Dominate the world

Chapter 17 Begging For Mercy?Sneak attack!

The middle-aged man has already left everything behind at this moment, and now there is only one word in his heart, escape!

At the same time, he also believed that Jiang Xiaobai would not catch up. After all, the two of them did not have a deep hatred, so there was no need to chase after such a trivial matter.

"Run away?" Jiang Xiaobai showed a surprised expression after seeing the middle-aged man run away.

A so-called killer should be ruthless, decisive, and unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal, but what kind of killer did Jiang Xiaobai see?

The fox pretends to be a tiger, looks at no one, and runs away when he sees the situation is not good?

This completely overturned the image of the killer in Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

However, will Jiang Xiaobai let him succeed in this way of wanting to run away after finishing the matter?

Just kidding, who is Jiang Xiaobai?

The number one ruthless person in Lei Ze III!

How can I make him run away after pretending to be forceful?

So just when that person was about to run away, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly rushed out and chased him.

For this reason, Jiang Xiaobai's speed has been raised to the extreme, and he rushed out like a sharp arrow, and soon caught up with the middle-aged man.

"How could it be so fast?" The middle-aged man was taken aback when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

He has already increased his speed to the fastest, but Jiang Xiaobai behind him is even faster than him.

What kind of monster is this?

Now, the middle-aged man began to regret taking this task.

This guy is not a high school student, he is simply a beast.


After Jiang Xiaobai caught up, he punched the middle-aged man in the back for no reason.

The middle-aged man who was fleeing staggered and fell to the ground, and the ground erupted with dust.

After knocking down the middle-aged man, Jiang Xiaobai stopped.

"Aren't you good at running?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the middle-aged man on the ground, "Is this the virtue of your killer?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?" The middle-aged man was about to get up from the ground when he suddenly felt a strong attack, causing him to fall to the ground again.

"You know it in your heart, why bother to ask me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"You dare to kill?" The middle-aged man smiled contemptuously, "You still dare to say murder? Not to mention the consequences of killing me, how dare you..."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest, his pupils dilated instantly, and fell down unwillingly.

He didn't expect until his death that Jiang Xiaobai would actually kill him.

"I have never killed anyone before." Jiang Xiaobai pulled the dagger out of the opponent, wiped the blood on the dagger with the middle-aged man's clothes, and said lightly, "But there is a first time for everything! But what makes me feel uncomfortable is that this is the first time I have given you this kind of spineless killer."

If the middle-aged man was still alive, he might be pissed to death by Jiang Xiaobai's words.

After Jiang Xiaobai wiped the dagger clean, he searched the middle-aged man again, only to find a few bank cards and the like, which immediately made him feel dizzy.

Just having these bank cards is useless, and without knowing the password, there is no way to withdraw money.

"You killer, do you only value money?" Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, "No wonder you're so weak, what's the use of money if you can't spend it?"

"Forget it, your dagger is better than mine, just use it!"

After searching everything, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't find anything good, so he finally gave up, turned around and walked back.

He has not forgotten that there is still a killer staying there?

After Jiang Xiaobai came back, he found that there was an extra person next to the killer——Zhang Hao?

Zhang Hao, who was talking to the middle-aged killer, found Jiang Xiaobai and looked at him strangely.

"Why are you back?" the middle-aged man asked vigilantly.

I saw Jiang Xiaobai chasing after his companion just now, but he came back after only a few minutes?

Could it be that the companion encountered an accident?

No, not possible!

The middle-aged man would never believe that his companion was killed by Jiang Xiaobai, who was only a high school student, how could he do it.

However, they all ignored Jiang Xiaobai's character.

Vengeance must be revenged, this is Jiang Xiaobai's true character, not just an ordinary high school student.

No matter in the previous life or in the present, Jiang Xiaobai's family background was average, or even inferior, which also formed his unique character.

In his previous life, he lived in the countryside, where there were troublesome people. When he was a child, Jiang Xiaobai was often bullied. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't resisted and been more ruthless, Jiang Xiaobai would have been tortured to the point where he would have been tortured for a long time.

Now he is born in a troubled world, if he is obedient, how can he survive in this troubled world.

"I'll come back to see you." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao felt numb when Jiang Xiaobai stared at him like that.

He didn't want to come over at first, but when he got the news of the two killers, he wanted to see Jiang Xiaobai kneeling and begging for mercy with his own eyes.

But when he came here, he didn't find Jiang Xiaobai, but a killer lying on the ground, and not long after, he saw Jiang Xiaobai come back.

"Where's my companion?" The middle-aged man continued to ask.

"He's already waiting for you, let's see when you plan to accompany him?" Jiang Xiaobaiyun responded calmly.

"You, what did you say?" The middle-aged man still hadn't recovered, "Where is he?"

"He's down here!" Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, can such a stupid person really be a killer?

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai walked forward slowly, and when he came to the middle-aged man, he suddenly shot.

The cold light flickered, and the sharp dagger cut the middle-aged man's throat.

The bright red blood splattered and splashed onto Zhang Hao's face.

"Ah..." Zhang Hao trembled all over and couldn't help howling.

He is just a rich second generation. He has never killed a chicken since he was a child. Now that he was splashed with hot blood on his face, he was shocked.

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being astonished when he saw Zhang Hao's appearance.

This, this guy...

Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect Zhang Hao to be an idiot?

I thought that since the other party dared to hire a killer to deal with him, he must be a ruthless person, and he just killed someone, so this guy was scared out of his wits.

"Zhang Hao, why do you insist on making things difficult for me?" Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "Isn't it good to honestly admit that you have failed?"

If Zhang Hao was tougher, Jiang Xiaobai would still be interested in him, who would have thought that this guy...

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't kill me!" Zhang Hao suddenly knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

"Begging for mercy?" Jiang Xiaobai showed a dismissive smile on his face, "If I knew today, why bother?"

"This was a dispute between classmates, but you actually hired a killer to deal with me. If I hadn't broken through in advance, I would be the one lying on the ground now!"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Zhang Hao's pale face became more intense.

"Jiang Xiaobai, we are still classmates, right!" Zhang Hao begged, "As long as you don't kill me, I will give you whatever you need, as long as I can do it."

"Jiang Xiaobai, as long as you let me go, my Zhang family will be your ally in the future, and I will definitely help you break through to the realm of warriors."


Jiang Xiaobai sneered, if it was before, warriors would indeed be a dream state for him.

Now, he has a Tai Chi disk, and the realm of a warrior is not unattainable.

"Do you really want to live?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"I want to live." Zhang Hao nodded vigorously.

"In that case, let me see your sincerity." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

"I have the family's best weapons here, and I can contribute them to you!" Zhang Hao said hastily.

"Extreme weapon?" Jiang Xiaobai became interested when he heard it.

Although strength is important in this world, it is also necessary to have a handy weapon and powerful skills.

However, in reality, weapons are ridiculously expensive. Even if a warrior wants to obtain a powerful weapon, he needs to pay a huge price.

Didn't expect Zhang Hao to be willing to send weapons at this moment?

This is really a timely help.

Although the daggers of the two killers in front of them were sharp, they still couldn't be called top-quality weapons, at best they were considered to be of a better category.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it for you right now!" Zhang Hao showed joy after hearing this, and then stretched his right hand into his arms, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes.

"Jiang Xiaobai, go to hell!"

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