Jiang Xiaobai saw this clearly, so he didn't explain it. It would be good for everyone to quit alone.

"Let's go, don't be led by the little guy later, it will be really embarrassing and embarrassing."

The beast side also chose another path. Jiang Xiaobai is the connection hub between humans and beasts. Now that Jiang Xiaobai is gone, these beasts and monsters are still willing to mix with humans. Everyone is looking for their own opportunities.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly, but his mind was full of surprise, and he tried his best to recall what he had said before.

At that time, he was also a little arrogant, but he almost told about the Taiji disc, but he was stopped by Wutian, as if he was guarding against someone?

Who can Wutian guard against?

Jiang Xiaobai tried his best to think about it, and there were two groups of people, one of which was naturally beings from other universes, but they were forcibly imprisoned here.

Since Wutian can suppress some creatures from the outer universe, why is it impossible for some outer universes to turn against the host and take advantage?

After all, Wutian's body has been dismembered, and what is stored here is only his important parts, and he may not be able to fight those creatures from the outer universe.

Of course, it also includes the projections of those extraterrestrial beings. Some immortal-level existences projected the projections of some powerful creatures.

And do those extraterrestrial beings know the existence of the Tai Chi disc?

This question is open to discussion.

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