Dominate the world

Chapter 18 I Killed You Too Early

Zhang Hao jumped up, pointing the short blade at Jiang Xiaobai.

Sneak attack, this is a method that Zhang Hao has thought about a long time ago, and he thinks this method is extremely feasible.

It is not an expedient measure to bow your head and admit your mistake. The real intention is to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

How could Jiang Xiaobai's such a strong performance not make Zhang Hao afraid?

Neither of the two killers is Jiang Xiaobai's opponent. If they don't kill them now, there will definitely be no better chances in the future.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Hao made up his mind to kill Jiang Xiaobai no matter what the price was.

The short blade made a sound of piercing through the air, like a flash of silver light, and stabbed at Jiang Xiaobai's chest.

If Jiang Xiaobai was stabbed, he would be pierced directly through the heart.

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you think I will bow my head so easily? A pariah is always a pariah!" Zhang Hao's eyes showed a look of complacency.

The humiliation just now was all for this sneak attack.

The short blade soon came to Jiang Xiaobai's chest, and it would pierce into his chest by a hair's breadth.

When Zhang Hao stabbed hard, he found that Jiang Xiaobai had disappeared from his eyes.

"Why did this happen?" Zhang Hao panicked suddenly, and his body flew into space, because the inertia was too great, causing his whole body to fall to the ground.


Just when Zhang Hao fell, a strong force struck from behind him and hit his back heavily.

"Want to sneak attack me?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile on his face, "I wonder when you became so cowardly."

"Master Zhang, your turning point is too blunt! It's not round and smooth enough."

"You... have already discovered it?" Zhang Hao never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would find out, obviously he had already disguised himself very well.

"Zhang Hao, don't insult my IQ." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly, "I think you should go to a drama school in your next life."

next life?

After Zhang Hao heard it, a fright flashed in his eyes.

"You, you want to kill me?" Zhang Hao asked in a panic.

This time, he really panicked, and Jiang Xiaobai saw through his last hole card, and now he has no chance of turning the tables.

"What do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"I'm from the Zhang family, do you know the status of the Zhang family in Lei Ze City?" Zhang Hao was betting that Jiang Xiaobai was afraid of the power of the Zhang family and would not dare to make a move.

When he saw that Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, he thought that the other party was hesitating, so he continued: "My Zhang family has several warriors, and there are even third-rank warriors in charge. As long as you are not a fool, I believe you will know the consequences of doing so."

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

"Of course, if you let me go, I can forget about everything that happened today." Zhang Hao said proudly.

"Don't blame the past?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the dagger in his hand stabbed out instantly.

"You...why!" Zhang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted hysterically with all his strength.

"Why?" Jiang Xiaobai pulled out the dagger and stabbed in again. "Because you're so stupid."

"Showing your family's hole cards is to scare me! It seems that you still don't understand me, Jiang Xiaobai. But I know you very well. If I let you go today, you will let me Anwen? If you, Zhang Hao, were so magnanimous, you wouldn't have sent two killers to deal with me today."

Zhang Hao's character was clearly understood by Jiang Xiaobai. The other party was not a good stubble at all, but a person who must take revenge.

If Zhang Hao is let go today, then waiting for Jiang Xiaobai will be an endless assassination!

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai chose to kill Zhang Hao without hesitation.

Although this offended the Zhang family, but for Jiang Xiaobai, it was a breath of relief.

After killing Zhang Hao, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dispose of the body, but just picked up the short blade in his hand.

"It's a pity to use such a sharp weapon on you." Jiang Xiaobai held the short blade in his hand, which was icy cold, and there was a faint light flowing in it.

I have to say that this is the most exquisite weapon Jiang Xiaobai has ever seen, and Zhang Hao is indeed a big dog.

"Since the Tai Chi disc can absorb the body quenching liquid, don't you know about this short blade?" Jiang Xiaobai muttered to himself after playing with the short blade.

