Dominate the world

Chapter 1174 Mia

But there is also a premise, that is, what is Wutian planning, or is this a calculation in itself?

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief. There were too many clues and confusion. As far as the current information was concerned, he couldn't tell the difference at all, so he could only move on.

Three days later, Jiang Xiaobai appeared in a canyon. It looked no different from the outside world, as if he had come to another star.

Full of vitality, wandering in it, just feel comfortable all over.It's unbelievable that such a place still exists in the forbidden area.

Jiang Xiaobai kept searching for the source, but found that the source was actually in a crack in space.

"Be careful!" A voice sounded leisurely.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head quickly, extremely surprised. He didn't imagine that there were other lives here, but he didn't notice it at all.

"The space crack is very dangerous. If you enter it rashly, you will never come back. Moreover, this space crack will erupt from time to time, and its power will be strong at one time and weak at another. It is difficult to judge."

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai realize that it was a "little" girl who spoke.

The little girl is very small, the size of a thumb, like a fairy tale character in the bedtime stories his mother told him when he was young.

The little girl's cultivation is also very low, that is, the level of a master, relying on a bright flower, it seems to be accompanied by flowers.

Jiang Xiaobai ran the Dao Jing slightly, and the breath he exuded made the little girl very intoxicated.She took a deep breath, which was as sweet as honey.

"Are you a human race?" the little girl asked.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai sat cross-legged, looking at the little girl calmly, "Yes, I am a human race, my name is Jiang Xiaobai, what about you?"

"My name is Mia. You are not the first human race I have seen. There is another person who has the same aura as you, but he only comes once in a while, and sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is bad. He doesn't Let me talk to strangers and say that those people are bad people." The little girl pouted and said, very cute.

"Yes, there are indeed a lot of bad guys in this place, you'd better be careful." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and suddenly felt that he was just talking to the little girl, and he couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed.

It was as if he had returned to his childhood, the fighting and hatred in his mind had all been reduced a lot.

Seemingly aware of Jiang Xiaobai's doubts, the little girl Mia said with a grin, "Mia doesn't like messy thoughts, so she just cleaned those things up. Brother Xiaobai, do you feel a lot more relaxed?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded emphatically, he felt his mind was clear, the altar was bright, and even his thoughts became much clearer.

This is clearly an extremely powerful supernatural power. No wonder other creatures were wiped out, but Mia survived and was well protected.

Who is the person Mia is talking about, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't need to ask too much to know, it is probably Wutian.

"Brother Xiaobai, can you play with me? There is only one person here, and the others have very mixed and bad thoughts, and Mia dare not fly out." Mia asked timidly.

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "Of course."

Mia happily flew into Jiang Xiaobai's palm, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with her hands on her chin.

"Let me introduce a partner to you. He's about the same size as him, and he's also very obedient." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he took out the True Yang Silkworm.

Seeing the real yang silkworm that was about the same size as herself, Mia was really happy, and the real yang silkworm was also stunned, and the two little guys chatted.

Chasing back and forth among the flowers is very happy.

Tired, the two little guys lay in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, Jiang Xiaobai each shot out a burst of cosmic primordial energy, and the beautiful Mia's eyes narrowed.

Jiang Xiaobai slowly told a fairy tale from his childhood, and the two little guys who heard it asked him curiously.

Suddenly, the two little guys jumped out together and looked at the crack in space together.

Jiang Xiaobai finally noticed it, and saw a calf protruding from the crack, and then half of his body, constantly poking out.

A savage breath spread out from the crack, and the strong sense of power made Jiang Xiaobai feel vigilant for a while. This monster that came out of the crack was so powerful that it was going to break through the ninth-level crack Strength.

"Brother, don't worry, it won't come out." Mia comforted.

Sure enough, as Mia said, after the monster drilled for a while, it still couldn't poke its head out. Finally, the latter stopped trying in vain and tried to drill back.

Jiang Xiaobai strode forward, pulled out the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar, and slashed at the fat buttocks of the monster.

Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, is this a city gate?

An upgraded version of the combination of swords and swords, when Nirvana came out, a cross was drawn, which was directly branded on the buttocks of the monster.

The sound of chi chi was loud, like a burning red iron rod stained on the flesh, making a scorching sound, and a painful roar came from the other side, dull but powerful.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai's body shook, his legs softened, and he sat down on the ground.

And Mia and Zhenyang Cang were knocked to the ground, flapping their wings and flying backwards, terrified.

"It's useful to roar loudly, if you have yourself, you can get here!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and swung another move unceremoniously.

This is a spark, he hasn't mastered it yet, but now there is a ready target, wouldn't it be a waste not to try it?

A flash of starlight was fainter and more imperceptible than the previous cross, but when the starlight fell on the monster's buttocks, a blazing fire broke out and directly invaded the monster's soul.

"Ah—" The tragic howl almost made people tremble.Even in a long distance, many creatures heard the above, and felt sad for no reason.

"Chop!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled, the sword in both hands was cut with force, and a piece of meat flew down.

The monster in the crack rushed back without even looking back.Only one voice remained: "Boy, I remember your breath, I will not let you go."

Jiang Xiaobai cut out: "Who is afraid of whom!"

He really had nothing to do. From this monster, he felt the breath of other cosmic beings.In Time and Space City, he remembered the aura of many creatures, and secretly compared them.

Different universes are different, and creatures born in a certain universe are naturally imprinted with the breath of that universe.Before, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't understand it, but now he has understood it. It's just the imprint of the soul from the inner universe. Everyone has it. It's just that they haven't studied it deeply, so they can't find it at all.

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