Just like the so-called spirits of heaven and earth, they are actually creatures from the outer universe, including the true yang silkworm, including Mia, and Jiang Xiaobai can smell the breath of the outer universe on them.

It's just that Mia's body is still very strong, and the true yang silkworm has been baptized for a long time in this universe, and has been bred and born from generation to generation. It has the breath of the No. [-] universe, but the core source is still the outer universe.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and sucked the piece of meat back, and Taiji Yuanpan gave the answer. This is a Hunyuan beast, extremely powerful, and it is distributed in several universes.

Jiang Xiaobai Jiang Hunyuan Beast put away the meat, but saw that the opening of the space crack began to shrink, and the sense of crisis before disappeared again.

"Mia, brother is leaving and needs to save others." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Mia nodded: "I know, brother Xiaobai, be careful."

After speaking, Mia returned to Xiaohua, ready to continue to sleep.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "Mia, do you want to go home? Go back to your real home, find your fellow clansmen, and live happily with them. You don't have to be alone anymore and taste the The taste of loneliness."

Mia's small eyes sparkled for a moment, but she shook her head helplessly: "No, Mia can't go back."

"But what if I can take you back?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

Mia finally nodded, and said pitifully, "Mia wants to go home."

"Okay, wait for the good news from brother." Jiang Xiaobai said, turned and left.

The real yang silkworm followed quickly and squatted on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder curiously.

The mature true yang silkworm also has its own wisdom. Although its strength is still not very high, that is, its cultivation at the cosmic level, but because it is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, it is extremely sensitive to the sensations of heaven and earth, especially the universe.

"I found that I may have underestimated this place, or even Meteor Star." Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

He flew in the forbidden area at high speed, and kept moving forward, encountering many dangers along the way, but under his tyrannical strength, countless monsters were beheaded to pieces protecting the creatures from the outer universe.

On the other side, the human side once again fell into a bitter battle.

Fighting with them is a group of powerful creatures, like monsters, but in terms of the sacred breath of the body, it is even higher than the descendants of the old Qinglong and other sacred beasts.

Half a day ago, they invaded the territory of these creatures. Both sides had already regarded each other as enemies, and without the slightest word, they just grabbed their weapons and did it.

Feng Ji, Yan Kun and Ming Ye faced off against the masters in the territory, they were all masters of the ninth level of detachment level, and they were full of jealousy towards each other.

"Some time ago, there was a hint that the final battle was coming. I didn't expect it to come so soon." The speaker was a creature with wings on its back. It was very beautiful, just like a legendary angel.

But the strange aura on his body told everyone that these creatures were definitely not human beings.



They both understand each other's purpose, and they are all for the ultimate chance to achieve immortality.And each other is the whetstone for the other to take the last step.

Both sides know that this is fate, and it is also an obstacle on the road to the struggle.If you win, move on, if you lose, you will die here.

Not only this place, but also the descendants of the divine beasts and holy beasts encountered obstacles. After a few simple exchanges between the two sides, it was a fight to the death in vain.

Jiang Xiaobai felt the breath of killing, and blood rained all over the world. Since he bid farewell to Mia, he also encountered several killings.

There is a different kind of atmosphere that catalyzes the general. The more kills, the faster the strength will be promoted. In just five days, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has been raised to the seventh level of detachment.

And the comprehension of Taoist scriptures and Bajiu Xuangong is improving rapidly.

This is the collision of different universes, the sympathy of the flames of civilization, and the more and more words of Taiji Yuanpan, guiding Jiang Xiaobai to keep moving forward.

The real yang silkworm has not come out for a long time, and the front has become a bloody road.Along the way, there are too many monsters and extraterrestrial beings, all rushing towards the most core point.

Outside the forbidden area, the cosmic masters guarding the eighth floor have become more and more ugly these days.

They felt a strong attraction tempting them to go in and go to the forbidden area to feel it.If it wasn't for everyone supporting each other and changing people as soon as they found a problem, many people would have fallen.

Jiang Xiaobai gradually slowed down. Looking at the bones on the road, they were all moving forward. Obviously, these creatures also felt the call of that power.

After running for another three days, Jiang Xiaobai finally came to a mountain of swords.

Looking at the sword mountain, Jiang Xiaobai felt a long sword, which had a strong sword intent, which made him want to make a move.

"Okay, since you attracted me here, let's have a fight." Jiang Xiaobai pulled out the Tai Chi Star Sword.

A stream of light shone, and an old man flew out of the sword mountain, but it was a phantom. The old man was not young, with white hair and a childlike face, but his swordsmanship was extraordinary. Before the sword was drawn, Jiang Xiaobai felt the sword intent in the old man's soul.

"Oh, are you here to compete swords with me?" The old man frowned with disdain, just seeing Jiang Xiaobai's age, he didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

Feeling the strong extra-cosmic atmosphere on the old man, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly, becoming even more curious.

This old man is clearly a projection, that is for him, and when he came in front of the old man, with his current spirit, he felt a trace of his own secrets being simulated into the universe where the old man lived.

It is equivalent to the old man seeing a projection of Jiang Xiaobai.

A voice appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's ears, "Junior Brother, if you want to come to me, you must win these people first. These are the challenges I prepared for you. Sorry, I forgot to tell you, Mia I can feel everything I feel.”

Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, he looked at the old man with his eyes level, and started a sword fight.

Wushi swordsmanship, the novel swordsmanship redeveloped by Taiji Yuanpan based on his strength, is currently only 11% comprehended, and he just took this opportunity to improve his proficiency.

For a quarter of an hour, an hour, an hour, Jiang Xiaobai was completely immersed in the sword fight with the opponent, forgot everything, only had the sword in his eyes, and only the sword in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai finally came to his senses and saw that his comprehension of Wushi swordsmanship had reached 99%.

Jiang Xiaobai is very clear that it will not be perfect, the first 99% can be controlled through diligent practice, but the last 1% needs to be truly controlled.

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