When Jiang Xiaobai just thought of this, the short blade disappeared from his hand immediately.

Afterwards, the shadow of the short blade appeared on the Tai Chi disc, but it was more illusory than before.

Jiang Xiaobai tried to remove the short blade on the Tai Chi disc, but failed after several attempts.

"Could it be that we can't take it out now?" Soon, Jiang Xiaobai thought that it took six bottles of the Body Tempering Liquid to produce a breath.

It is speculated that a short blade is not enough to make the Tai Chi Disc produce something good.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Hao regretfully.

"I knew I wouldn't kill you so soon!"

Zhang Hao under Nine Springs: "???"

After resting for a while, Jiang Xiaobai left the place.

After killing three people, Jiang Xiaobai's demeanor changed slowly, and there was a hint of murderous aura invisibly.

To his chagrin, after walking for more than ten minutes, he didn't even find a single black gold iron mouse.

"Are these mice scared?" Jiang Xiaobai guessed.

Heijintiemouse is extremely vigilant, especially for the prediction of danger, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If ordinary students are found, according to the low IQ of Heijintiemouse, they will naturally attack. Now Jiang Xiaobai has killed several The black gold iron mouse was naturally contaminated with the breath of its blood, causing the other black gold iron mice to flee.

"There really isn't one!" Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai looked around helplessly.

If the Black Gold Iron Rat wanted to hide, it would be difficult for even warriors to find their hiding place.

While Jiang Xiaobai was struggling, he suddenly noticed a black shadow appearing in front of him.

"Is this the legendary "waiting for a rabbit?" Jiang Xiaobai immediately flew towards the shadow.

Soon, he caught up with the black shadow, and shot out the dagger in his hand.


The Heijintieshu, who was fleeing, suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai's blow worked, and he chased after him.

Boom boom boom!

Huge fists fell on the Heijin Iron Mouse one after another, killing the already injured Heijin Iron Mouse directly.

At this time, a few panting students came running from a distance, and they were stunned when they saw everything in front of them.

They chased this black golden iron mouse for more than ten minutes, and they were about to catch up with it, but they found that someone had snatched it first.

The few of them were about to go forward to argue, but when they saw the man's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but stop.

Jiang Xiaobai?

How could it be him?

Everyone stared dumbfounded at everything in front of them, and seeing Jiang Xiaobai killing the Black Gold Iron Mouse neatly, everyone was in a cold sweat.

This guy is so cruel?

"What? Is this black gold iron mouse yours?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile after he found a few people around him after dealing with the black gold iron mouse.

"It's us……"

One of the students was about to speak, but was slapped by the person next to him.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The student smiled suddenly, "Student Jiang was joking, how could this black gold iron mouse belong to us, it belongs to you!"

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai put the black gold iron mouse's fangs in his bag, "I thought it was yours?"

"How is it possible! Impossible!" Several students also reacted and waved their hands.

Wouldn't it be mentally handicapped to snatch prey with Jiang Xiaobai?

They are all students in the martial arts class of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, but they did not enter the genius class because of their relatively low strength. They can only practice in the ordinary class. But they have heard about Jiang Xiaobai, especially after defeating Zhang Hao After that, Jiang Xiaobai's reputation reached a peak.

No one expected to meet them here.

"How many black gold iron mice have you killed?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"Us?" Several people hugged their backpacks subconsciously, "Student Jiang, this is inappropriate!"

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Xiaobai laughed angrily.

What kind of brain circuit are these people?

Could it be that he thought he wanted to snatch their spoils?

Although such things often happen during field trials, Jiang Xiaobai is definitely not that kind of person.

"Five..." Several people whispered.

There are a total of five people in the group in front of them, and each person can only be assigned one.

This is too miserable!

Jiang Xiaobaibao looked over with sympathetic eyes.

"Student Jiang, is there anything else?" One of the girls almost cried when she saw Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, "We won't bother you if there's nothing else."

"I'm fine. If you say that, I'm really fine."

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